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Please be advised that City offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th, in observance of the President’s Day holiday


The City of Holyoke, Department of Public Works, has issued a regular Winter Parking Ban to be in effect starting tomorrow Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 3:00 pm until further notice. There will be no parking on the ODD side of the street unless otherwise posted, and no parking on CUL-DE-SACS. Thank you for your cooperation.

La Ciudad de Holyoke, Departamento de Obras Públicas, está emitiendo un anuncio sobre la prohibición de estacionamiento que comenzará mañana sábado 15 de Febrero del 2025 a las 3:00 pm, y durará hasta nuevo aviso. No se permitirá estacionar en el lado IMPAR de la calle, a menos que se indique lo contrario, y tampoco se permitirá estacionar en calles sin salida. Gracias por su cooperación.

Holyoke City Council Meeting February 6, 2024

Feb 6 2024

7:00 pm City Hall Holyoke

536 Dwight St, Holyoke 01040

Posted February 2, 2024, 1:45 PM

vídeo en español

Meeting will take place at Holyoke City Hall, 536 Dwight St
and can also be accessed remotely via
Meeting ID: 859 1496 0000 Meeting Passcode: 657908 or by call in at 1 (646) 558-8656 with same Meeting ID and Passcode.

Live Spanish interpretation will be available on local access channel 15 using the television’s SAP option, through the live stream on the city website, as well as on the Zoom feed by clicking the interpretation option and choosing Spanish.

FEBRUARY 6, 2024
7:00 PM


1. From Mayor Joshua Garcia, letter appointing Kayla Rodriguez of 14 Laurel St to service as a member of the Valley Opportunity Council.  Ms. Rodriguez will replace Jackie Watson and will serve a three-year term expiring December 31, 2027.


2. From Mayor Joshua Garcia, letter reappointing Mr. George Mettey of 7 Hemlock Drive, Holyoke, to serve as a member of the Library Board of Directors.  Mr. Mettey will serve a two-year term expiring in February 2024.


3. From City Clerk Brenna Murphy McGee and Admin. Assistant Jeffery Anderson-Burgos, minutes from the ​January 22, 2024 meeting.


4. From Mayor Joshua Garcia, letter reappointing Ms. Mary Moriarty of 429 Homestead Ave., Holyoke, to serve as a member of the Conservation Commission.  Ms. Moriarty will serve a three-year term, expiring February 1, 2027.


