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Hello residents of Holyoke.
The Department of Public Works is pleased to inform you that the parking ban will be lifted Monday February 10, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. You will be free to park on the streets without any restrictions by then.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hola residentes de Holyoke.
El Departamento de Obras Publicas se complace en informarles que la prohibición de estacionamiento sera levantada hoy Lunes 10 de Febrero del 2025 a las 7:00 p.m. Desde esa hora en adelante pueden estacionarse en las calles sin restricciones.
Gracias por su cooperación.

City Council Orders June 1, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
4. Executive order of Mayor Terence Murphy rescinding the Executive order of June 17, 2021: Declaring Racism and Police Violence as matters of Public Health that Constitute a Public Health Emergency Received Received 6-1-21
5. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter reappointing Israel Rivera to serve as a Commissioner of the Parks & Recreation Confirmed Confirmed 6-1-21
6. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter reappointing Mr. Marco Crescentini, to the Local Historic District Commission (Fairfield Avenue) Confirmed Confirmed 6-1-21
7. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter reappointing Mr. Mark P. Cutting to serve as a member of the Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (HEDIC) Confirmed Confirmed 6-1-21
8. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter reappointing Ms. Rosa Pantoja to serve as a member of the Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (HEDIC) Confirmed Confirmed 6-1-21
9. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter reappointing Kate Kruckemeyer, Elbert Bowler, Nelson Lopez, Nancy J.E. Gentile, and appointing Patrick B. Beaudry to the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Office of Community Development Confirmed Confirmed 6-1-21
10. Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC - communication regarding process to allow citizens to petition for the recall of elected officials who hold a four-year term Received Received 6-1-21
11. Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC and Jeffery Anderson-Burgos - 5-18-21 City Council meeting minutes Adopted Adopted 6-1-21
12. Parks & Recreation Commission - 4-1-21 meeting minutes Received Received 6-1-21
13. Holyoke Board of Health - 2-1-21 meeting minutes Received Received 6-1-21
14. Green Highland LLC, 26 Hadley Mills Rd. response to Engineering Comments Referred Ordinance
15. Green Highland LLC, 26 Hadley Mills Rd. response to Planning Comments Referred Ordinance
16. Kirstin Beatty - letter regarding State Pesticide Spraying Issue and Resolution. Referred Public Safety
17. Emma Kerr - letter of support to the petition of the Holyoke Gas & Electric and Verizon to relocate the poles for Valley Heights. Referred DGR 6-14-21 Complied with Received 6-15-21
18. Petition of Diego Munoz Torres for a renewal of a second hand license for 241 Main St Adopted Adopted 6-1-21
19. Petition for a new special permit for ACMJ., Inc. for a Marijuana Cultivation and Processing Establishment at 532 Main St Referred Ordinance a. 9-28-21
b. 10-26-21
a. Public Hearing continued to 10-26-21
Public Hearing closed, tabled pending ordinance change
a. 12-14-21
b. 1-12-22
a. Approved with conditions
b. Approved with conditions
Adopted with conditions 1-18-22 Referred from City Council back to Ordinance 12-21-21
20. Petition for a new special permit for First City Provision Inc. for a Recreational Marijuana Retail Establishment at 89 South St Referred Ordinance 9-28-21 Approved with conditions Approved with conditions 10-5-21
Late File A. Mass Cannabis - Responses to Planning Department Referred Ordinance
Late File C. Law Department - Legal draft creating stabilization fund for marijuana impact fees Referred Ordinance 6-8-21 Approved Approved 6-15-21
Late File D. Atty's Lisa Ball and Jenna Wellhoff - Legal opinion clarifying City Council Rule 66 Referred Charter & Rules 9-30-21 Received
Late File E. Atty Lisa Ball - Legal opinion regarding City Solicitor differential pay Referred Charter & Rules
Late File J. Acting Mayor Terry Murphy - Appointment letter of Sheila Biermann to serve as Personnel Director Referred Public Service 6-9-21 Approved Appointment confirmed 6-15-21

