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Hello residents of Holyoke.
The Department of Public Works is pleased to inform you that the parking ban will be lifted Monday February 10, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. You will be free to park on the streets without any restrictions by then.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hola residentes de Holyoke.
El Departamento de Obras Publicas se complace en informarles que la prohibición de estacionamiento sera levantada hoy Lunes 10 de Febrero del 2025 a las 7:00 p.m. Desde esa hora en adelante pueden estacionarse en las calles sin restricciones.
Gracias por su cooperación.

Holyoke Biking & Pedestrian Committee


Contact OPED
This Committee is Staffed by the Office of Planning and Economic Development

City Hall Annex
Room 406
20 Korean Veterans Plaza
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

About the Holyoke Biking & Pedestrian Committee




The purpose of the BikePed Committee is to:

  1. Advise and provide recommendations to the City Council on bicycle and pedestrian safety issues.
  2. Provide a forum for residents and community organizations to raise bicycling and pedestrian-related issues and concerns.
  3. Draft a complete streets policy for the city of Holyoke.
  4. Assist the City in the development of bicycle and pedestrian systems within Holyoke.
  5. Make recommendations for a City-wide Bicycle Master Plan.
  6. Develop education and public outreach programs on bicycle and pedestrian issues.
  7. Provide advice and recommendations on physical infrastructure related to walkways, trails, and cycling networks, including planning, design standards, operations and maintenance, neighborhood traffic conditions including traffic calming and traffic management, street tree plantings and pedestrian accessibility.
  8. Promote walking and bicycling use as a means of improving the health of Holyoke residents.
  9. Work with the Departments of Planning & Economic Development; Public Works; Health; and Conservation to incorporate bicycling and pedestrian facilities into infrastructure improvements and development projects
  10. Coordinate with external agencies on regional trail connections

The regular BikePed Committee Meetings take place Every 1st Monday of the Month at 6pm (subject to change)

The Committee currently has vacancies and is looking for new members

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