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City Council Orders October 5, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
1. HG&E Petition for Class 2 pole on Corner of Parker St. & Dwight St Adopted Adopted 10-5-21
4. Terence Murphy, Acting Mayor - letter appointing Cheryl Figueroa to serve as a Board Member for the Valley Opportunity Council Referred Public Service 2-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 2-15-22
5. Terence Murphy, Acting Mayor - letter appointing Jacqueline Watson to serve as a Board Member for the Valley Opportunity Council Referred Public Service 2-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 2-15-22
6. Terence Murphy, Acting Mayor - letter reappointing Al Lehmann to serve as a member of the Commission on Disabilities for the City Confirmed Confirmed 10-5-21
7. Terence Murphy, Acting Mayor - letter reappointing Liana Pasialis to serve as a member of the Commission on Disabilities Confirmed Confirmed 10-5-21
8. Terence Murphy, Acting Mayor - letter reappointing Susan Aiken, Sean Gonsalves, Julita Rojas, Kyong Cruz, Nicole Perrier, Priscilla Garcia, Dian McCollum, Cappie Glica, Barbara J. Grady, Len Brouillette, Margaret Lemire, Wayne Klinge to serve as Commissioners of the Council on Aging Confirmed Confirmed 10-5-21
9. Terence Murphy, Acting Mayor - letter nominating Russell J. McNiff, Jr. to serve on the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Referred Public Service 2-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 2-15-22
10. Lisa A. Ball, Acting City Solicitor - Opinion on Professional Supervisors Association Collective Bargaining Unit Referred Finance 10-13-21 Complied with Complied with 10-19-21
11. Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC - letter regarding In person Early Voting Adopted Adopted 10-5-21
12. Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC & Jeffery Anderson-Burgos, Admin. Ass't. to City Council - 9-7-21 City Council meeting minutes Received Received 10-5-21
13. Tanya Wdowiak, City Auditor - Budget reports for general fund and sewer fund Referred Finance
14. Planning & Development - letter regarding H & H Realty Holdings, LLC/H & H Cultivation LLC. 40-48 Main St Referred Ordinance Copied to DGR
15. Alicia M. Zoeller, Administrator Office of Community Development - ARPA Funding Recommendations from Citizens Advisory Committee and OCD and FFY2021 Spreadsheet Referred DGR
16. Settlement Agreement by and between the City of Holyoke and Local Union No 1693, International Association of Firefighters AFL-CIO Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
17. Settlement Agreement By and Between the City of Holyoke and NAGE R1-180, Clerical Union Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
18. Councilor Bartley - Quit Claim Deed in regards to Hampden Papers Inc. at 100 Water St Received Received 10-5-21 Copied to DGR
19. Yoni Glogower, Conservation & Sustainability Director - Grant Completion Form "Planning Assistance Grant" Referred DGR
20. Yoni Glogower, Conservation & Sustainability Director - Grant Completion Form, " Greening the Gateway Cities Municipal Assistance Grant" Referred DGR
21. Board of Fire Commission - 8-19-21 meeting minutes Received Received 10-5-21
22. Community outreach meeting for 876 Grow, Inc. at 360 Race St on Monday September 20, 2021 Referred Ordinance
23. Community outreach meeting for Relevant Energy Concepts LLC. at 84 No. Bridge St on September 27, 2021 Referred Ordinance
24. Secure Transportation Inc - Petition for livery license vehicle garaged at 337 High St Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
25. Peter Rosskothen - Petition for a special permit for a non-conforming structure (4.7.3) at 3 Country Club Rd Referred DGR 11-8-21 Approved with conditions Adopted with additional conditions 12-7-21
27. Nick Boccio, Paul R. Gallagher - Petition for a zone change at 1 Maplecrest Circle, from R1 to RM20 Referred Ordinance a. 11-23-21
b. 12-14-21
a. Continued to 12-14-21
b. Continued to 1-25-22
1-25-22 Approved Adopted 2-1-22 Copied to the Planning Board
Late File C. Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC - letter regarding voter turnout in preliminary election Referred DGR

