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Hello residents of Holyoke.
The Department of Public Works is pleased to inform you that the parking ban will be lifted Monday February 10, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. You will be free to park on the streets without any restrictions by then.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hola residentes de Holyoke.
El Departamento de Obras Publicas se complace en informarles que la prohibición de estacionamiento sera levantada hoy Lunes 10 de Febrero del 2025 a las 7:00 p.m. Desde esa hora en adelante pueden estacionarse en las calles sin restricciones.
Gracias por su cooperación.

City Council Orders May 18, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
6. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter reappointing Mary Louise Monahan to serve as a member of the Board of Appeals Adopted Adopted 5-18-21
7. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter reappointing Christopher H. Gauthier to serve as a member of the Local Historical Commission Adopted Adopted 5-18-21
8. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter reappointing Mr. Jeffrey A. Trask to serve as the Emergency Management Director Adopted Adopted 5-18-21
9. Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC and Jeffery Anderson-Burgos, Admin. Ass't - 5-4-21 City Council Meeting Minutes Received Received 5-18-21
10. Councilor Libby Hernandez - letter regarding decision to not run for reelection Received Received 5-18-21
11. Linda Vacon - letter regarding objections to manipulations and violations of our rules relative to transfers Tabled Referred to the Law Department
12. FFY2021 Spreadsheet, Community Development Block Grant. Referred DGR 5-24-21 Received
13. Public Notice Community Development Block Grant COVID-19. Referred DGR 5-24-21 Approved Adopted 6-1-21
14. Notice of Community Outreach Meeting for Pleasantrees, Inc., Wednesday May 26, 2021 Received Received 5-18-21
15. Petition of Kim Silva, ( Holyoke Turnverein) for a renewal of 1 pool table and 6 bowling alleys at 624 So. Bridge St. Adopted Adopted 5-18-21
16. Petition of FYE #725 for a renewal of a second hand license at 50 Holyoke St Adopted Adopted 5-18-21
17. Petition of Pleasantrees, Inc. f/k/a Herbology Group for a new special permit for a Marijuana Growth Facility at 111 Mosher St Referred Ordinance 7-28-21 Approved, with conditions Adopted with conditions 8-3-21
Late File D. Holyoke Media - Letter regarding liability concerns for contracting interpreters Received Received 5-18-21 Copied to the Admin Asst
Late File E. Special Permit Application for Anthony Boulais at 914 Main Street for a Commercial Animal Establishment Referred DGR 5-14-21 Approved, with conditions Adopted, with conditions 6-15-21
Late File F. Zone Change Application from RO to DR for Gordon Alexander at 472, 474, and 476 Appleton Street Referred Ordinance 7-27-21 Public Hearing Closed, pending Planning Board recommendation 8-31-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
Late File H.CPA FY20 Project Recommendation for Jackson Street First Time Homebuyer Affordable Housing Project Referred Finance 5-27-21 Approved Adopted 6-1-21

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

18A. Petition of Brian Vail, North Country Production LLC for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 12 Crescent St 18B. An order for a No Left Turn sign into the former K-Mart Plaza from Whiting Farms Rd  19A. Mackenzie Stadium Lease Agreement
19B. Petition for a new Junk Dealer's License for Luis Nieves at 2 Harrison Ave 19C. Petition of ECOATM, LLC - new second hand license at 2261 Northampton St 19D. Petition of ECOATM, LLC - new second hand license at 250 Westfield Rd
19E. An order to amend loan of $1,216,500 adopted on March 2nd to also permit the expenditure of excess funds to purchase a front end loader 19F. An order to transfer $1,403.00 from SENIOR PLANNER to CT RIVER CHANNEL MARKER 19G. An order to transfer $689.00 from AIDE TO MAYOR to CITY SOLICITOR
19H. An order to transfer $21,569.00 from COURT to FY19 SUSTAINED TRAFFIC ENF, FY19 PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLIST SAFE, MEMA HOMELAND SECURITY, EMD & TRNG, FY20 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT, DIVERTING JUVENILES, TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT & EQUIP, 2018 TRAFFIC, and SUS TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT 19I. An order for DPW Superintendent to provide an inventory list of all DPW vehicles 19J. An order to meet with DPW Superintendent to discuss bonding for replacement of vehicles
19K. An order that Water Dept and Environmental Police submit report about fines for dogs 19L. An order that encourage appropriation of percentage of Stabilization interest to pay for needed projects around the city 20A. A resolution in opposition to state incentives for biomass plants and to construction of biomass plant in East Springfield
20B. An order for city solicitor, police chief, and state delegation to discuss penalties for bikers creating a danger for the public 20C. An order for Jim Lavelle and/or a representative of the HG&E to discuss Valley Heights Street area 20D. An order for disabilities commission to create signage that is age-appropriate for residents who require it
GAS AND ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT request for one pole on Valley Heights near 36 & 39 Valley Heights
Verizon New England, Inc. and Holyoke Gas & Electric Department request for five jointly owned poles on Valley Heights street at various points
20G. An order to invite conservation, state officials, and other parties to discuss Appalachian trail signs and hiker parking issues on Route 202