5. From OPED Director Aaron Vega, communication regarding ​the Office of Planning and Economic Development


6. From, David Weinberg, communication regarding Victory Theater


7. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that the City Council amend Ordinance 2-336(a) and (b) to reflect a streamlined process for disposition of tax title properties and other properties not needed by the City for municipal purposes and to add a new section for the creation of an Abutter Lots Sale Program.
Recommended that the order be referred to the City Council without recommendation.
8. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that the Zoning Ordinance, Section 6.4.2 Exemptions, be amended to add a letter,
(k) Banners or signs associated with a civic or municipal program may be allowed in all districts. Community or commercial sponsorship may be displayed on said banner or sign provided that the banner or sign itself is not be greater than six (6.0) square feet. These installations must be approved by the City and by the Department of Public Works as applicable.
Recommended that the order be referred to the City Council without recommendation.
9. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order That a handicap sign be placed in front of 38 Beacon Ave. for Elijah Santos, Placard #PL5530997
Recommended that the order be adopted.
10. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that a handicap sign be removed from 195 Beech St. for Wilfrin Puello.
Recommended that the order be adopted.
11. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order That the handicap parking at 527 South Bridge street please be removed. The original applicant has moved and will be reapplying for the new location.
Recommended that the order be adopted.
12. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FY2024 EDWARD J. BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT, $49,920, NO MATCH ” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.
Recommended that the order be adopted.
13. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($300,000) as follows:
12101-51105 SERGEANTS $115,000
12101-51107 PATROLMEN 65,000
12101-51117 E911 DISPATCHERS 120,000
TOTAL: $300,000
12101-51300 OVERTIME $300,000
TOTAL: $300,000
Recommended that the order be adopted.
14. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “2023 COMMUNITY MITIGATION FUND TRANSPORTATION PLANNING GRANT, $82,300, NO MATCH” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant
Recommended that the order be adopted.
15. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “MASS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN, 26,800, 10% IN KIND/VOLUNTEER MATCH ” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.
Recommended that the order be adopted.
16. The ​Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, TWENTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($20,000) as follows:
8811-10400 CAPITAL STABILIZATION $20,000
TOTAL: $20,000
TOTAL: $20,000
Recommended that the order be adopted.
17. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that the City Council vote to approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding allowing the City of Holyoke to receive transportation reimbursement in accordance with the provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act, and as allowed by the provisions of M.G.L. c. 44, s70.
Recommended that the order be adopted.
18. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that the City of Holyoke establish a Health Insurance Trust Agreement pursuant to MGL c. 23B, Section 3A. MGL c. 32B, Section 3A permits a municipality to establish a health insurance trust to “organize, arrange, or provide for the delivery or payment of health care coverage or services”. The establishment of a trust by the City to administer health care payments will create a significant savings to the FY’25 proposed budget.
Recommended that the order be adopted.
19. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that the ballot question approved by the City Council be placed on the ballot on November 4, 2024 as referenced in the 9/26/23 decision by Judge Mulqueen.
Ballot Question
Shall the City of Holyoke amend the current Community Preservation Act real estate surcharge, as established in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of Chapter 44B of the Massachusetts General Laws, and which amendment of such surcharge is permissible pursuant to Section 16 of Chapter 44B of the Massachusetts General Laws, and approved by its legislative body, from 1.5% to 1.0%, a summary of which appears below?
(with revised dates)
Community Preservation Act Ballot Question and Draft Summary
Ballot Question
Shall the City of Holyoke amend the current Community Preservation Act real estate surcharge, as established in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of Chapter 44B of
the Massachusetts General Laws, and which amendment of such surcharge is permissible pursuant to Section 16 of Chapter 44B of the Massachusetts General Laws, and approved by its legislative body, from 1.5% to 1.0%, a summary of which appears below?
Summary of Question
On October 3, 2023, the City Council voted, without taking a position, to place a question on the ballot which will allow voters to reduce the current Community Preservation Act real estate surcharge from 1.5% to 1.0%.. The question will be approved, and the real estate surcharge shall be so reduced, if a majority of the voters voting on the ballot question
vote “yes”. The question will not be approved, and the real estate surcharge shall remain the same, if a majority of the voters voting on the ballot question vote “no”
On November 8, 2016, the voters of the City of Holyoke voted to accept Sections 3 to 7 of Chapter 44B, known as the Community Preservation Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act’*). By accepting the Act, a funding source was established to enable the City of Holyoke to: (1) acquire, create and preserve open space, which includes land for parks, playgrounds and athletic fields; (2) acquire, preserve and rehabilitate historic resources such as historic community buildings and artifacts; and (3) acquire, create, and preserve
and support community housing to help local families meet their housing needs. By accepting the Act, a surcharge of 1.5% was assessed on real estate on an annual basis beginning in Fiscal Year 2018. Exempted from the surcharge are: (1) property owned and occupied as a domicile by any person who would qualify for low income housing or low or moderate income senior housing in the City of Holyoke, as defined in Section 2 of the Act; (2) $100,000 of the value of each taxable parcel of residential real property; and (3) $100,000 of the value of each taxable parcel of class three, commercial property, and class four, industrial property as defined in section 2A of said chapter 59. A taxpayer receiving a regular property tax abatement or exemption will also receive a pro rata reduction in the surcharge. Any taxpayer seeking a low income or senior exemption shall apply for said exemption annually to the City of Holyoke.
Recommended that the order be adopted.
