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City Council Orders August 3, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
1. Verizon and HG&E Petition for underground conduit location at Valley Heights Street Adopted Adopted 8-3-21
2. Verizon and HG&E Petition for joint or identical pole at Valley Heights Street Adopted Adopted 8-3-21
4. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter reappointing Dr. Esteban A. Del Pilar-Morales to serve as a Commissioner of the Board of Health Confirmed Confirmed 8-3-21
5. Acting Mayor Terence Murphy - letter reappointing Donald Welch to serve as a member of the Commission on Disabilities Confirmed Confirmed 8-3-21
6. Brenna Murphy McGee MMC - money cuts from FY 22 budget Received Received 8-3-21 Copied to Finance Committee
7. Brenna Murphy McGee MMC & Jeffery Anderson-Burgos, Admin. Ass't - 6-15-21, 6-29-21, & 7-20-21 City Council Meeting Minutes Received Received 8-3-21
8. Brenna Murphy McGee - election law update Adopted Adopted 8-3-21 Copied to DGR
9. Anthony Dulude, Assessor - letter from 1988 requesting repairs and upgrading at the Assessors office Received Received 8-3-21 Copied to the Mayor
10. Lori J. Belanger, Chief Procurement Officer - Health Insurance Consulting Services Analysis Referred Finance
11. FY2021 Spreadsheet - American Rescue Plan Act Received Received 8-3-21 Copied to DGR
12. 2021 ARPA Funding Request public Comments Packet Referred DGR
13. Senator John C. Velis, Second Hampden - letter supportiing ARPA funds to Boys and Girls Club Received Received 8-3-21 Copied to DGR
14. Community Outreach Meeting for Delivered Inc. at 101 N. Bridge St on July 16, 2021 Received Received 8-3-21 Copied to Ordinance
15. Community Outreach Meeting for Cannalive Genetics LLC at 532 Main St. Suite 301 on July 21, 2021 Received Received 8-3-21 Copied to Ordinance
16. Community outreach meeting for Riverside Paper Cultivation LLC at 1 Cabot St. on July 9, 2021 Received Received 8-3-21 Copied to Ordinance
17. Communication regarding Americans distrustful of Mass Media Referred Public Service
18. MIFA Victory Theater Mural Project Budget Referred Finance 9-29-21 Approved Adopted 10-5-21
19. Henry D. Seidel - letter for consideration of appointment to Water Commission Referred Public Service
20. William Dziok - Letter of retirement from Alarm Division effective August 6, 2021 Received Received 8-3-21
21. Department of Public Utilities - Notice of filing, Public hearing, procedural conference, and request for comments Received Received 8-3-21 Copied to Ordinance, City Councilors, and Law Department
22. Board of Health 4-1-21 Meeting Minutes Received
23. Holyoke Redevelopment Authority - 10-16-19, 11-20-19, 11-18-20, 12-16-20, 2-17-21, 3-2-21, 3-17-21, 4-21-21, & 5-25-21 Meeting Minutes Received
24. Board of Fire Commission - 5-20-21 Meeting Minutes Received
25. Petition for a Home occupation for Nicole Fontaine at 351 Jarvis Ave. for a Salon Referred DGR 9-27-21 Approved with conditions Approved with conditions 10-5-21
26. Petition for a Zone Change for Ivan Troshchiy at 405 Ingleside St. from RA to RO Referred Ordinance Public Hearing Scheduled for 9-14-21 Public Hearing Closed- Awaiting Planning Board recommendation 10-12-21 Approved Adopted 11-16-21
27. Petition for Segundo Solorzano for a Vendor License around Holyoke Streets Referred Finance 8-30-21 Tabled 3-28-22 Denied without prejudice Denied without prejudice 4-5-22
28. Special Permit Application - Auto Sales Center at 1607 Northampton to expand current sales lot Referred DGR 9-27-21 Approved with condition Approved with condition 10-5-21
29. Petition of Anthony W. Dominguez for a special permit for Nonconforming Structures at 50 Upland Rd Adopted with amendments Adopted with amendments 8-3-21
30. Special Petition Application MME - H & H Cultivation LLC at 40-48 Main St Referred Ordinance a. 9-28-21
b. 10-26-21
a. Public hearing continued to 10-26-21
b. Public Hearing closed, tabled pending ordinance change
a. 12-14-21
b. 1-12-22
a. Approved with conditions
b. Approved with conditions
Adopted with conditions 1-18-22 Referred from City Council back to Ordinance 12-21-21
Late File A. Law Department - Legal opinion on City Council's role with PD Chief contract Referred Finance
Late File C. Special Petition Application -  Patrick and Melissa Leahy  at 9 Wyckoff Ave for a pool and equipment Referred DGR 7-20-22 Leave with draw at the direction of the applicant Leave to withdraw 8-2-22
Late File F. School Department - FY 22 Budget Referred Finance

