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Please be advised that City offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday.

Holyoke City Council Meeting May 7, 2019

May 7 2019

7:00 pm City Hall Holyoke

536 Dwight St, Holyoke 01040

May 7,2019




1. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re: Proposals fro 689 Main St. and 144 High St.

2. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter reappointing Mr. Carl Eger, 1966 Northampton St. to serve as a member of the Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (HEDIC): This seat on the Board of Directors represents the Real Estate sector, Mr. Eger will serve a three-year term which will expire on June 30, 2022.

3. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re-appointing Mr. Michael E. Murphy, 176 Lincoln St. to serve as a member of the Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (HEDIC): This seat on the Board of Directors represents the Financial sector. Mr. Murphy will serve a three-year term which will expire on June 30, 2022.

4. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re-appointing Mr. Joseph McGiverin, 27 Downing Ave. to serve as a member of the Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (HEDIC): This seat on the Board of Directors represents the Municipal Government sector. Mr. McGiverin will serve a three-year term which will expire on June 30, 2022.

5. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re-appointing Ms. Rosemary Arnold, 30 Mountain Rd. to serve as a member of the Conservation Commission: Ms. Arnold will serve a three-year term; said term will expire on February 1, 2022.

6. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re-appointing Mr. Josh Knox, 40 Morgan St. to serve as a member of the Board of Appeals for the City of Holyoke: Mr. Knox will serve a three-year term; said term will expire on July 1, 2022.

7. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Mr. Antonio Quinones-Albino, 1137C Dwight St. to serve as a member of the Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (HEDIC): This seat on the Board of Directors represents the Low-Income sector. Mr. Quinones-Albino will serve a three-year term which will expire on June 30, 2022.

8. From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Ms. Myriam Quinones to serve as a Commissioner of the Holyoke Housing Authority for the City of Holyoke: Ms. Quinones will serve a five year term; said term will expire on April 1, 2024.

9. From Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC minutes of April 16, 2019.

10. From Patricia A. Mertes, APRN Chair of Board of Health Commission letter appointing Sean Gonsalves, RS as Director of the Board of Health.

11. From Holyoke Board of Health minutes of February 7, 2019.

12. From Board of Public Works, Sewer Commission and Stormwater Authority minutes of February 25, 2019.

13. Board of Fire Commission minutes of March 20, 2019.

14. From Thomas J. O’Connor Animal Control and Adoption Center minutes of November 14, 2018.


15. Petition of Canna Provisions, Inc. for a new special permit for a Recreational Marijuana Retail Establishment (RMRE) 7.10.2 at 380 Dwight St.

16. Petition of Mt. Tom Generating Co, LLC for a new Special permit for Construction or Substantial improvements on existing Structure in the Flood Overlay District (8.1.5) at 200 Northampton St.

17. Petition of Andrea Alvarez for a renewal of a home occupation at 45 Longwood Ave. for a hair salon.

18. Petition of Brad Matthews Jewelers for a renewal of Second hand license at 2225 Northampton St.

19. Petition of Record Town Inc. d/b/a FYE #725 for a renewal of a Second Hand License at 50 Holyoke St.

20. Petition of Zuleika Rivera for a renewal of a Second hand license at 68 Cherry St.

21. Petition of Tai W. Kong (Emmanuel Jewelry) for a renewal of a Second Hand license at 311 High St.

22. Petition of Jesus Feliciano of 261 Elm St. for a street vendor license.

23. Petition of Arnaldo Ravento Lopez of 222 Pine St. for a street vendor license to be located at 436 High St.




24. Ordinance Committee Reports (if any)

24A. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred a Special Permit application of Life Essence Inc. for establishment of a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 56 Canal St., 7 North Bridge SE (Map 041 Block 01 Parcel 011 + 16,09 Recommend that the application be approved with the following conditions:

1. That the owner of the building always pay commercial property tax rate to the extent allowed by Federal, State, and Local Laws for the duration of the Sp. Permit
2. That the business retain a minimum 30% Holyoke residents for of non-security jobs
3. That Hiring preference be given to security personnel that are retired Holyoke Police or are a retired member of another police department now lives in the City of Holyoke
4. There shall be no marijuana consumption to be allowed on site
5. There shall be no deliveries of retail or medical marijuana from the site to individual homes, residences or people
6. That hours or operation be in compliance with City Ordinance

24B. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred a Special permit application of Analytics Labs LLC for establishment of a cannabis testing lab at 28C Appleton St, Suite 3. (Map 032 Block 01 Parcel 001) Recommend that the application be approved as amended:

1. That the owner of the building always pay commercial property tax rate to the extent allowed by Federal, State, and Local Laws for the duration of the Sp. Permit
2. That the business retain a minimum 30% Holyoke residents for of non-security jobs
3. That Hiring preference be given to security personnel that are retired Holyoke Police or are a retired member of another police department now lives in the City of Holyoke.
4. That there be no public access to the building
5. That all waste removal be done by a licensed contractor.

24C. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that a no parking “from here to corner” sign be installed around the entrance way to 1 Elm St. of the new Holyoke Juvenile Court House Recommend that the order be adopted

24D. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that the handicap sign be removed from 145 Essex St. for Carlos Espada. The individual has moved Recommend that the order be adopted

24E. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that a no parking to corner sign be placed on the northbound side of Jarvis Avenue 20 feet prior to the entrance to Day Brook Village and no parking in front of United Bank on Northampton St.. Vehicles parking on the corner are presenting a hazardous obstruction to drivers attempting to exit. Recommend that the order be adopted

24F. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that DPW to remove  handicapped parking at 14 Center Street with approval of Disability commission. According to resident person is deceased and is no longer needed. Recommend that the order be adopted

24G. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order That Mr. Douglas Wilkinson has lived on Belvidere Ave. with his bride Patricia for the last 52 years.  Mr. Wilkinson, now who is 83 years old, has had major medical setbacks.  Their neighbors have 9 cars and park them consistently in front of their home.  Mr. Wilkinson’s Handicap Placard is P92030348, Exp. 8/30/20.  We file this order to have  handicap spot placed in front of 48 Belvidere Ave.  Recommend that the order be adopted

