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City Council Orders March 16, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
5. Mayor Alex Morse - Intention to resign from Position of Mayor effective March 26, 2021 Received Received 3-16-21
6. Mayor Alex Morse - letter re-appointing Ms. Elizabeth A. Larivee to serve as a member of the Commission on Disabilities Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 3-16-21 Copied to Public Service Committee
7. Mayor Alex Morse - letter reappointing Paula Ferrario to serve as a member of the Historical Commission Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 3-16-21 Copied to Public Service Committee
8. Mayor Alex Morse - letter reappointing Mary Moriarty to serve as a member of the Conservation Commission Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 3-16-21 Copied to Public Service Committee
9. Boston Bud - City of Holyoke Special Permit Annual Report. Referred Ordinance
10. Mayor William C. Reichelt from West Springfield - letter Town of West Springfield Conservation Restriction. Referred DGR 3-29-21 Received
11. City of Holyoke Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to request Release of Funds. Referred DGR 3-29-21 Received
12. Flyer for Holyoke Healthy Homes Program. Received Received 3-16-21
13. Petition of Brian Vail, North Country Production LLC for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 12 Crescent St. Referred Ordinance 5-11-21 Approved, with standard conditions Adopted 5-18-21
14. Petition for pole and wire locations: G & E request for 1 45' Class II pole on Lincoln St. Holyoke, MA near 41 Taylor St. Tabled Adopted 4-6-21 Public Hearing set for 4-6-21
Late File C. Mayor Alex Morse - letter re-appointing Mr. Bellamy Schmidt to serve as a member of the Retirement Board Referred Public Service 2-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 2-15-22
Late File E. VHB - Letter requesting correction of traffic study info for 26 Hadley Mills Rd Application Referred Ordinance a. 4-13-21
b. 5-11-21
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 5-25-21
b. 6-8-21
a. Tabled

New Orders


Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
22. BARTLEY -- An order for DPW install a stop sign at the end of Ridgeway St. at Lorraine St. Referred Ordinance 6-22-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21 Copied to DPW, City Engineer
23. HERNANDEZ -- An order to remove a handicap sign at 50 Walnut St Referred Ordinance 4-13-21 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 4-20-21
24. HERNANDEZ -- An order to propose replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day. Referred Public Service 6-9-21 Approved Complied with 6-15-21
25. LISI -- An order to develop a public process to recommend use of COVID stimulus funding Referred Public Service 4-28-21 Tabled 2-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 2-15-22
26. LISI, ANDERSON-BURGOS, HERNANDEZ -- An order to obtain neutral, fact-based data and statistics through an independent assessment of HPD Referred Public Safety a. 4-21-21
b. 8-25-21
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
2-16-22 Complied with Adopted, referred to the Mayor 3-1-22
27. MCGEE -- An order for a review of park space at Joints Jones Point Referred Public Service 5-26-21 Complied with Complied with 6-1-21 Copied to DPW, Parks & Rec
28. MCGIVERIN -- An order to consider raising the max amount of reserve police officers from 24 to 35 Referred Ordinance 5-25-21 Approved Adopted 6-1-21
29. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $2,163.96 from FIREFIGHTER to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 3-16-21
30. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $11,880.40 from LIEUTENANT and PATROLMEN to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 3-16-21
31. MCGIVERIN -- An order accept provisions of "FY2021 DISTRICT LOCAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (DLTA), $22,500 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ONLY, 5% IN KIND MATCH" grant Referred Finance 3-31-21 Tabled 4-15-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21
32. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of "LOCAL RAPID RECOVERY PLANNING, $90,000 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ONLY, NO MATCH" grant Referred Finance 3-31-21 Tabled 4-15-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21
33. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of "FY2021 STUDENT & SENIOR AWARENESS OF FIRE EDUCATION (S.A.F.E.), $9,260, NO MATCH" grant Referred Finance 3-31-21 Approved Adopted 4-6-21
34. MCGIVERIN -- an order to transfer $2,163.96 from FIREFIGHTER to INJURED ON DUTY Returned to Auditor Returned to Auditor 3-16-21 Order appeared to be duplicate of item 29
35. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of "CULTURAL FACILITIES FUND CAPITAL GRANT, $110,000 WITH $110,000 CERTIFIED MATCHING FUNDS, COMPLETION DATE 3/1/2022" grant Referred Finance 3-31-21 Approved Adopted 4-6-21
36. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $37.750 from FORESTRY SERVICES and WASTE RECYCLE COORDINATOR to SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES Adopted Adopted 3-16-21
Late File A. BARTLEY -- An order to bar large vehicles from specific public ways (listed in the order) Referred Ordinance 6-22-21 Tabled 2-22-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 3-1-22 Copied to DPW, City Engineer
Late File B. BARTLEY --  An order to install a street sign at Fairview St Referred Ordinance Copied to DPW, City Engineer
Late File D. MCGEE --  A resolution filed on behalf of the League of Women Voters in opposition to Palmer Biomass Power Plant

(Text of the resolution)

Referred Public Safety 3-30-21 Complied with Adopted 4-6-21
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