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

31A. Petition of Rise Holdings Inc - modification of a Special Permit for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 28 Appleton St 31B. Petition of Rise Holdings Inc - Special Permit application for a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 100 Water St  31C. Petition of Pleasantrees, Inc. f/k/a Herbology Group for a new special permit for a Marijuana Growth Facility at 111 Mosher St
31D. An order for DPW install a stop sign at the end of Ridgeway St. at Lorraine St 31E. An order that a handicap sign be removed from the front of 143 Oak St 31F. An order to place a no parking restriction at s shaped curve on O'Connor Ave
31G. An order to remove handicap sign in front of 7 Russell Terrace 31H. An order to raise the sewer fee to a minimum of $8.05 per 1000 gallons to avoid deficits and plan for improvements 32A. Alicia M. Zoeller, Administrator Office of Community Development - American Rescue Plan Act Grant
32B. Tanya Wdowiak, City Auditor, Communications regarding the projected revenue loss calculations for ARPA funds 32C. Historical Commission - letter regarding demolition of historical buildings 32D. Lisa Ball, Acting City Solicitor - Contract for David Pratt
32E. Settlement Agreement by and Between the City of Holyoke and the Holyoke Professional Supervisor Association 32F. An order to accept provisions of “HOLYOKE’S SAFE STREETS AND PATHS PROJECT, $73,100, NO MATCH” grant 32G. An order to consider establishing a capital stabilization fund
32H. An order to appropriate $856,750 for building demolition at 45 Dwight Street, 84 Newton Street, 144 High Street, 106 Pine Street, and 246 Lyman Street 35A. An order that DPW and City Engineer provide update on potential to sell lots for housing on St. Vincent St 35B. Proposals for the American Rescue Plan Act
35C. An order for HG&E to update on on issues related to gas moratorium, renewable energy, fiber and broadband internet 35D. An order for HG&E to update on impact of gas moratorium 35E. An order for a feasibility study to pursue underground electrical lines
35F. An order to invite HG&E manager and staff to update on municipal broadband projects 35G. An order that DPW plan to address litter along several main roads in the city