24H. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that a handicap sign be placed in front of 290 Chestnut St. for Asnelly Negron Recommend that the order be adopted

24I. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that a handicap sign be placed in front of 127 Beech St. for Fredy Rodriguez Recommend that the order be adopted

24J. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order Ordered that no parking be allowed on the odd numbered side of Jackson Street from the corner of South Bridge Street to the alleyway.   Recommend that the order be adopted

24K. The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that anytime the City Council or Department of Public Works change an ordinance or right of way that would effect the day to day operations of the Police Department or Fire Department that the City clerks Department immediately notify the departments.  An example of this is when the barriers went up in the Ashley neighborhood, or reducing the speed limit through the city. Recommend that the order has been complied with

25. Finance Committee Reports (if any)

25A. The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that The Retirement Board, Mayor, Treasurer, Auditor & Bond Counsel along with the Manager of Holyoke Gas & Electric be invited in to a meeting of the Finance Committee to discuss the merits and feasibility of a pension obligation bond (POB) annual cash flow savings to the City may exceed 5 Million Dollars. Recommend that the order has been complied with

26. Public Safety Committee Reports (if any)

27. Public Service Committee Reports (if any)

28. Development and Governmental Relations Committee Reports (if any)

29. Charter and Rules Committee Reports (if any)

29A. The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order That Section 19 of the city charter be amended to read ” THE MAYOR SHALL APPOINT THREE PERSONS TO BE FIRE COMMISSIONERS, SUBJECT TO CITY COUNCIL CONFIRMATION.”
Recommend that the order be adopted

30. Joint City Council and School Committee Reports (if any)


31. VACON — that the registered  voter list be audited/updated for accuracy in accordance with the census results.

32. VACON — due to limited funding for the full approved project to close both Ashley & Sunset Rd, that Sunset Road be closed first as soon as possible.

33. VACON — that a “do no block” box be painted across from the driveway of the plaza containing Twin Mart and Dino’s on Homestead Ave.  This is a constituent request.

34. VACON — that DPW evaluate the overflow sewer drain at 42 Knollwood Circle for any needed repairs to the drain and erosion of the land around the drain and have any needed repairs or land improvements completed.

35. VACON — that the intersection of Farnum Drive and Whiting Farms Road be evaluated and recommendations made to improve safety for drivers and those using bus service.

36. VACON — that the Health Department and the Building Commissioner cause illegal temporary housing/tents anywhere in our city, piles of possessions on the street, any outdoor structures used as a bathroom on the street to be removed as soon as possible. This is a health and safety hazard throughout our city.

37. VACON — that a permanent speed feedback sign be placed near 300 Westfield Road to reduce speeding by drivers in the area.  This is a persistent safety issue in the area.

38. VACON — that No Parking signs be replaced on Homestead Ave between Kane and Pynchon roads on the school side of Homestead Ave and added as a city ordinance.

39. VALENTIN — Ordered, that the Holyoke City Council pass a resolution
ANDERSON-BURGOS supporting An Act Establishing Medicare for All in
LEBRON-MARTINEZ Massachusetts, endorsing the Massachusetts House and
Senate Bill, “Improved Medicare for All,” filed by
Senator Jamie Eldridge and Representative Lindsey
Sabadosa. The City Council believes access to affordable,
quality health care is a human right and a fundamental
component of a decent and just society, and remains
committed to providing high quality health care to
city employees and retirees, and to making such health
care available to all residents of Massachusetts.

40. BARTLEY — The DPW please resurface Argyle Ave and Merrick Ave.  Both roads are in poor condition.  If funds are not available to fully resurface then please at least fill the double-digit potholes and make the road smoother.  Refer to DPW.

41. BARTLEY — The City Council pass a resolution in support of the work of expanding natural gas capacity to the City of Holyoke.  The resolution should keep in mind the importance of protecting the environment but should recognize the reality that expanding business and building new schools can only be done when there is available energy and power.  Refer to DGR.

42. BARTLEY — That the Honorable City Council, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30B and the Holyoke Procurement Ordinance, vote to accept an offer of $1,000 from Eureka Enterprises, LLC to purchase and redevelop the City owned building at 144 High Street. The property is identified in the Holyoke Assessors records as Map 013, Block 02, Parcel 004 and described as two-story 5,460 square foot building situated on 3,354 square feet of land.  The property is zoned as Downtown Business (BC) and has an assessed value of $82,400.  Additional information is attached.

43. BRESNAHAN — that the DPW install/Paint a Do Not Block the Box at the intersection of Northampton St. and Shawmut Ave.

44. BRESNAHAN — A request that any monies spent for Rocha services are presented to the City Council

45. LEBRON-MARTINEZ — that in order to allow for development and redevelopment of properties in the area in alignment with existing City plans; provide cohesiveness to the area and bring those parcels further into conformity, the following parcels be zone changed as shown in the following table:

PARCEL ID        OWNER                 PROPOSED        CURRENT USE
011-07-008         N.E. Telephone         RO to BC            parking lot

011-07-009         N.E. Telephone         RO to BC            parking lot

011-07-010         N.E. Telephone         RO to BC            telephone exchange station

011-10-002         2nd Cong. Church     RO to BC            religious

011-10-003         Foley Property           RO to BC            educational property

011-10-005         Foley Property           RO to DR            parking lot

011-10-006         Alecto Realty Trust    RO to DR            Two-Family

011-10-007         LC2 Holyoke LLC      RO to DR            developable land

011-10-008         LC2 Holyoke LLC      RO to DR            developable land

46. LISI — that the City Council invite in a representative from Soldier On as well as our Veterans Services Director to discuss support services for Veterans who fail to meet the requirements of Solider On programs

47. LISI — that the City Council invite in the CPAC to discuss their reflections on their first round of fund disbursement; reflections could include thoughts on their process and some of the reasoning that went to this year’s award selections.

48. LISI — That the City Council consider amending the Marijuana
LEBRON-MARTINEZ Ordinance to allow Marijuana Cultivation/Manufacturing
Facilities to operate on a 24-hour basis. There have
been several applicants already who have expressed
interest in operating a business model that includes
three shifts and that translates to additional jobs
for our residents.