20. The Committee on Finance ​to whom was referred an order that all city departments work towards creating digital access to all their forms, permits, and licenses to streamline access and reduce paperwork. Send a copy to all department heads and request an update to the finance committee with any expenses we would acquire in order to make this transition happen.
Recommended that the order has been complied with.
21. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that the honorable city council work with the law department on identifying the a criteria for the expenditure of Community Impact funding. It has been brought to my attention that at least one of the cannabis companies will soon be seeking a refund. How are we protected against this? And how have we spent money as of now?
Recommended that the order has been complied with.
22. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order In light of the recent announcement of Holyoke’s allocation from the State of nearly $500,000.00 in tax appropriation for its infrastructure, the Mayor and DPW Superintendent provide a plan on how to use the funds for this fiscal year. So the public is aware, please see agenda item #8 from the 1/2/24 meeting (Fair-Share Amendment).
Recommended that the order has been complied with.
23. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an orderFrom MassDOT, letter regarding Holyoke Fair Share apportionment for FY2024
Recommended that the order has been complied with.
24. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that the Holyoke Police department come into finance and elaborate on what is done with money that is seized or forfeited due to arrests or drug busts.
Recommended that the order has been complied with.
25. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order That the Finance Committee review the FY 22 budget impact, as well as, school building financial analysis impact of the Assessors’ decision to lower the Holyoke Mall’s assessment by an additional $36 million (for a $1.46 million annual revenue drop) the day after the Council’s February 15 vote to approve spending $475,000 on a feasibility study for a new middle school.
Recommended that the order has ​been complied with.
26. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an ​order that the City Council approve the Resolution for the Certified Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP) Project including a Local Tax Increment Exemption (TIE) Agreement with Wrights Block LLC for the redevelopment of 106 – 120 High Street (Assessor Map 013, Block 01, Parcel 006) into downtown market rate housing.
Recommended that the order be adopted.
27. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the Honorable City Council, in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, declare 37 Brown Avenue (Assessors Map 081, Block 00, Parcel 042) as surplus property available for disposition. The property was acquired via a judgment in tax lien foreclosure in 2022.  It is an approximately .14 acres lot with a single family home constructed, zoned R-2 and has an assessed value of $219,900.00.
Recommended that the order be adopted.
28. The Committee on Development and Governmental Relations to whom was referred an order that the Honorable City Council, in accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 30B and the Holyoke Code of Ordinances procurement ordinance, declare 432 Hillside Avenue (Assessors Map 123, Block 00, Parcel 021) as surplus property available for disposition. The property was acquired via a judgment in tax lien foreclosure in 2023.  It is an approximately .17 acres lot with a single family home constructed, zoned R1-A and has an assessed value of $175,600.00.
Recommended that the order be adopted.
29. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was ​referred an order that the City Clerk provide information outlining the procedures for submitting changes to Municode and ensuring accurate publication of the City Charter.
Awaiting ​disposition
30. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order that RULE 4. CITY CLERK section A: In case of the absence of the City Clerk, a  Clerk Pro-Tempore shall be appointed….the words Clerk Pro-Tempore shall be deleted and changed to  “Assistant City Clerk, 2nd Assistant City Clerk or Administrative Assistant to the City Council shall resume the  duties of the City Clerk when the City Clerk is absent.”
Awaiting disposition
31. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was refererd an order With community support, order that all ordinances and charter rules reflecting city council and city council subcommittee meeting notices be updated to reflect acceptance of email as sufficient method of notice, and city website posting as sufficient method of public notice.
Awaiting disposition
32. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order With community support, order that the following section of our Codes of Ordinances and charter be updated to reflect use of email as sufficient for special meeting notice:
Sec. 12. – Special meetings of city council.
The mayor may at any time call a special meeting of the city council by public posting through the city website along with written notifications thereof, together with a statement of the subjects to be considered thereat, to be deposited in the post office, postpaid and addressed to the persons to be notified, at least forty-eight hours before the time appointed for such meeting, or to be left at the usual place of residence of each member of the council, by email at least forty-eight hours before the time appointed for such meeting.  (Acts 1965, c. 187; Acts 1992, c. 189)
Awaiting disposition
33. The Committree on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order that the City Council make a rule change to be added to “meetings” section for our first meeting:
A. Regular meetings of the City Council shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 o’clock p.m sharp. All City Councilors are to be in the City Council Chambers or present by remote access by 6:45 p.m.
B. No meeting of the City Council shall go beyond 10PM EST unless, upon a motion of any councilor, the meeting is extended for a period of time stated in the motion, and so long as the motion is unanimously approved by all members present. If a motion to extend the meeting past 10PM EST is not approved, all remaining items shall be continued until the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. If items are continued to the next meeting pursuant to this rule, those items shall appear at the beginning of the next agenda
B. The President and/or Committee chairs can cancel meetings due to inclement weather.
Awaiting disposition
34. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was refererd an order that RULE 3 MEETINGS 3(A) be changed to reflect that City Council meetings shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. (change from 7:00 p.m.)
Awaiting disposition
35. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order RULE 6 DECORUM section E add the words or city employees after the words  “another member”
Awaiting disposition
36. Givner- With community support, that all one way streets include a stop sign on both even and odd sides of the street’s corner on approach to a stop.-Ordinance / Copy to DPW