New Orders


Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
38. MURPHY -- An order for ROCA to discuss benefits of the program to participants and the city Referred Public Safety 9-19-22 Complied with Complied with 10-4-22
39. MURPHY -- An order to update ordinances defining restaurants Referred Ordinance 8-31-21 Public Hearing closed, pending Planning Board recommendation 10-12-21 Approved Adopted 11-16-21
40. MURPHY -- An order to meet with Whalley Computer Associates to review costs and impacts of services Referred Finance 8-30-21 Complied with Complied with 9-7-21
41. MURPHY -- An order to discuss pricing, timing, and payment options for downtown parking meters Referred Ordinance 10-12-21 Tabled 1-25-22 Referred to Mayor Referred to Mayor 2-1-22
42. MURPHY -- An order to discuss amending the demolition order Referred Ordinance a. 1-25-22
b. 4-26-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 5-24-22
b. 6-28-22
a. Tabled
b. Referred to mayor
Referred to Mayor 8-2-22
43. MURPHY -- An order for larger signage on Appleton and Suffolk directing traffic to downtown garage parking. Adopted with amendment Adopted with Amendment 8-3-21 Added signage at Division Street to order
44. SULLIVAN -- An order to change Engine 9 Restoration funding condition from12 months to 3 years Adopted Adopted 8-3-21
45. VACON -- An order for speed humps on Upland Road Referred Ordinance 6-8-22 Accept Engineer recommendation to proceed with temporary speed humps Received 8-3-21 Copied to DPW, Ordinance
46. VACON, MURPHY -- An order requesting a legal opinion on proposing a zone change for a nonexistent zone Received Received 8-3-21 Copied to Law Department
47. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to trim a tree in front of 37 St. Jerome Ave. Adopted Adopted 8-3-21 Copied to DPW, Forestry
48. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to remove tree near 105 Cherry St. be removed. Adopted Adopted 8-3-21 Copied to DPW
49. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- A resolution in support of the GREEN Act Referred Public Service a. 3-9-22
b. 4-13-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
6-28-23 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 8-1-23
50. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to replace guardrails in front of 233 and 237 Sargeant St Adopted Adopted 8-3-21 Copied to DPW
51. BARTLEY -- An order to amend Charter for City Council confirmation of all new mayoral appointments and reappointments to the board of public works and the fire commission. Referred Charter and Rules 9-30-21 Amended and approved, striking all language except "that Holyoke amend its charter to provide for city council confirmation of all new mayoral appointments." Adopted 10-19-21 Adopted with amendments 10-5-21
52. BARTLEY -- An order to install 'dead end' and 'no exit' signage at Roosevelt Ave Complied with Complied with 8-3-21
53. BARTLEY, HERNANDEZ -- An order to relocate "no parking" sign proximate to 282 Cabot St Referred Ordinance 8-31-21 Approved, per Engineer report Adopted 9-7-21
54. BARTLEY, GREANEY, JR, SULLIVAN, TALLMAN -- An order to present a proclamation to Mt. Tom B-17 Memorial Committee Adopted with amendment Adopted with amendment 8-3-21 Amendment changing 222 to www
55. BARTLEY -- An order to meet with invite Lynn Gray of the Holyoke Mall Referred DGR 9-27-21 Complied with Complied with 10-5-21
56. BARTLEY -- An order to direct the Law Department to withdraw its Motion for Summary Judgement regarding 11 Yale St Adopted Adopted 8-3-21
57. BARTLEY -- An order to amend zoning ordinances to no longer allow residential care or rehab center” in RA, R1, R1A, R2 zones by automatic right and to require special permit for such a facility to be located in any other zone. Referred Ordinance 2-22-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 3-1-22 Copied to Law Department, Planning Board
58. LEAHY -- An order to form a Tourism advisory committee. Referred Public Service a. 2-9-22
b. 5-10-22
a. Tabled
b. Complied with
6-8-22 (Ordinance) Approved Adopted 6-21-22 Referred to Ordinance 5-17-22
59. LEBRON-MARTINEZ -- An order to remove a handicap sign in front of 130 Cabot St Referred Ordinance 1-25-22 Approved Adopted 2-1-22
60. LISI -- An order to amend section 6.4 of the zoning ordinance Referred Ordinance a. 8-31-21
b. 10-26-21
c. 12-14-21
a. Public Hearing continued to 10-26-21
b. Public hearing continued to 12-14-21
c. Public hearing continued to 3-8-22
a. 3-8-22
b. 3-22-22
c. 4-26-22
d. 5-11-22
a. Public hearing continued to 3-22-22
b. Public hearing continued to 4-26-22
c. Public hearing closed, tabled
d. Approved
Adopted 5-17-22
61. MCGEE -- An order to interview for Water Commissioner Referred Public Service Adopted 1-18-22 Tim Keane appointed to fill remained two years
62. MCGEE -- An order to repaint at Lincoln/Northampton and Hampden/Northampton Adopted Adopted 8-3-21 Copied to DPW
63. MCGEE -- An order to remove trees at 50 Fairfield, 20 Jefferson, 10 George, 35 Amherst, 37 Taylor Adopted with amendments Adopted with amendments 8-3-21 Amendments to add trees at 236 Locust, 357 Apremont, 419 Southampton, 16-18 Willow, median on Fairfield
64. MCGEE -- An order to present proclamation to Edward Eckert Adopted Adopted 8-3-21
65. MCGEE -- An order to discuss ARPA proposals with Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke Referred DGR 4-24-23 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 5-2-23
66. MCGIVERIN -- An order to authorize the Treasurer to issue refunding bonds Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
67. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of "FY2022 STATE 911 DEPARTMENT SUPPORT AND INCENTIVE GRANT, $246,443, NO MATCH " grant Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
68. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of "FY2022 STATE 911 DEPARTMENT TRAINING GRANT, $17,900, NO MATCH" grant Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
69. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of "DIVERTING JUVENILES AND EMERGING ADULTS FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM INVOLVEMENT, $50,000, NO MATCH " grant Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
70. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate $1,380.00 be authorized from the from PERSONNEL Department's PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-EMPLOYEE TRAINING for services rendered in fiscal year 2021 Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
71. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate $197,927.69 from the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Department's VARIOUS for services rendered in fiscal year 2021 Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
72. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $24,837.16 from LIEUTENANT, SERGEANT, PATROLMEN to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 8-3-21
73. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,000.00 from AIDE TO MAYOR to EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO MAYOR Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
74. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $1,050.00 from AIDE TO MAYOR to LABOR SERVICES DIRECTOR Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
75. MCGEE -- An order for Holyoke Medical to provide update on the hospital Referred DGR
76. MCGEE -- An order that the no parking sign in front of 982 Hampden street be removed Referred Ordinance 8-31-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
77. MCGEE -- An update from Election Committee/Recommendations Complied with Complied with 8-3-21
79. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $300.00 from AIDE TO MAYOR to EXTRA CLERICAL Adopted Adopted 8-3-21
80. MCGIVERIN -- An order to That the City Council approve $9,610.00 from TNC-Rideshare for FY2021 Holyoke Share-ValleyBike Administration Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
81. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate $4,753.50 from CITY SOLICITOR Department's SPECIAL COUNSEL for services rendered in fiscal year 2021 Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
Late File B. BARTLEY -- An order invite a member of Historical Commission to join Property Preservation Group Adopted Adopted 8-3-21 Copied to Mayor, Property Preservation Group, and Historical Commission
Late File D. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of "FY20 MUNICIPAL VULNERABILITY PREPAREDNESS (MVP) - THE NATURE CONSERVANCY MATCH INCREASE, $22,097.50 " grant Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21
Late File E. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of "GREEN COMMUNITIES COMPETITIVE GRANT, $195,603, NO MATCH " grant Referred Finance 8-30-21 Approved Adopted 9-7-21


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