49. LISI — That the Assessor and/or Tax Collector inform the council of how many tax-exempt properties exist within the City and provide us with a list of those businesses/entities.

50. LISI — That the Assessor, Tax Collector, and Auditor develop a document that details the history of tax revenue and growth since the 5 years prior to the closing of the Mt. Tom Power Plant.

51. LISI — That the DPW work with the city Council to develop a process for residents to request tree pits on city sidewalks near their home.. There may also be a fee associated with this process.

52. MCGEE — that DPW repave West Cherry Street.

53. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETEEN AND 33 /100 Dollars ($1,219.33) as follows:

15432-53190 EDUCATION & TRAINING – VET SERV. 32.13
TOTAL: $1,219.33
19202-57200 OUT OF STATE TRAVEL $1,219.33
TOTAL: $1,219.33

54. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETEEN AND 72/100 Dollars ($6,819.72) as follows:

12101-51107 PATROLMEN $6,819.72
TOTAL: $6,819.72
12101-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $6,819.72
TOTAL: $6,819.72

55. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY EIGHT AND 00/100 Dollars ($9,988.00) as follows:

12401-51105 PLUMBING & GAS INSPECTOR $2,488.00
12401-51106 WIRE INSPECTOR 7,500.00
TOTAL: $9,988.00
TOTAL: $9,988.00

56. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, TWENTY SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTEEN AND 00/100 Dollars ($26,815.00) as follows:

14261-51106 POLICE FLEET MECHANIC $26,815.00
TOTAL: $26,815.00
12102-52410 R & M MOTOR VEHICLES $26,815.00
TOTAL: $26,815.00

57. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, THIRTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($30,000.00) as follows:

12941-51104 TREE CLIMBER $30,000.00
TOTAL: $30,000.00
TOTAL: $30,000.00

58. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, SIX THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($6,000.00) as follows:

12942-52410 R & M VEHICLES $5,000.00
12942-52420 R & M OTHER 500.00
TOTAL: $6,000.00
16502-52410 R & M VEHICLES $6,000.00
TOTAL: $6,000.00

59. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, TEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($10,000.00) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTERS $10,000.00
TOTAL: $10,000.00
12201-51104 LIEUTENANTS $10,000.00
TOTAL: $10,000.00

60. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, EIGHT THOUSAND NINETY SIX AND 00/100 Dollars ($8,096.00) as follows:

12101-51117 E911 DISPATCHER $6,530.00
12101-51204 PT CLERKS 1,566.00
TOTAL: $8,096.00
12101-51203 PT DISPATCHER $6,530.00
12101-51120 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,566.00
TOTAL: $8,096.00

61. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY AND 00/100 Dollars ($6,330.00) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTERS $6,330.00
TOTAL: $6,330.00
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $6,330.00
TOTAL: $6,330.00

62. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, FIFTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY SIX AND 00/100 Dollars ($15,896.00) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $15,896.00
TOTAL: $15,896.00
12201-51101 FIRE CHIEF $15,896.00
TOTAL: $15,896.00

63. MCGIVERIN — Order: That the Council order for tennis court reconstruction sum approved on August 1, 2017 be modified to include repairs to and resurfacing of the James Jackson courts located on South Canal Street.

64. MCGIVERIN — That the Council order for traffic signal replacement approved on September 5, 2018 be modified to include purchasing and installing school zone traffic signals at the Metcalf School on Northampton Street and Dean School on Main Street.  School zone signals at other schools may be included subject to funding being available within the original $1,400,000 appropriation.

65. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, FORTY FOUR THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($44,000.00) as follows:

12941-51104 TREE CLIMBER $14,735.00
14261-51105 EVT TECHNICIAN 29,265.00
TOTAL: $44,000.00
14222-53010 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $44,000.00
TOTAL: $44,000.00

66. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, TWENTY NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY FOUR AND 00/100 Dollars ($29,324.00) as follows:

11511-51101 SOLICITOR $29,324.00
TOTAL: $29,324.00
11511-51102 ASST. SOLICITOR $29,324.00
TOTAL: $29,324.00

67. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY THREE AND 00/100 Dollars ($3,623.00) as follows:

TOTAL: $3,623.00
11572-53430 ADVERTISING $3,623.00
TOTAL: $3,623.00

68. MCGIVERIN — That the Council order for boiler and window replacements at Kelly Elementary School and window replacements at Sullivan and Morgan Elementary Schools, approved on April 18, 2018, be modified to include removal, purchase, and installation, of new AC units in public school facilities within the City of Holyoke within the original $13,797,581.00 appropriation.

69. MURPHY — Ordered that the DG&R committee meet with representatives from the building department, the board of health, the planning and development office to review the conditions of buildings and the alleyways off Main Street from Sargeant to Hamilton Streets.  This is a situation which needs both immediate and long term actions to correct a dangerous situation.

70. MURPHY — Ordered that the public safety committee meet with the superintendent of the DPW to review the city’s capacity regarding the problem of potholes.  What would the city need to do to accelerate the pace of filling these sometimes dangerous situations?

71. MURPHY — Ordered that the public safety committee meet with the city engineer, the superintendent of the DPW, and representatives from Hazen Paper, Sonoco Products, and University Products to resolve the issue of unsafe roads on South Water Street both to and from those respective businesses.

72. MURPHY — that the Mayor, the Director of Planning and Development, and the Director of the Holyoke Housing Authority meet with the DG&R committee to seek ways to include the parking lot at the corner of Clemente and Hamilton Streets as part of the planned South Holyoke housing redevelopment around Carlos Vega Park.

