Holyoke Conservation Commission Meeting: June 25, 2020
6:15 pm Remote by Zoom
Holyoke Conservation Commission Meeting
June 25, 2020
6:15 PM
This hearing will be held remotely, in accordance with recent temporary changes to Open Meeting Law in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Access to this meeting is available to the public by computer or phone as follows:
– Computer Access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5214795922 (meeting ID: 521 479 5922)
– Phone Access: Call +1 301-715-8592 and enter the Meeting ID followed by #: 521 479 5922
Email Yoni Glogower with any questions about meeting access: glogowery@holyoke.org
(all meetings are being recorded)
- Call to Order
- Public Hearing – Notice of Intent, Proposed Grading Activities Work (DEP# not yet issued) Applicant: Life Essence Inc. d/b/a Trulieve. Representative: John Furman, VHB. Location: 56 Canal St. (MBP 041-01-009, 011). Description: Fill and Grading work within the Buffer Zone of the Banks of the Second Canal
- Discussion (continued) – Enforcement Order, Issued 5/21/2020. Location: 35 Reservation Road (MBP 221-00-017 and -018). Description: Extensive dumping of organic material in bordering vegetated wetland and alteration of stream hydrology
- Informal Discussion – Pre-application review. Applicant: Jerry Rybcznski. Location: 4 Kennedy Circle (MBP 141-00-014). Description: Considerations for Single Family House Construction
- Formal Vote – Document to Authorize E-Signatures for the Registry of Deeds
- Mail/other items not reasonably anticipated by the Chair
- Adjourn