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

3. An order to raise the sewer fee to a minimum of $8.05 per 1000 gallons to avoid deficits and plan for improvements 28A. Petition for a new special permit for First City Provision Inc. for a Recreational Marijuana Retail Establishment at 89 South St 28B. Street Vendor License Application, Nicole Ortiz Crave Food Truck
28C. An order to assign Professional accountant in the Auditor's Department position to grade 10 in the salary schedule 29A. Petition for a new second hand license at 50 Holyoke St. for GameStop #4391 29B. MIFA Victory Theater Mural Project Budget
29C. An order to accept provisions of the "ARSON WATCH REWARD PROGRAM, $1K, NO MATCH" grant 29D. An order to accept provisions of the "FY2022 CRCC/PVPC CSO, $745,000, NO MATCH" grant 29E. An order to accept provisions of the "SFY2021 COMMONWEALTH SECURITY TRUST FUND, $11,720, NO MATCH" grant
29F. An order to appropriate $1,291.00 from the from CITY SOLICITOR Department's PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-SPECIAL COUNSEL for services rendered in fiscal year 2021 29G. An order to appropriate $600.00 from PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-SPECIAL COUNSEL for services rendered in fiscal year 2021 29H. An order to transfer $149,076 to SCHOOL - PERSONAL SERVICES, SCHOOL - OTHER EXPENSES, SPED - TUITION ASSESSMENT, and SCHOOL CHOICE ASSESSMENT
29I. An order to transfer $125,000 from RESERVES, COURT, DISPATCHER, PATROLMEN, and LIEUTENANT to OVERTIME 29J. An order to accept provisions of the "FY2022 STATE PLAN FOR THE LIBRARY SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGY (LSTA)-ARPA, $50K, NO MATCH " grant 29K. An order to ensure Everbridge announcements are provided in English and Spanish languages
31A. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter appointing Chelsea Gazillo to serve as a member of the Conservation Commission 31B. Mayor Alex B. Morse - letter reappointing Mr. Jeffrey A. Trask to serve as the Emergency Management Director 31C. Mayor Alex B. Morse - letter reappointing Mr. Morris M. Partee to serve as a member of the Board of Appeals
31D. Mayor Alex B. Morse - letter reappointing Ms. Miriam Panitch to serve as a Commissioner of the Planning Board 31E. An order to interview for Tax Collector 32A. Petition of Gary W. Gladu for a new special permit for a Driveway in Front Yard ( at 139 Huron Ave
32B. Petition for a Home occupation for Nicole Fontaine at 351 Jarvis Ave. for a Salon 32C. Special Permit Application - Auto Sales Center at 1607 Northampton to expand current sales lot 32D. CPC Administrator Amy Landau - HOLYOKE CPA ANNUAL BUDGET ARTICLE 2022
32E. License Agreement between City of Holyoke and Edward A. Owen 32F. An order to approve Certified Housing Development Incentive Program Project and Local Tax Increment Exemption (TIE) Agreement with Canal Row, LLC at Race and Main Streets 32G. An order to approve Certified Project and the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Agreement with Canal Row, LLC at Race and Main Streets
32H. An order to accept the sale of 12, 22 and 24 Main Street for $31,900 to H&H Realty Holdings, LLC 32I. An order to accept sale of 415 and 417 Main Street for $10,000 to Elliott Fire Sprinkler Systems, LLC 32J. An order to meet with invite Lynn Gray of the Holyoke Mall
33A. An order to amend Charter for City Council confirmation of all new mayoral appointments and reappointments to the board of public works and the fire commission 33B. An order to draft home rule petition to remove residency requirement for City Solicitor

New Orders

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
35. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to clean out drain at northwest corner of Community Field Adopted Adopted 10-5-21 Copied to DPW
36. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to repair track area near the drain at Community Field Adopted Adopted 10-5-21 Copied to DPW
37. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to cut overgrown weeds near Community Field drainage swale Adopted Adopted 10-5-21 Copied to DPW
38. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to relocate and replace no discharging sign at Beech St and Linden St Adopted Adopted 10-5-21 Copied to DPW
39. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to place drive slowly for autistic child sign at 20-22 Sydney Ave Adopted Adopted 10-5-21 Copied to DPW
40. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to relocate Community Field plaque bearing Marty Dunn's name Adopted Adopted 10-5-21 Copied to DPW
41. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to address drainage issue in front of 55 Bay State Rd Adopted Adopted 10-5-21 Copied to DPW
42. BARTLEY -- An order to declare Clemente Street parcel 006 (Assessors Map 028, Block 04, Parcel 006) as surplus property available for disposition Referred DGR 12-1-21 Approved Adopted 12-7-21
43. BARTLEY -- An order to declare Clemente Street parcel 007 (Assessors Map 028, Block 04, Parcel 007) as surplus property available for disposition Referred DGR 12-1-21 Approved Adopted 12-7-21
44. BARTLEY -- An order to approve the transfer of Clemente Street parcel 006 (Assessors Map 028, Block 04, Parcel 006) to the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority for consideration of $1.00 Referred DGR 12-1-21 Approved Adopted 12-7-21
45. BARTLEY -- An order to approve the transfer of Clemente Street parcel 007 (Assessors Map 028, Block 04, Parcel 007) to the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority for consideration of $1.00 Referred DGR 12-1-21 Approved Adopted 12-7-21
46. BARTLEY -- An order to place handicap sign in front of 122 Brown Ave. for Norma Rivera Referred Ordinance 11-9-21 Approved Adopted 11-16-21 Copied to Disabilities Commission
47. BARTLEY -- An order that City Clerk communicate updates from preliminary election of 9-21-21 Referred DGR 4-24-23 Leave to withdraw Complied with 5-2-23
48. BARTLEY -- An order to amend rule 34 to add " naming and renaming" to street alteration petitions referred to Board of Public Works Referred Charter & Rules 2-23-22 Approved Adopted 3-1-22
49. BARTLEY -- An order to amend zoning ordinances to allow for front yard pools by special permit Referred Ordinance 11-23-21 Continued to 12-14-21 a. 12-14-21
b. 2-22-22
a. Continued to 2-22-22
b. Approved
CC Tabled 3-15-22

