Upcoming Public Hearings Week of February 27, 2023
Notice of Public HearingThe Ordinance Committee of the Holyoke City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday February 28th at 6:30pm to hear a special permit application of Small Wonder LLC at 109 Lyman St (023-01-014) for a marijuana manufacturing establishment. Meeting will take place at Holyoke City Hall 536 Dwight St and can be accessed remotely via www.zoom.us Meeting ID 831 7743 6694 Meeting Passcode 289877 or by call in at 1-646-558-8656 with same Meeting ID and Passcode. Written public comment can be submitted to publiccomment@holyoke.org. For more information on this hearing or for an electronic copy of the application please contact City Council Admin Asst Jeffery Anderson-Burgos at Anderson-BurgosJ@holyoke.org or by phone 413-322-5525. Ordinance Chair Linda Vacon(continued from 12-13-22, 1-24-23) |
Notice of Public HearingThe Ordinance Committee of the Holyoke City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday February 28th at 6:30pm to hear a special permit extension application of Victoria Frost LLC at 679-689 Main St & Beaulieu St property abutting 679 Main St (055-00-009, 009.1, 009.2) to extend the special permit originally granted on August 4, 2020, to operate a cannabis product cultivation, manufacturing, and dispensary facility. Meeting will take place at Holyoke City Hall 536 Dwight St and can be accessed remotely via www.zoom.us Meeting ID 831 7743 6694 Meeting Passcode 289877 or by call in at 1-646-558-8656 with same Meeting ID and Passcode. Written public comment can be submitted to publiccomment@holyoke.org. For more information on this hearing or for an electronic copy of the application please contact City Council Admin Asst Jeffery Anderson-Burgos at Anderson-BurgosJ@holyoke.org or by phone 413-322-5525. Ordinance Chair Linda Vacon |
Notice of Public HearingThe Ordinance Committee of the Holyoke City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday February 28th at 6:30pm to hear a special permit application of Carefully Curated LLC at 400 Race St (028-07-016) to operate a marijuana manufacturing establishment. Meeting will take place at Holyoke City Hall 536 Dwight St and can be accessed remotely via www.zoom.us Meeting ID 831 7743 6694 Meeting Passcode 289877 or by call in at 1-646-558-8656 with same Meeting ID and Passcode. Written public comment can be submitted to publiccomment@holyoke.org. For more information on this hearing or for an electronic copy of the application please contact City Council Admin Asst Jeffery Anderson-Burgos at Anderson-BurgosJ@holyoke.org or by phone 413-322-5525. Ordinance Chair Linda Vacon |
Notice of Public HearingThe Ordinance Committee of the Holyoke City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday February 28th at 6:30pm to hear a special permit application amendment of Holyoke 420 LLC dba Holyoke Cannabis at 380 Dwight St (021-01-003) to remove original condition prohibiting delivery, add suite #4 for a new vault, add new sallyport location, and amend hours condition so that they be set according to city ordinance. Meeting will take place at Holyoke City Hall 536 Dwight St and can be accessed remotely via www.zoom.us Meeting ID 831 7743 6694 Meeting Passcode 289877 or by call in at 1-646-558-8656 with same Meeting ID and Passcode. Written public comment can be submitted to publiccomment@holyoke.org. For more information on this hearing or for an electronic copy of the application please contact City Council Admin Asst Jeffery Anderson-Burgos at Anderson-BurgosJ@holyoke.org or by phone 413-322-5525. Ordinance Chair Linda Vacon |
Notice of Public HearingThe Holyoke License Board will be holding a Public Hearing on Wed, March 1, 2023, at 5:15 pm at the City Hall Annex Building, 20 Korean Veterans Plaza Room 406 and via Zoom.com; ID: 82421692650; CALL IN: *67 646 558 8656 regarding the application for a New Seasonal All Alcohol License (On-Premises) for Los Masters Social Club Inc., at 65 Commercial St., pursuant to M.G.L. Ch.138.Applicant: Ricardo Betancourt
Notice of Public HearingThe Holyoke License Board will be holding a Public Hearing on Wed, March 1, 2023, at 5:15 pm at the City Hall Annex Building, 20 Korean Veterans Plaza Room 406 and via Zoom.com; ID: 82421692650; CALL IN: *67 646 558 8656 regarding the application for a Transfer of License and Change in Manger of an Annual Wine & Malt License (Off- Premises) from Singh Corporation DBA Aunty’s Market, at 539 Pleasant St, to B & S, LLC. DBA Aunty’s Market at 539 Pleasant St. pursuant to M.G.L. Ch.138.Applicant: Baljit Kaur Sharma