The City of Holyoke has adopted MA DEP’s snow handling policy document as the operating policy for managing and disposing of snow within the City. You can access that policy here to develop a plan for managing snow on your property: Snow Policy for Holyoke
2010-2015 Army Corps of Engineers Massachusetts Programmatic General Permit
The U.S Army Corps of Engineers authorizes state and local governments to issue permits for work within the waters of the United States in lieu direct Corp’s issuance of a permit, provided the terms of the PGP are met. Permits are valid for five years.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service- Silvio O. Conte National Wildlife Refuge
The Conte Refuge works to conserve the biodiversity of the CT River watershed. USF&W is a project partner with the City of Holyoke on the protection of Mt. Tom and the Log Pond Cove water chestnut removal project.
Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC)
MACC offers training and materials for Commissions and the general public.
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
MA DEP is the environmental agency for the Commonwealth of MA.
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England
IPANE provides a search-able database of invasive species in New England and quality links to invasive species topics.
United States Environmental Protection Agency- American Heritage River Program For additional information on the status of the Connecticut River as an American Heritage River.
A link to the oldest land conservation organization in Massachusetts
View The Trustees of Reservations property locations including Little Mt. Tom and Dinosaur Tracks Park in Holyoke.
A link to the City’s Stormwater Regulations
A Review Holyoke’s Stormwater Regulations and their relationship with the City’s Ordinance.
River and Stream Continuity Project
Information from the UMass Extension Service about the ecology of stream fragmentation.