Board of Public Works Commission Meeting January 21, 2025
5:30 pm Holyoke Chamber of Commerce
177 High St, Holyoke 01040
January 21, 2025
The regular meeting of the Board of Public Works, Sewer Commission and the Stormwater Commission will be held on Tuesday, January 21 2025, at 5:30pm at Holyoke Chamber of Commerce Conference Room, 177 High Street, Holyoke, MA
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 870 3077 2364 Passcode: 227969
Call to Order
5:30PM. Stormwater Public Hearing
Application for a Large Development Stormwater Permit requested by the City of Holyoke for stormwater infrastructure retrofits at Holyoke High School, known as parcel 059-00-015.
Application for a Large Development Stormwater Permit requested by the City of Holyoke for stormwater infrastructure retrofits at Lt. Clayre P. Sullivan School, known as parcel 147-00-010.
Public Comment
1. Introduce new City Engineer Matt Sokop, PE
2. Review and approve Request for Proposals for Long Term Service Agreement for the Operation and Maintenance of Holyoke’s Wastewater Operations
3. Veolia Quarterly Billing, including TSS and BOD review
4. Levee damage and funding update
5. Project status updates
a. Race and Cabot reconstruction: Center City Connector
6. Consent Agenda
a. Consideration of Minutes of the Past Meeting
b. City Engineer Report
c. DPW Director Report
d. Commissioner’s Liaison Reports
e. Abatements (second meeting of the month unless otherwise noted)
7. Review equipment and operations concerns
8. Review process on minutes postings procedure: development of agenda, meeting posting, recording minutes, approving minutes, minutes posting
9. Thank you to Holyoke Chamber of Commerce
The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.
If you need assistance in participating in this meeting or event due to a disability as
defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call the DPW Director’s
Office at 413) 322-5645 or at least three (3) business
days prior to the scheduled meeting or event to request an accommodation.