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Please be advised that City offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th, in observance of the President’s Day holiday


Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

Soldiers Memorial Commission Meeting November 12, 2024

Nov 12 2024

6:00 pm Holyoke War Memorial Building

310 Appleton St, Holyoke 01040

November 12th Meeting Agenda:

Roll Call

Old Business:

65th Infantry Regiment progress report

Review Re-Entry Proposal for War Memorial Building.

Status of new commissioners

Cleanup process. Hire a service. Or use the city.

Veterans Services space request status.

Additional entry control point status.

Building internet status.

Parking policy. Review Don’s document and recommendations as attached to the agenda packet.

Room air conditioner quote from fuel services.

Steam system update.

Chandelier bulb replacement status.

October 9, 2024
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October 8th Minutes:


Don Andrejczyk
Ken Harstine
Rick Purcell
Laddy Rua
Mayor Joshua Garcia
Jorge Santiago, Veterans Services

Kevin Thomas

Evalese Gonzales
Jorge presenting on 65th Infantry Regiment.  Strictly Puerto Rican memberships.  April 2016 presented the unit the Congressional Gold Medal.  Looking for all surviving members of this unit.  They are looking for some kind of monument to this unit in Holyoke.  Don would like to know if any members are or were located in Massachusetts.  Originally they found five members.  All living members are over 90.
Maybe add a monument to Holyoke guard unit as well as the 65th Infantry.
April 13th is the national day of remembrance for this unit.
Decided to request a monument to this unit in Veterans Park.
Have an event on April 13th 2025
Evalese proposes a joint effort with the public schools to raise awareness.
Mayor Garcia:  Re-Entry proposal.  Race street has an HPD, behavior Health and Sherif. Displacement issues.  Have a center to handle these issues for those in most need.  Various outside funding opportunities.  Sheriffs office has money and resources to renovate the space in the War Memorial building.
Don A:  Building dedicated to veterans.  How much space.
Mayor:  Use the entire 2nd floor for this service.
Lady:  DAV needs a daily accessible space.
Meeting space for Veterans organizations.
What are each of the shareholders needs.
Occupation will be phased in.  Work from rear of the building forward.
Don A:  Veterans services needs more space.
Phil:  DAV and retire policemen.  Processing personally 20 veterans a month.  Might be other Veterans services in Holyoke that need this space.  DAV is currently in the 104th division room.
Rick:  American Legion Post 25 has been in the building since the start.  Need to know where there materials will be stored.
Phil:  Internet only on the first floor.  Exiting room on 1st floor needs to be cleaned and mold removed.  Stored items should go somewhere else.
Jorge:  DAV room stuff will be removed to the attic for storage.
Mayor:  Fix rooms, roof, etc.
Lady:  We need the building fixed up so that we can be an attractive space.
Kevin:  Recruiters in the building?
Wilfredo:  Commander American Legion Post 25.  Property and information.  What will happen with the Legion’s property.  Wants a written plan.  The Legion can’t do the moving of materials.
Mayor:  Looking at meeting Legion’s needs.
Lady:  Get our materials organized.  What should be displayed.  Storage, what and where.
Wilfredo:  What is the time line for needing to move from the existing space.
Lady:  Need a game plan by the end of October.
Jorge:  What do we do about security with all these users.  New PC based system so that each office can check people in and out.  What do we do about privacy.  Veterans services needs private interview rooms.
Jorge:  Meetings once a month.  Occasional private meetings with veterans that need help with services.
Phil: Uses Monday-Friday 10am to 2pm by appointment.  Not every day every appointment.  May schedule appointments at other times.
Jorge:  Needs keys and security codes for building.
Lady:  Requests all users provide information of what they specifically need.
Are we for the CDRC coming to the building.  Internet, heating, roof and security need to be completed.    Need to get new commissioners.  Nelson, Kevin Thomas, Coleen, and Phil Levy.  Andrew McMahon needs to be removed from the commission.
Mayor will withdraw Andrew and add three new commissioners.  Laddy will create a plan for this month.
Rick makes motion that Race Street move into the building.  Unanimous approval of that move.
War memorial agrees accept the idea of the CDRC moving into the building.  Motion to accept from Rick.  Don seconds.  Wilfredo asks for an archive committee to organize the proper placement of items.  Unanimous approval of motion.
Next meeting November 12th.
MC of Veterans Day Event.  MC will be Don Andrejczyk

Don Andrejczyk Present
Ken Harstine Present
Rick Purcell Present
Laddy Rua Absent
Kevin Thomas Present
Joseph Zurheide. From Re-Entry Proposal

Pledge of Allegiance

October Minutes accepted

No new information on Re-Entry Proposal. Moving in mid December in the room closest to the editor in the former DAV room. Need to begin cleanup and repair work.
Propose to accept moving into the former VFW room adjacent to back. Unanimous approval. Detectives Beben, Summers, Emiteroi will be working in the building. Emiteroi works 4-12pm and normal day hours. Need to get keys and entry codes ASAP.

Welcome new commissioner Kevin Thomas. Coleen Chesimore is also a new commissioner but not present this meeting. Nelson Serrao also not present.

Clean up status. Sheriffs office will do cleanup

No new information on VA service space addition.

New new information on entry control systems.

According to Mayor the city will implement Internet access improvements. Not implemented yes.

Parking permit plans. What is the usage. What are the rules. What is the signage. How do we designate approved cars. Proposed sign for War Memorial parking lots. “Parking Only for War Memorial Business”.

Room air conditioner quote. They should consider putting in Mini-Splits.

No new information on steam pipe failure. Heat system will be manually drained during operation.

No new information on the main hall light replacement.

New Business

Need to revive audio system update program. Need at least one more quote.

Next Sunday Mountain View Baptist church will have a veterans breakfast at 10am at the church. In West Holyoke on US 202.

Next meeting on December 10th at 6pm.

Soldiers Memorial Commission Contact Form
310 Appleton Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
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