CC Adopted 4-5-22

Following mayoral veto, CC reconsidered and tabled 4-19-22

CC Tabled 5-3-22

50. LEAHY, MCGEE -- An order discuss a strategic plan in regards to the increasing amount of wildlife in the City of Holyoke Referred Public Service 4-13-22 Complied with Complied with 4-19-22 Copied to Div. of Fisheries & Wildlife, Animal Control Officer
51. LEAHY, BARTLEY -- An order that a quarterly spreadsheet be received describing marijuana industries taxes and revenues Adopted Adopted 10-5-21 Copied to DGR, Auditor, Mayor, Tax Collector
52. MCGEE -- An order to receive updates on the 216 Appleton St project Referred DGR
53. MCGEE -- An order to call for election of City Officers on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 Adopted Adopted 10-5-21
54. MCGEE -- An order to set polling places for November 2, 2021 Adopted Adopted 10-5-21
55. MCGEE -- An order to reschedule City Council meeting of November 2, 2021 Adopted Adopted 10-5-21
56. MCGEE -- An order to survey and prioritize improvement needs for City Hall and the annex building Referred Public Safety 6-21-23 Tabled
57. MCGEE -- An order to review and approve the relocation of a department or departments to the unused space of the tax collector/personnel office Referred Public Service a. 4-13-22
b. 5-10-22
a. Tabled
b. Leave to withdraw
6-28-23 Complied with Leave to withdraw 5-17-22

Complied with 8-1-23

58. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of "FFY22 MUNICIPAL ROAD SAFETY (MRS) PROGRAM, $41,650, NO MATCH" grant Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
59. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $28,260 from HEAVY MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR to REFUSE - OTHER SERVICES Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
60. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer 3,500 from HEAD CLERK to PERSONNEL DIRECTOR Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
61. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $4,000 from PAY-DIRECTOR to PAY-PROGRAM COORDINATOR and PAY-OFFICE ASSISTANT Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
62. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $2,227.84 from FIREFIGHTER to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 10-5-21
63. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $33,774.28 from LIEUTENANT, SERGEANT, and PATROLMEN to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 10-5-21
64. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate $1,918,200 for infrastructure improvements for Roberts Field running track, and sidewalk resurfacing on several streets Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
65. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of "American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Coronavirus Local Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF) County Reallocation, $7,792,257," grant Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
66. MCGIVERIN -- An order transfer $147,734.23 from OTHER EXPENSES Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
67. MURPHY -- An order to update job duties for Administrative Assistant to the City Council Referred Ordinance 10-26-21 Referred to Law Dept 12-14-21 Approved Adopted 2-1-22
Late File A. VACON -- An order to install a street light pole at 155 Cross Road Adopted Adopted 10-5-21 Copied to HG&E
Late File B. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to issue proclamation to the raising of the Puerto Rican flag Adopted Adopted 10-5-21
Late File D. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $18,101.77 from FIREFIGHTER and ASST FIRE ALARM OPERATOR to FIRE CHIEF, CAPTAINS, LIEUTENANTS, and SUPERVISOR-FIRE ALARMS Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
Late File E. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $11,814.00 from AIDE TO MAYOR to SANITARIAN II, HEAD CLERK, SANITARIAN III, SANITARIAN I, FLOATING CLERK, and PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Referred Finance 10-13-21 Approved Adopted 10-19-21
Late File F. MURPHY -- An order to merge Holyoke Historical Commission and Historic District Commissions Referred Charter & Rules 2-23-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 3-1-22
Late File G. MCGEE -- An order to discuss condition, public safety, and revenue of meters Referred Finance 10-13-21 Complied with Complied with 10-19-21 Copied to DPW
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