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The City of Holyoke, Department of Public Works, has issued a regular Winter Parking Ban to be in effect starting tomorrow Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 3:00 pm until further notice. There will be no parking on the ODD side of the street unless otherwise posted, and no parking on CUL-DE-SACS. Thank you for your cooperation.

La Ciudad de Holyoke, Departamento de Obras Públicas, está emitiendo un anuncio sobre la prohibición de estacionamiento que comenzará mañana sábado 15 de Febrero del 2025 a las 3:00 pm, y durará hasta nuevo aviso. No se permitirá estacionar en el lado IMPAR de la calle, a menos que se indique lo contrario, y tampoco se permitirá estacionar en calles sin salida. Gracias por su cooperación.

Ordinance Committee Planning Board Joint Meeting March 8, 2022

Mar 8 2022

6:30 pm City Hall Holyoke

536 Dwight St, Holyoke 01040

City Council
Holyoke Massachusetts

Pursuant to the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §§ 18-25,
and Section 20 of Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021,
notice is hereby given of a meeting of the committee on
with public hearings to be held jointly with the Planning Board

Tuesday, March 8, 2022
6:30 PM

Meeting to take place at
Holyoke City Hall, 536 Dwight St
and can be accessed remotely on Zoom Meetings
Per order of the Chair: Linda Vacon
Planning Board Chair: John Kelley

Remote access via
Meeting ID: 879 9991 8600 Meeting Passcode: 599563 or by call in at 1 (646) 558-8656 with the same Meeting ID and Passcode.


Item 1: PUBLIC HEARING (joint hearing with the Planning Board, continued from 2-22-22) 1-18-22 MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI, ANDERSON-BURGOS — Ordered that the City Council amend Holyoke Zoning Ordinances Section by deleting “other
use as listed in Table 4.3 of Principle uses” and inserting the following language in its place: “any pre-existing public or private school providing education in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or any grades 1 through 12” or other such legal form sufficient to resolve any uncertainty over the interpretation of the existing ordinance as compliant with state law.

Item 2: PUBLIC HEARING (joint hearing with the Planning Board, continued from 2-22-22) 1-18-22 VACON — That the current buffer in the marijuana ordinance (200feet from any other use…)be reviewed and revised to schools, residences etc. to ensure opportunities for new marijuana businesses and to ensure continued development opportunities for established local business in accordance with our master plan, Connect, Construct, Create.

Item 3: PUBLIC HEARING (joint hearing with the Planning Board, continued from 2-22-22) 1-18-22 MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI, ANDERSON-BURGOS — Ordered that the City Council amend Holyoke Zoning Ordinances to correct the site plan review process in Section

Item 4: PUBLIC HEARING (joint hearing with the Planning Board, continued from 8-31-21, 10-26-21, 12-14-21) 8-3-21 LISI – Review and amend section 6.4 of the zoning ordinance to be in compliance with Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction ordered by Honorable Mark G. Mastroiani dated April 12, 2019 and any other updates to streamline the ordinance.

Item 5: 1-18-22 GIVNER — That the City of Holyoke enforce no parking zones and implement warnings and or small fines for vehicles in violation. This is a danger and in many neighborhoods, makes it impossible to see oncoming traffic when turning onto or of side streets. Especially concerning in Ward 4 is the intersection of Hampden St at O’Connor Ave.

Item 6: 1-18-22 GIVNER — That the City of Holyoke adopt a camera speed violation system in order to deter speeding on commuters through streets especially Beach, Hampden, Dwight, Maple, and High Streets . Holyoke has a city wide speed limit of 25mph. A ticketing system would remove this burden from our police department in some of the busiest areas while creating revenue for our city. It would also greatly reduce speeding and the running of traffic lights, by default increasing resident safety and life quality in all of our neighborhoods

Item 7: 2-1-22 RIVERA_J, RIVERA_I — Order that the City of Holyoke establish a three way stop sign at the corner of Mosher and Center Streets.

Item 8: 1-18-22 VACON — that our City Engineer recommend and implement safety improvements on Westfield Road at the curve near #292.  Another driver ran off the road in December into two front yards and left the scene.

Item 9: 2-1-22 RIVERA_J, RIVERA_I — Order that the City of Holyoke establish a three way stop sign at the corner of Mosher and North Bridge Streets

Item 10: 2-1-22 RIVERA_J — Order that the City of Holyoke establish a four way stop at the corners of Race and Appleton Streets.

Item 11: 1-18-22 PUELLO — That the DPW install the appropriate signage and convert the intersection of Chestnut and Franklin streets into a three way stop. Drivers are speeding on Franklin Street and an existing blind spot on Chestnut street poses a significant hazard.

Item 12: 1-18-22 ANDERSON-BURGOS — Ordered that a pedestrian crosswalk be placed where Portland St meets Beech St. A student was struck by a car as she tried to cross the street from the front of Holyoke High School.

Item 13: 11-16-21 (referred from Public Safety 2-1-22) MCGEE — Order that the city engineer review and determine if a four way stop sign(s) can be placed at Fairfield and Nonotuck.

Item 14: 2-15-22 MCGEE — That a “no trucks or tractor trailers local traffic allowed sign” at the bottom of Michelle Lane…..Currently, the sign says “No Exit”.

Item 15: 2-15-22 PUELLO — That a “No Turn On Red” sign be installed, taking effect when northbound on Resnic Blvd and merging on to Pine St. This will restrict when merges to Pine St can occur to green lights only.


Administrative Assistant: Jeffery Anderson-Burgos

The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. Also one or two items may require the committee to enter into executive session at this meeting. Agenda subject to change up to two business days (48 hours) prior to posted meeting time.

February 3, 2022
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Jeffery Anderson-Burgos
Administrative Assistant to the City Council

Holyoke City Hall
536 Dwight St, Room 10
Holyoke, MA 01040
Regular hours 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Meeting days 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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