73. MURPHY — that in order to allow for development and redevelopment of properties in South Holyoke in alignment with existing City plans; more properly define two gateways to the City; and to properly align the overlying zoning to what is presently in place, bringing those parcels further into conformity while in turn reducing the possibility of future incompatible uses, the following parcels be zone changed to BC – Downtown Business as shown in the following table:

MBP Number    Address
028-03-007    398 MAIN ST
028-03-009    370 MAIN ST
028-03-010    358 MAIN ST
028-03-011    MAIN ST
028-03-012    74 CABOT ST
028-04-009    MAIN ST
028-04-010    MAIN ST
028-04-011    454 MAIN ST
028-04-012    452 MAIN ST
028-04-013    416 MAIN ST
028-04-014    MAIN ST
028-04-015    412 MAIN ST
028-04-016    60 HAMILTON ST
028-06-001    MAIN ST
028-06-002    341 MAIN ST
028-06-003    345 MAIN ST
028-06-004    349 MAIN ST
028-06-005    MAIN ST
028-06-006    363 MAIN ST
028-06-007    365 MAIN ST
028-06-008    369 MAIN ST
028-06-009    MAIN ST
028-06-010    MAIN ST
028-06-011    MAIN ST
028-06-012    385 MAIN ST
028-06-013    389 MAIN ST
028-06-014    MAIN ST
028-06-015    393 MAIN ST
028-07-001    401 MAIN ST
028-07-002    405 MAIN ST
028-07-003    409 MAIN ST
028-07-004    415 MAIN ST
028-07-005    MAIN ST
028-07-006    427 MAIN ST
028-07-007    433 MAIN ST
028-07-008    435 MAIN ST
028-07-009    437 MAIN ST
028-07-010    447 MAIN ST
028-07-011    449 MAIN ST
028-07-012    71 SARGEANT ST
029-01-001    2 CABOT ST
029-01-007    16 CABOT ST
029-01-008    14 CABOT ST
029-04-001    20 CABOT ST
029-04-001.1    18 CABOT ST
029-04-002    525 SOUTH SUMMER ST
029-04-014    32 CABOT ST
029-04-015    28 CABOT ST
030-03-004    CABOT ST
030-03-005    CABOT ST
030-03-006    57 CABOT ST
030-03-007    CABOT ST
030-03-008    61 CABOT ST
030-03-009    84 CLEMENTE ST
030-04-001    200 MAIN ST
030-04-002    CRESCENT ST
030-04-003    CLEMENTE ST
030-04-004    15 CLEMENTE ST
030-04-005    CLEMENTE ST
030-04-006    23 CLEMENTE ST
030-04-007    268 MAIN ST
030-04-008    MAIN ST
030-04-009    254 MAIN ST
030-04-010    MAIN ST
030-05-006    330 MAIN ST
030-05-015    MAIN ST
030-07-001    166 APPLETON ST
030-07-002    MAIN ST
030-07-003    MAIN ST
030-07-005    MAIN ST
030-07-006    235 MAIN ST
030-07-007    241 MAIN ST
030-07-008    251 MAIN ST
030-07-009    MAIN ST
030-07-010    267 MAIN ST
030-08-001    273 MAIN ST
030-08-002    277 MAIN ST
030-08-003    281 MAIN ST
030-08-004    285 MAIN ST
030-08-005    289 MAIN ST
030-08-006    293 MAIN ST
030-08-007    305 MAIN ST
030-08-008    309 MAIN ST
030-08-009    317 MAIN ST
030-08-010    321 MAIN ST
030-08-011    325 MAIN ST
030-08-012    329 MAIN ST
031-01-014    510 SOUTH BRIDGE ST
031-01-017    SOUTH BRIDGE ST
031-01-018    31 CABOT ST
031-01-019    37 CABOT ST
031-01-020    41 CABOT ST
031-01-021    SOUTH EAST ST
032-01-015    13 CABOT ST
032-01-016    7 CABOT ST

74. SULLIVAN — That the Honorable City Council, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30B and the Holyoke Procurement Ordinance, vote to accept an offer from Jah Jan, LLC to purchase and redevelop the City owned land located at 689 Main Street for $40,000.  The property is identified in the Holyoke Assessors records as Map 055, Block 00, Parcel 009 and described as a vacant lot approximately 20,343 square feet (.47 acre) in size.  The property is zoned General Industry (IG) and has an assessed value of $24,600. Additional information is attached.



The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting.
Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law

City Clerk

May 7,2019

The meeting was called to order by President McGee at 07:08 PM.

The Clerk called the roll. Absent members: 0 Present Members 13 (Anderson-Burgos, Bartley, Bresnahan, Leahy, Lebron-Martinez, Lisi, McGee, McGiverin, Murphy, Sullivan, Tallman, Vacon, Valentin).

The name of Councilor Bartley was drawn to head the roll call voting.



Tim McDonald of Hazen Paper spoke on the state of South Water St. and noted that the street is in very bad condition with pot holes and homeless living at the underpass. Mr. McDonald stated that the road is almost impassable.

Charlie Sheehan also spoke and gave information on the deteriorated state of South Water St. Mr. Sheehan stated that Hazen has been in Holyoke for 96 years and stated that they have many employees that walk and bike to work and that because of the road and homeless encampments the situation has become very bad.

David Tabor spoke in favor of the resolution on the agenda supporting Medicare for all.

Lynn Horan spoke in support of the resolution supporting Medicare for all. Mrs. Horan cited her own experiences in the healthcare system and encouraged the City Council to back the resolution.

Shawn Kinlin spoke in full support of the resolution supporting Medicare for all.

Sandra Monigan spoke and urged the City Council to support the Medicare for all resolution on the City Council agenda.

Libby Hernandez also spoke in favor of the resolution supporting Medicare for all.


Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take item #39 out of order
VALENTIN, Anderson-Burgos, Lebron-Martinez Ordered, that Ordered, that the Holyoke City Council pass a resolution supporting An Act Establishing Medicare for All in Massachusetts, endorsing the Massachusetts House and Senate Bill, “Improved Medicare for All,” filed by Senator Jamie Eldridge and Representative Lindsey Sabadosa. The City Council believes access to affordable, quality health care is a human right and a fundamental component of a decent and just society, and remains committed to providing high quality health care to city employees and retirees, and to making such health care available to all residents of Massachusetts.
Under discussion:
. Councilor McGee read out the language of the order. Motion was made and seconded to adopt the order. Councilor Valentin spoke in favor of the resolution and gave the reasons she felt the resolution was important noting that in November 2018 the question had passed in every ward in the City of Holyoke. Councilor Valentin also stated that employee and retiree health costs are extremely high and will continue to increase. It was noted that the legislation was filed at the state level and that this resolution would be to support that legislation. Councilor Bresnahan asked if a copy of the actual bill was included in the packet that was sent out to Councilors. It was noted that a copy of the whole bill was not sent out but that it is available online. Councilor Bresnahan stated that he would be in support of the resolution but noted that he would have liked the opportunity to look at and read the entire bill. Motion was made and seconded to refer the order DGR Committee to allow for Councilors to have a closer look at the bill and the resolution language. Motion failed for lack of a majority. Councilor Bartley spoke and stated that resolutions do not hold much weight and stated that creating Medicare for all would be an expansion of government and stated that he doubts it would be a significant benefit for taxpayers. Councilor Bartley stated that he feels for the speakers and believes them and stated that he would vote to support the resolution though it is essentially a meaningless act. Councilor Vacon stated that she wants it to be clear that if this resolution will expand government it will come with increased taxes. Councilor Vacon stated that she would like the order to go to committee. Councilor Leahy stated that at first he wanted the resolution to go to committee because he did not know where State Rep. Vega and State Senator Humason stood on the resolution. Councilor Leahy stated that he sees that Rep. Vega is in support of the resolution and noted that he would vote in support of the order.
—> Received and adopted.
Approved by the Mayor.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take item #65 out of order
MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, FORTY FOUR THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($44,000.00) as follows:

12941-51104 TREE CLIMBER $14,735.00
14261-51105 EVT TECHNICIAN 29,265.00
TOTAL: $44,000.00
14222-53010 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $44,000.00
TOTAL: $44,000.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin explained the urgency for the order noting that at McKenzie field an underground oil tank was leaking and causing soil to be contaminated. It was noted that the best course of action was to remove the oil and the tanker before more damage could be done and the cost of the repair is increased. Councilor McGiverin stated that the line items the money would come out of is for positions that were not filled that would only be going into free cash for the next fiscal year if not used. City Engineer Mr. Bob Perient spoke and helped further summarize the issue with the oil tank leak. It was noted that the City had a limited time to clean up the situation or else it would owe a fee to the state.
—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.
Approved by the Mayor.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take item #63 out of order
MCGIVERIN Ordered, that Order: That the Council order for tennis court reconstruction sum approved on August 1, 2017 be modified to include repairs to and resurfacing of the James Jackson courts located on South Canal Street.

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin noted that the order was for repairs for James Jackson tennis courts. It was noted that the bond was previously passed but that this repair was not included in repairs specifically listed in the previously adopted bond. It was further noted that based on City Council amendment any changes to the bond or where money was repurposed the Dept. would come before the City Council in order to gain approval before money is repurposed or new projects added. It was noted that there are tennis tournaments scheduled to take place on the court and that the repairs would be needed to be able to have the tournament and to have the courts be safe for that time.
—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.
Approved by the Mayor.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 24A & 24B out of order
The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred a Special Permit application of Life Essence Inc. for establishment of a Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment at 56 Canal St., 7 North Bridge SE (Map 041 Block 01 Parcel 011 + 16,09
have considered the same and Recommend that the application be approved with the following conditions:

1. That the owner of the building always pay commercial property tax rate to the extent allowed by Federal, State, and Local Laws for the duration of the Sp. Permit
2. That the business retain a minimum 30% Holyoke residents for of non-security jobs
3. That Hiring preference be given to security personnel that are retired Holyoke Police or are a retired member of another police department now lives in the City of Holyoke
4. There shall be no marijuana consumption to be allowed on site
5. There shall be no deliveries of retail or medical marijuana rom the site to individual homes, residences or people
6. That hours or operation be in compliance with City Ordinance .

Committee Members:
Linda L. Vacon
David K. Bartley
Rebecca Lisi
Juan . Anderson-Burgos
Terence Murphy
Under discussion:
Councilor Vacon spoke on the application for 56 Canal St. noting that the applicant Trulieve put together a very full and thorough application for a marijuana cultivation facility at the location. It was noted that the investors were very serious and that they were investing a large amount of money on the property in hopes of having a viable facility that will eventually operate 24/7 and hire hundreds of employees. It was noted that because the City Ordinance does not allow for 24/7 operation any change would need to come through an amendment to the City marijuana ordinance. Rules were suspended to allow a question to Law Dept. Councilor McGee asked Acting City Solicitor Crystal Barnes if, based on the language in condition number 6, if the City ordinance was amended to allow for 24/7 operation the applicant would need to come back for a public hearing process in order to be allowed the expanded hours. Atty. Barnes stated that based on the language the applicant would not need to file a special permit application and that it would just constantly need to make sure that the company was in compliance with City ordinance in regards to hours allowed.
—> Report of Committee received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred a Special permit application of Analytics Labs LLC for establishment of a cannabis testing lab at 28C Appleton St, Suite 3. (Map 032 Block 01 Parcel 001)
have considered the same and Recommend that the application be approved as amended:

1. That the owner of the building always pay commercial property tax rate to the extent allowed by Federal, State, and Local Laws for the duration of the Sp. Permit
2. That the business retain a minimum 30% Holyoke residents for of non-security jobs
3. That Hiring preference be given to security personnel that are retired Holyoke Police or are a retired member of another police department now lives in the City of Holyoke.
4. That there be no public access to the building
5. That all waste removal be done by a licensed contractor.