37. Givner- With community support, order that city departments develop an online portal to collect information from property and business owners. Our current postal mail approach slows the collection of needed data, creates data entry work for city employees, and has the potential to get lost/missed by those it is sent and/or returned to. The first departments that come to mind are our Building, Board of Health, and Board of Assessors. This will be especially useful as the city continues to become more efficient in the collection and use of property information.
-Receive, adopt and send to the Mayor
38. Givner- Ordered, that the City Council approve the Resolution for the Certified Housing Development Incentive Program Project including a Local Tax Increment Exemption (TIE) Agreement with Open Square Properties, LLC for the new downtown market rate housing development at 4 Open Square Way (Assessors Map  022, Block 01, Parcel 003).


39. Givner- In an effort to support Holyoke’s need for housing, Order that the City Council approve the Resolution for the Certified Housing Development Incentive Program Project including a Local Tax Increment Exemption (TIE) Agreement with Open Square Properties, LLC for the new downtown market rate housing development at 4 Open Square Way (Assessors Map  022, Block 01, Parcel 003). (Resolution attached)



40. Givner- Per constituent request, order that the handicap placard be removed from 277 Walnut St as resident Jane Pafford has moved.
-Ordinance / Copy to DPW
41. Givner- Per constituent request, order that a stop sign be added on the left side of Pine Street when approaching Cabot.
-Ordinance / Copy to DPW
42. Givner- With community support, order that a street light be installed between 31 and 33 O’Connor Ave on the odd side of the street. There have been multiple vehicle break ins here. A light would provide pedestrian safety and deter vehicle break ins on this very dark section of the street.
-Ordinance / Copy to DPW
43. Jourdain-That Charter Sections 19 and 34 be amended and elsewhere as appropriate to allow for all appointments to the Fire Commission and DPW Commission to be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council.


44. Jourdain- Pursuant to Ordinance Sec 12, subject to the approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the City Council gives its final approval to name the Fountain at Laurel Park, the “Helen F. Norris Fountain at Laurel Park” in honor of 16 year Ward 3 City Councilor Helen F. Norris and her very meaningful and accomplished service to the city.  I also thank Mayors Garcia and Pluta for strongly supporting this naming.


45. Jourdain- That the DPW please continue making cold patching potholes in the city as a priority until weather warms and more permanent solutions can be used.


46. Meg Magrath-Smith- Ordered that members of the Fire Commission come into Public Safety to discuss  the recent issue concerning firefighters obtaining their EMT certifications.


47. Murphy-Romboletti-That the Polling Places for each of the voting precincts in the City of Holyoke for the Presidential Primary to be held Tuesday, March 5, 2024, be and the same are hereby designated as follows:
ORDENA, que los lugares para cada recinto en la Ciudad de Holyoke para la Primaria Presidencial que se lleveran a cabo el Martes, 5 de Marzo 2024, sea y al igual, por este medio designado lo siguente:WARD ONE   BARRIO UNO
PRECINCT A – Rosary Towers Recreation Room 21 Bowers St..
PRECINTO A—Rosary Towers Recreation Room  21 de la Calle BowersPECINCT B—City Hall Basement, 536 Dwight St.
PRECINTO B—City Hall Sotano, 536 de la Calle Dwight St.WARD TWO   BARRIO DOS
PRECINCT A—Morgan School Gym, South Bridge St. Entrance only
RECINTO A—Gimnasio de la Escuela Morgan, en la Calle So. Bridge solamentePRECINCT B – Falcetti Towers, 475 Maple St.
RECINTO B – Falcetti Towers, 475 de la Calle MapleWARD THREE   BARRIO TRES
PRECINCT A – Metcalf School Gym, 2019 Northampton St..
RECINTO A – Gimnasio de la Escuela Metcalf, 2019 de la Calle Northampton
PRECINCT B – Metcalf  School Gym, 2019 Northampton St.
RECINTO B –Gimnasio de la Escuela Metcalf, 2019 de la Calle NorthamptonWARD FOUR   BARRIOS CUATRO
PRECINCT A& B – St. Paul’s Church Parish Center, Appleton St.
RECINTO A&B – St. Paul’s Church Parish Center, en la Calle Appleton