New Orders


Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
25. BARTLEY -- An order to declare 12 Main as surplus property Referred DGR 6-14-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
26. BARTLEY -- An order to declare 22 Main as surplus property Referred DGR 6-14-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
27. BARTLEY -- An order to declare parcel 012-01-009 as surplus property Referred DGR 6-14-21 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 6-15-21
28. BARTLEY -- An order to declare parcel 012-01-010 as surplus property Referred DGR 6-14-21 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 6-15-21
29. BARTLEY -- An order to declare 394 High as surplus property Referred DGR 6-14-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
30. BARTLEY -- An order to declare 400 High as surplus property Referred DGR 6-14-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
31. BARTLEY -- An order to declare 588 High as surplus property Referred DGR 6-14-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
32. BARTLEY -- An order to declare 297 Elm as surplus property Referred DGR 6-14-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
33. BARTLEY -- An order to declare 301 Elm as surplus property Referred DGR 6-14-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
34. BARTLEY -- An order to declare 297 Elm as surplus property Referred DGR 6-14-21 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 6-15-21 Order was found to refer to 303 Elm
35. BARTLEY --An order for the law department to clarify City Council Rule 66 on majorities and super-majorities Received Referred to the Law Department
36. LISI -- An order for HG&E to update on impact of gas moratorium Referred DGR 7-26-21 Complied with Complied with 8-3-21
37. LISI -- An order to review Fire Dept plan review fee for monitored fire alarm systems Referred Ordinance 10-26-21 Complied with Complied with 11-16-21
38. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate $7,471,654 for school roof replacements Referred Finance 5-27-21 Approved Adopted 6-1-21
39. MCGIVERIN -- An order to bond $1,351,250 for demolition of City properties Received Returned to the Auditor to modify building list
40. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $14,269.07 from LIEUTENANT, PATROLMEN, and SERGEANT to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 5-18-21
41. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $50,000 from Library accounts to police, fire, and workers comp Referred Finance 5-27-21 Approved Adopted 6-1-21
42. MURPHY -- An order to transfer portion of property on Dean campus to city for construction of homes Referred Joint Committee of CC and SC 11-30-21 Complied with Complied with 12-7-21
43. MURPHY -- An order to consider proposal for Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid Referred Finance 5-27-21 Approved Adopted 6-1-21
44. SULLIVAN -- An order to enact a process for recall of elected officials Referred DGR 5-24-21 Approved Adopted 6-1-21
45. VACON -- An order to install a street sign for Holy Family Road Adopted Adopted 5-18-21 Copied to DPW, Mayor
46. VACON -- An order that the sewer rate setting be returned to the DPW Commission Referred Ordinance 6-29-21 Tabled a. 1-25-22 a. Tabled
47. HERNANDEZ --An order that a handicap sign be removed from the front of 143 Oak St Referred Ordinance 6-22-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
Late File A. MCGEE -- An order to approve Conflict of interest exemption for Patricia Devine Adopted Adopted 5-18-21
Late File B. BARTLEY -- An order to remove handicap sign in front of 7 Russell Terrace Referred Ordinance 6-22-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
Late File C. MURPHY -- An order to work with Water officials to amend ordinance restricting fishing and dog walking Referred Ordinance 1-25-22 Tabled for legal form 2-22-22 Approved Adopted 3-15-22
Late File G. LEBRON-MARTINEZ -- An order consider drop & pick up parking spots at 200-210 High for Vcare Adult program Referred Ordinance a. 6-22-21
b. 6-29-21
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
8-31-21 Approved Adopted 11-16-21
Late File I. MURPHY,  BARTLEY,  GREANEY, JR,  LEAHY,  MCGEE,  VACON -- An order to address illegal drag racing Referred Public Safety


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