Committee Members:
Linda L. Vacon
David K. Bartley
Rebecca Lisi
Juan . Anderson-Burgos
Terence Murphy
Under discussion:
It was noted that the application was for a cannabis testing lab on Appleton St. Councilor Vacon spoke on the order and offered an amendment for the hours stipulating that hours of operation be Monday through Saturday 8am to 6pm. It was noted that the applicant had asked for these hours and that the amendment was just to ensure that the request of the applicant is on the conditions for the Sp. Permit. Councilor Vacon explained that the conditions are aspirational because the applicant would hopefully be expanding their work force and hiring more people. Councilor Murphy noted that currently the work force has two employees that are not from Holyoke so it would seem to run contrary to the employment condition. Councilor Vacon stated that the conditions are meant to be followed but stated that the company is just getting started and they are hoping that as employees are hired they will follow the conditions of the Sp. Permit.
Councilors discussed hours for the special permit with Councilor Lisi stating that she felt that the conditions should stay silent on hours to allow for expansion of hours if the company so wishes.
—> Report of Committee received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take item #68 out of order
MCGIVERIN Ordered, that That the Council order for boiler and window replacements at Kelly Elementary School and window replacements at Sullivan and Morgan Elementrary Schools, approved on April 18, 2018, be modified to include removal, purchase, and installation, of new AC units in public school facilities within the City of Holyoke within the original $13,797,581.00 appropriation.

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and stated that the Council should refer the order to the Finance Committee. It was noted that Whitney Anderson was present for the meeting and wanted to be able to get the order over to committee so Mr. Anderson could exit the meeting if he so wished.
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re: Proposals fro 689 Main St. and 144 High St.
—> Received and referred to the Development and Governmental Relations Committee.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take item 2-6 as a package
From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter reappointing Mr. Carl Eger, 1966 Northampton St. to serve as a member of the Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (HEDIC): This seat on the Board of Directors represents the Real Estate sector, Mr. Eger will serve a three year term which will expire on June 30, 2022.
—> Received and appointment confirmed.

From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re-appointing Mr. Michael E. Murphy, 176 Lincoln St. to serve as a member of the Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (HEDIC): This seat on the Board of Directors represents the Financial sector. Mr. Murphy will serve a three-year term which will expire on June 30, 2022.
—> Received and appointment confirmed.

From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re-appointing Mr. Joseph McGiverin, 27 Downing Ave. to serve as a member of the Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (HEDIC): This seat on the Board of Directors represents the Municipal Government sector. Mr. McGiverin will serve a three-year term which will expire on June 30, 2022.
—> Received and appointment confirmed.

From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re-appointing Ms. Rosemary Arnold, 30 Mountain Rd. to serve as a member of the Conservation Commission: Ms. Arnold will serve a three-year term; said term will expire on February 1, 2022.
—> Received and appointment confirmed.

From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter re-appointing Mr. Josh Knox, 40 Morgan St. to serve as a member of the Board of Appeals for the City of Holyoke: Mr. Knox will serve a three-year term; said term will expire on July 1, 2022.
—> Received and appointment confirmed.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take late files A & B out of order
MCGIVERIN Ordered, that

To approve the calling of a debt exclusion ballot question, the following order can be used:

RESOLUTION and ORDER pursuant to the provisions of G.L. c.59, § 21C
this _________ day of ________________, 2019

(1) that the City of Holyoke, pursuant to G.L.c. 59, § 21C(k), shall seek voter approval at the next special election on September 24, 2019 to assess taxes in excess of the amount allowed pursuant to G.L. 59 § 21C for the payment of principal and interest on bonds, notes or certificates of indebtedness, issued by the City of Holyoke to pay costs of designing, constructing, furnishing and equipping a new middle school of approximately 105,440 square feet, more or less, to be constructed on the open block bounded by Cabot, Chestnut, Hampshire and Elm Streets in Holyoke, Massachusetts, and a new middle school of approximately 105,480 square feet, more or less, to be constructed on the site of the existing William R. Peck School located at 1916 Northampton Street in Holyoke, Massachusetts, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto;
(2) to that end the City Clerk is hereby directed to place the following question on the ballot:
Shall the City of Holyoke be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bonds issued in order to pay costs of designing, constructing, furnishing and equipping a new middle school of approximately 105,440 square feet, more or less, to be constructed on the open block bounded by Cabot, Chestnut, Hampshire and Elm Streets in Holyoke, Massachusetts, and a new middle school of approximately 105,480 square feet, more or less, to be constructed on the site of the existing William R. Peck School located at 1916 Northampton Street in Holyoke, Massachusetts, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto?
Yes ____ No ____
Under discussion:
It was noted that the two orders were an effort get corrected language for the ballot question for potential debt exclusion to the Charter and Rules committee for consideration. Motion was made and seconded to take up the items and table them. Motion was also made after the first motion to refer Items A and B to Charter and Rules. Council was looking for a point of order as to whether or not a motion to table could be amended procedurally. Councilor McGee referred to City Council Rules and Roberts Rules of Order and stated that under Robert’s Rules, and ruled that the motion to table cannot be debated or amended, and therefore the motion is to table and that the vote would be on whether to table Late Files A and B or not. Council President called for a vote on whether to table Items A and B: Motion to table failed with four votes.
—> Received and referred to the Charter and Rules.

Councilors asked that the language and information for Late File B be presented in full on the next agenda for transparency to the public.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that That the City appropriates the amount of one hundred thirty-one million, four hundred forty-six thousand, eight hundred four Dollars ($131,446,804) for the purpose of paying costs of designing, site preparation, including demolition and abatement as necessary, constructing, furnishing and equipping a new middle school of approximately 105,440 square feet, more or less, to be constructed on the open block bounded by Cabot, Chestnut, Hampshire and Elm Streets in Holyoke, Massachusetts, and a new middle school of approximately 105,480 square feet, more or less, to be constructed on the site of the existing William R. Peck School located at 1916 Northampton Street in Holyoke, Massachusetts, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto (the “Projects”), each of which school facilities shall have an anticipated useful life as an educational facility for the instruction of school children for at least 50 years, and for which the City may be eligible for a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”), said amount to be expended under the direction of the School Building Committee. To meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow said amount under M.G.L. c. 44, or pursuant to any other enabling authority. The City acknowledges that the MSBA’s grant program is a non-entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as determined by the MSBA, and any project costs the City incurs in excess of any grant approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the City; provided further that any grant that the City may receive from the MSBA for the Projects shall not exceed the lesser of (1) eighty and zero hundredths percent (80.00%) of eligible, approved project costs, as determined by the MSBA, or (2) the total maximum grant amount determined by the MSBA; and that the amount of borrowing authorized pursuant to this vote shall be reduced by any grant amount set forth in the Project Funding Agreement that may be executed between the City and the MSBA. Any premium received upon the sale of any bonds or notes approved by this vote, less any such premium applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such bonds or notes, may be applied to the payment of costs approved by this vote in accordance with M.G.L. c. 44, §20 of the General Laws, thereby reducing the amount authorized to be borrowed to pay such costs by a like amount. The Treasurer is authorized to file an application with the appropriate officials of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts (the “Commonwealth”) to qualify under Chapter 44A of the General Laws any and all bonds or notes of the City authorized by this order and to provide such information and execute such documents as such officials of the Commonwealth may require in connection therewith. No amounts shall be borrowed or expended hereunder unless the City shall have voted to exempt from the provisions of Proposition 2 ½, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bonds issued pursuant to this order.
—> Received and laid on the table.