PRECINCT A – Lt. Elmer J. McMahon School Gym, Kane Rd.
RECINTO A—Gimnasio de la Escuela McMahon, en la Calle Kane

PRECINCT B – Maurice A. Donahue School Gym, Whiting Farms Rd.
RECINTO B—Gimnasio de la Escuela Donahue, en la Calle Whiting Farms

PRECINCT A&B – Sullivan School, 400 Jarvis Ave.
RECINTO A&B – Escuela Sullivan, 400  de la Calle Jarvis

PRECINCT A&B – E. N. White School Gym, 1 Jefferson St.
PRECINTO A&B– Gimnasio de la Escuela E. N. White, 1 de la Calle Jefferson


48. Murphy-Romboletti- ​Ordered that the City Council ​suspend the necessary rules and cancel the ​City Council Meeting for March 5, 2024, due to the Presidential Primary.


49. Murphy-Romboletti- Ordered That the Presidential Primaries in the City of Holyoke for the expression of Presidential Preference, or of No Preference, of Political Parties, or for the Election
of Candidates of political Parties for offices herein stated be and they are hereby  called to be held on Tuesday, March 5, 20124, in the several places as designated by the City Council.The polls will be opened at 7:00 AM and remain open continuously thereafter until  8:00PM., when the polls will be closed, and all voters of the political parties will in  the several polling places in which they are entitled to vote, between said hours, give in their votes by Accu-Vote for the election of candidates of political parties  for the following offices:Presidential Preference.
Members of the State Committee, one man and one woman for each of the  Political Parties for the Hampden-Hampshire Senatorial District.
Not more than 35 members of the Democratic Ward Committee, from each of the  Seven wards.
Not more than 35 members of the Republican Ward Committee, from each of the  Seven wards.ORDENA, que las primarias presidencial en la ciudad de Holyoke por la  Expression de preferencia presidencial, o de ninguna preferencia de partido  politico, o para la eleccion de candidatos de partidos politicos para oficinas en  esto declarado.  Ser y por este medio sera llamada a llevar a cabo el Martes, 5 de Marzo 2024, en los varios lugares designado por los Asambleistas municipal.Las urnas estaran abiertas a las 7:00A.M. y permaneceran abiertas continuamente  de alli en adelante hasta las 8:00P.M.  Cuando las urnas sean cerradas y todos  los votantes de los partidos politicos, vayan a los varios lugares de votacion en el  cual tienen derecho a votar, entre dichas horas, den sus votos, votando en Accu-Vote para la eleccion de candidatos para los partidos politicos las siguentes  oficinas:Preferencia Presidencial.Miembros del comite del estado, un hombre y una mujer para cada uno de los  partidos politicos para el Hampden-Hampshire Distrito Senatorial.
No mas de 35 miembros del comite barrio Democratico, de cada uno de los siete  barrios.
No mas de 35 miembros del comite barrio Republicano, de cada uno de los  Siete barrios.

ORDENO, mas adelante, que el escribiente municipal causa aviso de dicha  primarias que sea emprentado en uno o mas periodicos publicado en esta ciudad  y tambien sea conspicuo anunciado en las oficina del escribiente municipal.


50. Ocasio- That a handicap sign be placed in front of 799 High St. for Francisco Rivera Chevere, Placard # PL1770918, Exp: 04/16/24.


51. Rivera, I.- Order that the honorable city council ask the police department to provide us with an itemized budget breakdown of dollars received and expended over the last 5 years from the criminal seizure and forfeiture account.


52. Vacon- that our legal department sends and provides a copy of the letter notifying Republic Commercial Disposal of our noise ordinance and giving notice to cease emptying dumpsters outside of the allowed time frame.  Please provide copy of the letter for the next City Council meeting.


