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FAQ Topic: Conservation Commission FAQ's

What’s going on around the Reservoirs?

Due to the popularity of Holyoke’s watershed properties – according to the OSRP, people love them! – we frequently get calls and questions about the watershed properties and, oftentimes, people want to know about day-to-day management activities.  The Holyoke Water Department has an existing Watershed Management Plan that specifically spells out what does, and does … Continued

How can I learn more about beavers (Nature’s Engineers)?

Living with Wildlife- Beavers in Massachusetts Citizen’s Guide to Beaver Permitting Guidance for Conservation Commissions and Boards of Health . Most Holyoke human-beaver conflicts have been successfully resolved by the installation of water flow devices- also known as “Beaver Deceivers”.  Read more about water flow devices. Resolving Human-Beaver Conflicts- Water Flow Devices MassWildlife offers additional resources including information on how Massachusetts law prohibits … Continued

What unique resources must be considered when planning development in Holyoke?

Several tracts of land in Holyoke have been designated by the Commonwealth of MA as Habitat of Potential Regional or Statewide Importance and Land of High Ecological Integrity. For maps of these areas and additional information on permitting requirements in these areas, please see the Mass CAPS website and DEP. (New as of June 2008) The MA Natural Heritage and Endangered … Continued

Water Chestnut Control Project- Have you seen this plant?

The Holyoke Conservation Commission has been instrumental in coordinating control and removal of the 16-acre water chestnut infestation at Log Pond Cove on the Connecticut River since 1998.  The project is an example of the value of partnerships in achieving environmental goals.  In 2004, the project was presented at the 13th International Conference on Aquatic … Continued

How do I learn more about wetlands?

Rivers protection act handout Protecting wetlands in Massachusetts Snow handling guidance Wetlands Science from the Environmental Protection Agency

What are the “DEP File Number” Signs that I see around Holyoke?

You may see signs at construction sites which have DEP File No. 186-xxx on them.  These signs indicate that the project has been approved by the Conservation Commission and DEP and an Order of Conditions has been issued.  186 indicates that the project is in Holyoke and the last 3 digits indicate the file number.

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