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Hello residents of Holyoke.
The Department of Public Works is pleased to inform you that the parking ban will be lifted Monday February 10, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. You will be free to park on the streets without any restrictions by then.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hola residentes de Holyoke.
El Departamento de Obras Publicas se complace en informarles que la prohibición de estacionamiento sera levantada hoy Lunes 10 de Febrero del 2025 a las 7:00 p.m. Desde esa hora en adelante pueden estacionarse en las calles sin restricciones.
Gracias por su cooperación.

Soldiers Memorial Commission Meeting May 14, 2024

May 14 2024

6:00 pm Holyoke War Memorial Building

310 Appleton St, Holyoke 01040

Soldiers Memorial Commission Meeting

May 14, 2024

6:00 PM

Holyoke War Memorial Building, 300 Appleton Street, Holyoke


Accept March Minutes

Old Business:

CornHole does fundraisers.

Annual Budget

Elevator Status.  Parts expected by the end of April. Should be operable by the end of May.

Building leak status.

Main Hall bulb replacement status.

Armory Memorials Status and Planning.

Building improvements such as window style AC units. New blinds. Painting.

New Business:

Set Future Meeting:





Minutes for May 14th Meeting:
Present:  Don Andrejczyk, Rick Purcell, Ken Harstine, Lady Rua

Pledge of allegiance.

May 29th, Wednesday at 6pm is City Council Budget Meeting.

Old Business.  

Corn Hole Proposal.  Cost of hosting makes it difficult for us to take advantage of this service.  We will have $1400 when receipts are deposited.  We decline moving forward.

Wrestling event proceeded well.

Our manager with DPW has resigned.  

Memorials in DPW.  We need to decide what to do with them.  They are limestone and probably not suitable for outdoors presentation without protection.  Probably should involve Robert Comeau who has expressed interest in what to do with them.  We should have a meeting of likely interested parties to discuss what to do with them.

Budget.  Proposed draft will be available to commissioners by Friday or the next Friday.

Elevator.  No further information at this time.

Leaks.  No further leaks and still getting quotes for roof and steam system.   

Building improvements, DAV space needs air conditioner.  Blinds quotes.  What rooms need painting.  Need to continue working on signage.  

Request appointment Kevin Thomas for the board. (413)335-4929.

New Business

VA affairs director Luce is resigning.  Replacements are yet to be interviewed.  

Need hours in building with VA being closed much of the time now.  Looking at scheduling persons from commission to be on duty in the building.  

Internet installation.  Needs more uniform distribution of WI-FI in building.  Contact city about upgrading system for full coverage.

May 25th DAV Memorial Day practicing.
No to dance studio proposal.
June 14th 10am Opportunity High
June 16th 4pm Queer Prom.

Summer meeting schedule.

Next meeting June 11th.

Best Regards,

Ken Harstine

Minutes for March Meeting Rick Purcell Laddy Rua Ken Harstine Don Andrejczyk Shaun Sheedy, City Building Maintenance Supervisor Randy Goldberg with 413 Cornhole Wayne, Veterans Cemetery and Patriotic Committee Accepted minutes from the 13th. Fundraiser Proposal: Randy with Holyoke Auxiliary from 2017. In Holyoke since 1994. 413 CornHole does fundraisers. Has auctions and 50/50 raffle type things to raise further money. $600 to do it here and $300 to do it at their location. Need to distribute flyers and put up signs. Various ways of organizing it. They have a way of handicapping players and pairing folks up to provide and more even playing field. Charge per team or per person. You play four rounds and then a playoff. $50 or $60 per team or half per player. Food and drink would be sold by the host, the East Mountain Country Club. Event runs for four or more hours plus opening, and closing hours. Typically 70-100 persons come. Shaun Sheedy on budget. Elevator parts will be shipped by the end of April. Should be operable by the end of May. New door detector, jack and change hydraulic oil. Money came from “free cash”. $600 for generator, elevator and $400 for alarm maintenance. Come out of $14,500. Does not cover current costs. Can ask for 2% more. Need to raise the overtime account. Building leak status. Main leak is in the steam return line and is broken under the cement stairway. Need to open up the wall and concrete and will need $40K to do it. Roof leak status. $750K for a new roof and internal drains. Not amenable to rerouting drains to the outside as that would require new engineering. Replace lights in main hall. Shaun has to actually do this work. Room number and occupancy names. Building lock updates. Memorials a DPW. Need to set a date to inspect what is there. Friday the 26th. 10:00am at car barn. Laddy would like window style AC units. New blinds. $400 for each AC unit. Painting. Received a request for Salsa classes. Wednesday nights from 6 to 9pm. Roshay. Next meeting May 14th. Best Regards, Ken Harstine 413-250-8298

Soldiers Memorial Commission Contact Form
310 Appleton Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
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