53. Vacon, Bartley- that in accordance with City Council Rule 9 A, (All Committees shall be appointed and announced by the President, unless otherwise provided for, or especially directed by the City Council), adopted unanimously by the City Council, the City Council direct that the Ward 3 City Councilor be appointed to replace the Ward 5 City Councilor on the DGR Committee.  Currently, the Ward 5 City Councilor has been assigned to three committees, most other city councilors have been assigned to two, and the Ward 3 City Councilor has been assigned to one committee.  This is an unbalanced and unfair assignment where one councilor has been singled out for a heavier workload than any other councilor.  This assignment will restore a fair workload of two committees for each councilor.  Motion to receive and adopt


54. Anderson-Burgos- Ordered that the handicap sign located in front of 184 Sargeant St be removed.


55. Bartley- DPW paint hash-marks indicating no parking at west side of HARRISON AVE where it meet MYRTLE ST.  This is a constituent request.


56. Bartley- DPW, as practical as possible, paint stop lines and other necessary markings at the intersection of PARENTEAU DR/HIGH ST./SOUTH ST. as this intersection is not getting any safer.


57. Bartley- The Holyoke City Council issue a proclamation to the family of MERLE HILLMAN, WWII Pearl Harbor hero from the USS California, who was finally laid to rest at St. Jerome’s in a memorial service January 27, 2024.


58. Devine, I. Rivera – Under City Council rules, please add the following:     New Rule: Every 2 years after being sworn in,  the City Council President shall set the seating arrangements of the City Council.  Consideration shall be taken for any legitimate handicap preference.


59. Devine- Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “2024 MASSDEP RECYCLING DIVIDENDS/SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS RECOVERY PROGRAM , $9,100, NO MATCH ” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.


60. Devine- Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, NINETY THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY ONE AND 00/100 Dollars ($90,861) as follows:

12201-51105    FIREFIGHTER        $90,861
TOTAL:    $90,861
12201-51102    DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF        $65,588
12201-51300    OVERTIME        8,307
12201-51500    VACATION/PERSONAL DAY BUYBACK        4,506
12201-51510    SICK LEAVE/INCENTIVE BUYBACK        12,460
TOTAL:    $90,861


61. Devine- Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE  AND 71/100 Dollars ($37,283.71) as follows:

12101-51105    SERGEANTS        $10,493.16
12101-51107    PATROLMEN        26,790.55
TOTAL:    $37,283.71
12101-51180    INJURED ON DUTY        $37,283.71
TOTAL:    $37,283.71



A. Devine – Ordered, Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2024, EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($850,000.00) as follows:
3000-10400 SCHOOL ROOF PROJECTS $9,718.40
3040-10400 DESIGN OF CONNECTOR ROAD $10,113.55
3100-10400 POLICE STATION $29,859.85
3150-10400 FIRE STATION $3,453.54
3170-10400 MOSHER STREET CSO $96,784.01
3250-10400 COMMUNITY FIELD $44,721.97
3330-10400 DEAN voe SCIENCE LAB $156,211.90
3340-10400 FIRE TRUCKS $20,692.14
6040-10400 SEWER PLANT IMPROVEMENTS $7,309.42
0430-10400 SALE OF REAL ESTATE $303,000.00
8811-10400 CAPITAL STABILIZATION $145,000.00
*Added February 5, 2024, 12:08 PM

B. Sullivan- That the DPW Director and Board Members be invited to a Dev & Gov Relations Committee meeting to update the council on the status of operations, projects, and initiatives.
*Added February 5, 2024, 12:08 PM

C. Jourdain- Ordered, that the School dept provide the City Council with a report on their plan to use the remaining $13 million in ESSER funds by September 30, 2024. Also provide us a report on how the $44 million thus far spent was used.
*Added February 5, 2024, 12:08 PM

D. Jourdain- That the Joint Committee on City Council and School Committee review and respond to the Receivership response from Commissioner Riley & the Holyoke High & District 23-24 District Report Card that was released by Mass DESE. Documents attached.
*Added February 5, 2024, 12:08 PM

E. From Mayor Joshua A. Garcia, response to Commissioner Riley’s letter on receivership
*Added February 5, 2024, 12:17 PM



The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be
discussed at the meeting.
Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be
brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law

City Clerk



February 2, 2024
  • PDF
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Jeffery Anderson-Burgos
Administrative Assistant to the City Council

Holyoke City Hall
536 Dwight St, Room 10
Holyoke, MA 01040
Regular hours 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Meeting days 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Close window