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

21A. Petition of Green Valley Analytics LLC for a Marijuana Testing Facility at 306 Race St 21B. An order for a handicap sign in front of 63 Taylor St  21C. An order to consider raising the max amount of reserve police officers from 24 to 35
22A. CPA FY20 Project Recommendation for Jackson Street First Time Homebuyer Affordable Housing Project 22B. An order to appropriate $7,471,654 for school roof replacements 22C. An order to consider proposal for Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid
22D. An order to discuss budget for sidewalks, trees, and equipment 22E. An order to transfer $50,000 from Library accounts to police, fire, and workers comp 22F. An order for auditor to discuss & update on rules associated with the ARP Act
24A. Acting Mayor McGee - Appointment of Ray Drewnowski to serve as Democratic member of Boar of Registrar of Voters 24B. Acting Mayor McGee - Appointment of Dorothea MacNeil to serve as Republican member of Boar of Registrar of Voters 24C. Acting Mayor Todd McGee - letter reappointing Ms. Frances Welson to serve as a member of the Historical Commission
24D. Acting Mayor Todd McGee - letter reappointing Lori Belanger to serve as the Chief Procurement Officer 24E. An order for a review of park space at Jones Point 24F. An order for Personnel to post Treasurer position and Public Service to interview candidates
25A. Public Notice Community Development Block Grant COVID-19 25B. An order to enact a process for recall of elected officials 25C. An order that law dept send demand letters to insurance company

New Orders


Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
28. MCGEE -- An order to interview translation services for City Council meetings Referred Public Service 6-9-21 Complied with Complied with 6-15-21
29. MCGEE, LEAHY -- An order to adopt ordinance regarding recreational and off highway vehicles Referred Ordinance a. 11-9-21
b. 11-23-21
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 12-14-21
b. 1-25-22
a. Tabled
b. Complied with
Complied with 2-1-22
30. MCGEE -- An order to consider using ARPA funds toward Holyoke Rows proposal Referred Finance 6-7-21 Complied with Complied with 6-15-21
31. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $50,000 from POWER SHOVEL OPERATOR to CLAIMS & DAMAGES Referred Finance 6-7-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
32. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,196 from SPECIAL COUNSEL to CITY SOLICITOR Tabled Adopted 6-15-21
33. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,957 from SPECIAL COUNSEL to CITY SOLICITOR Tabled Adopted 6-15-21
34. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $24,716.26 from LIEUTENANT, PATROLMEN, and SERGEANT  to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 6-1-21
35. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of DEP CT RIVER CSO CLEANUP PROGRAM, INCREASE $62,500, NO MATCH grant Adopted Adopted 6-1-21
36. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of FY2020 COMMONWEALTH SECURITY TRUST FUND GRANT, $20,000, NO MATCH grant Referred Finance 6-7-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
37. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of CORONAVIRUS LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUNDS grant Referred Finance 6-7-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
38. MURPHY -- An order to update ordinances to reflect June 19th holiday. Referred Ordinance 6-8-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
39. SULLIVAN, MCGEE -- An order to explore moving utilities underground for Valley Heights area Referred DGR 6-14-21
40. VACON -- An order to replace "no parking" signs on Homestead Ave near McMahon School Adopted Copied to DPW
41. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to address speeding on Beech between Portland and Linden Referred Public Safety 5-22-23 Complied with Complied with 6-6-23 Copied to Engineer, HPD
42. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to replace sidewalk between 16 and 48 Norwood Terrace Adopted Coped to DPW, Public Safety
43. BARTLEY, GREANEY, JR, MURPHY, SULLIVAN, TALLMAN, VACON -- An order to invite Jordan Hart of Chamber of Commerce to DGR Committee Referred DGR 7-20-22 Complied with Complied with 8-2-22
44. BARTLEY -- An order to declare 303 Elm as surplus property Referred DGR 6-14-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
45. HERNANDEZ -- An order for a traffic study at the corner of Pine and Appleton Referred Public Safety 5-22-23 Approved second stop sign Adopted 6-6-23 Copied to DPW, HPD
46. HERNANDEZ -- An order to pursue speed humps on Linden between Hampshire and Sargeant Adopted Adopted 6-1-21
Late File B. MURPHY -- An order for Auditor and Planning to discuss host community agreements Referred Finance 6-7-21 Complied with Complied with 6-15-21
Late File F. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of DCR URBAN FORESTRY CHALLENGE GRANT Referred Finance 6-7-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
Late File G. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $150 from CONSERVATION RESTRICTION COSTS to DCR URBAN FORESTRY CHALLENGE Referred Finance 6-7-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
Late File H. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $3,843 from PAY-MAYOR'S AIDE to PAY-PERSONNEL ADMIN Referred Finance 6-7-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
Late File I. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $250,000 from PUBLIC SCHOOLS - OTHER EXPENSES to HEALTH INSURANCE Referred Finance 6-7-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21


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