From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Mr. Antonio Quinones-Albino, 1137C Dwight St. to serve as a member of the Holyoke Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (HEDIC): This seat on the Board of Directors represents the Low-Income sector. Mr. Quinones-Albino will serve a three year term which will expire on June 30, 2022.
—> Received and appointment confirmed.

From Mayor Alex B. Morse letter appointing Ms. Myriam Quinones to serve as a Commissioner of the Holyoke Housing Authority for the City of Holyoke: Ms. Quinones will serve a five year term; said term will expire on April 1, 2024.
—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee.

From Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC minutes of April 16, 2019.
—> Received and adopted.

From Patricia A. Mertes, APRN Chair of Board of Health Commission letter appointing Sean Gonsalves, RS as Director of the Board of Health.
—> Received. Copy to Public Service.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 11-14 as a package
From Holyoke Board of Health minutes of February 7, 2019.
—> Received.

From Board of Public Works, Sewer Commission and Stormwater Authority minutes of February 25, 2019.
—> Received.

Board of Fire Commission minutes of March 20, 2019.
—> Received.

From Thomas J. O’Connor Animal Control and Adoption Center minutes of November 14, 2018.
—> Received.

Presidents Report: Councilor McGee thanked and commended the Parks and Rec. for the work they did on the Easter event they put on noting that even though the weather was not good the event was still fun. Moment of silence was held for Mr. Thomas O’Sullivan and Mr. David Welch whom had served the City as City Messenger and Administrative Assistant for many years.

Councilor Bartley exited meeting at approx. 9:17PM : It was noted that he was not feeling well


Petition of Canna Provisions, Inc. for a new special permit for a Recreational Marijuana Retail Establishment (RMRE) 7.10.2 at 380 Dwight St.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

Petition of Mt. Tom Generating Co, LLC for a new Special permit for Construction or Substantial improvements on existing Structure in the Flood Overlay District (8.1.5) at 200 Northampton St.
—> Received and referred to the Development and Governmental Relations Committee.

Petition of Andrea Alvarez for a renewal of a home occupation at 45 Longwood Ave. for a hair salon.
—> Received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 12–Nays 0–Absent 1 (Bartley).
Approved by the mayor.

Petition of Brad Matthews Jewelers for a renewal of Second hand license at 2225 Northampton St.
—> Received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 12–Nays 0–Absent 1 (Bartley).
Approved by the mayor.

Petition of Record Town Inc. d/b/a FYE #725 for a renewal of a Second Hand License at 50 Holyoke St.
—> Received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 12–Nays 0–Absent 1 (Bartley). Copy to 12.
Approved by the mayor.

Petition of Zuleika Rivera for a renewal of a Second hand license at 68 Cherry St.
—> Received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 12–Nays 0–Absent 1 (Bartley).
Approved by the mayor.

Petition of Tai W. Kong (Emmanuel Jewelery) for a renewal of a Second Hand license at 311 High St.
—> Received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 12–Nays 0–Absent 1 (Bartley).
Approved by the mayor.

Petition of Jesus Feliciano of 261 Elm St. for a street vendor license.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

Petition of Arnaldo Ravento Lopez of 222 Pine St. for a street vendor license to be located at 436 High St.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.


Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take item 48 out of order
LISI, Lebron-Martinez, McGee, Sullivan Ordered, that That the City Council consider amending the Marijuana Ordinance to allow Marijuana Cultivation/Manufacturing Facilities to operate on a 24-hour basis. There have been several applicants already who have expressed interest in operating a business model that includes three shifts and that translates to additional jobs for our residents.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 24C-24K as a package
The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that a no parking “from here to corner” sign be installed around the entrance way to 1 Elm St. of the new Holyoke Juvenile Court House
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Linda L. Vacon
David K. Bartley
Rebecca Lisi
Juan . Anderson-Burgos
Terence Murphy
Under discussion:
taken up as a package: It was noted that each order was a traffic related order and that City Engineer Bob Perient was present for the Ordinance meeting and provided feedback on each of the orders. Councilor Vacon stated that on each of the orders the Ordinance Committee voted unanimously to adopt the recommendations of the City Engineer and that each order had proper measurements and legal language attached
—> Report of Committee received and the Ordinance passed its first reading.
The Ordinance passed its second reading.
The Ordinance was passed to be enrolled.
The Committee has considered the same and find that it is truly and properly enrolled.
Report of Enrollment received.
The Ordinance was passed to be Ordained and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 9–Nays 0–Absent 4 (Bartley, Bresnahan, Leahy, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that the handicap sign be removed from 145 Essex St. for Carlos Espada. The individual has moved
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Linda L. Vacon
David K. Bartley
Rebecca Lisi
Juan . Anderson-Burgos
Terence Murphy
—> Report of Committee received and the Ordinance passed its first reading.
The Ordinance passed its second reading.
The Ordinance was passed to be enrolled.
The Committee has considered the same and find that it is truly and properly enrolled.
Report of Enrollment received.
The Ordinance was passed to be Ordained and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 9–Nays 0–Absent 4 (Bartley, Bresnahan, Leahy, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that a no parking to corner sign be placed on the northbound side of Jarvis Avenue 20 feet prior to the entrance to Day Brook Village and no parking in front of United Bank on Northampton St.. Vehicles parking on the corner are presenting a hazardous obstruction to drivers attempting to exit.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Linda L. Vacon
David K. Bartley
Rebecca Lisi
Juan . Anderson-Burgos
Terence Murphy
—> Report of Committee received and the Ordinance passed its first reading.
The Ordinance passed its second reading.
The Ordinance was passed to be enrolled.
The Committee has considered the same and find that it is truly and properly enrolled.
Report of Enrollment received.
The Ordinance was passed to be Ordained and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 9–Nays 0–Absent 4 (Bartley, Bresnahan, Leahy, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that DPW to remove  handicapped parking at 14 Center Street with approval of Disability commission. According to resident person is deceased and is no longer needed.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Linda L. Vacon
David K. Bartley
Rebecca Lisi
Juan . Anderson-Burgos
Terence Murphy
—> Report of Committee received and the Ordinance passed its first reading.
The Ordinance passed its second reading.
The Ordinance was passed to be enrolled.
The Committee has considered the same and find that it is truly and properly enrolled.
Report of Enrollment received.
The Ordinance was passed to be Ordained and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 9–Nays 0–Absent 4 (Bartley, Bresnahan, Leahy, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order That Mr. Douglas Wilkinson has lived on Belvidere Ave. with his bride Patricia for the last 52 years.  Mr. Wilkinson, now who is 83 years old, has had major medical setbacks.  Their neighbors have 9 cars and park them consistently in front of their home.  Mr. Wilkinson’s Handicap Placard is P92030348, Exp. 8/30/20.  We file this order to have  handicap spot placed in front of 48 Belvidere Ave.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Linda L. Vacon
David K. Bartley
Rebecca Lisi
Juan . Anderson-Burgos
Terence Murphy
—> Report of Committee received and the Ordinance passed its first reading.
The Ordinance passed its second reading.
The Ordinance was passed to be enrolled.
The Committee has considered the same and find that it is truly and properly enrolled.
Report of Enrollment received.
The Ordinance was passed to be Ordained and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 9–Nays 0–Absent 4 (Bartley, Bresnahan, Leahy, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that a handicap sign be placed in front of 290 Chestnut St. for Asnelly Negron
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Linda L. Vacon
David K. Bartley
Rebecca Lisi
Juan . Anderson-Burgos
Terence Murphy
—> Report of Committee received and the Ordinance passed its first reading.
The Ordinance passed its second reading.
The Ordinance was passed to be enrolled.
The Committee has considered the same and find that it is truly and properly enrolled.
Report of Enrollment received.
The Ordinance was passed to be Ordained and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 9–Nays 0–Absent 4 (Bartley, Bresnahan, Leahy, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that a handicap sign be placed in front of 127 Beech St. for Fredy Rodriguez
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Linda L. Vacon
David K. Bartley
Rebecca Lisi
Juan . Anderson-Burgos
Terence Murphy
—> Report of Committee received and the Ordinance passed its first reading.
The Ordinance passed its second reading.
The Ordinance was passed to be enrolled.
The Committee has considered the same and find that it is truly and properly enrolled.
Report of Enrollment received.
The Ordinance was passed to be Ordained and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 9–Nays 0–Absent 4 (Bartley, Bresnahan, Leahy, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order Ordered that no parking be allowed on the odd numbered side of Jackson Street from the corner of South Bridge Street to the alleyway.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Linda L. Vacon
David K. Bartley
Rebecca Lisi
Juan . Anderson-Burgos
Terence Murphy
—> Report of Committee received and the Ordinance passed its first reading.
The Ordinance passed its second reading.
The Ordinance was passed to be enrolled.
The Committee has considered the same and find that it is truly and properly enrolled.
Report of Enrollment received.
The Ordinance was passed to be Ordained and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 9–Nays 0–Absent 4 (Bartley, Bresnahan, Leahy, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

The Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred an order that anytime the City Council or Department of Public Works change an ordinance or right of way that would effect the day to day operations of the Police Department or Fire Department that the City clerks Department immediately notify the departments.  An example of this is when the barriers went up in the Ashley neighborhood, or reducing the speed limit through the city.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
Linda L. Vacon
David K. Bartley
Rebecca Lisi
Juan . Anderson-Burgos
Terence Murphy
Under discussion:
Councilor Vacon spoke and stated that City Engineer had attended the meeting and noted that the practice that the order proscribes is already taking place and that the DPW is mindful of the intent of the language in the order.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Finance to whom was referred an order that The Retirement Board, Mayor, Treasurer, Auditor & Bond Counsel along with the Manager of Holyoke Gas & Electric be invited in to a meeting of the Finance Committee to discuss the merits and feasibility of a pension obligation bond (POB) annual cash flow savings to the City may exceed 5 Million Dollars.
have considered the same and Recommend that the order has been complied with .

Committee Members:
Joseph M. McGiverin
James M. Leahy
Peter R. Tallman
Michael J. Sullivan
Todd McGee
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and stated that Bond Counsel Cinder Mcnerny and Auditor Tanya Wdowiak were present and went through the entire request as spelt out in the order. It was further noted that the presentation showed what the City’s unfunded liability was and that gave information about the pension system in the City. Councilor McGiverin gave overview of the pension bond obligation fund and noted that Cheryl Dugre of the Retirement Board was also present at the meeting to give information.
—> Report of Committee received and recommendation adopted.

The Committee on Charter and Rules to whom was referred an order That Section 19 of the city charter be amended to read ” THE MAYOR SHALL APPOINT THREE PERSONS TO BE FIRE COMMISSIONERS, SUBJECT TO CITY COUNCIL CONFIRMATION.”
have considered the same and Recommend that the order be adopted .

Committee Members:
Todd McGee
Linda L. Vacon
Todd McGee
Linda L. Vacon
Rebecca Lisi
Under discussion:
Charter and Rules Chair Terry Murphy spoke and gave information on the order noting that the committee was unanimous in the process to have the Mayor appoint and have the City Council confirm for the Fire Commission
—> Report of Committee received and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 11–Nays 0–Absent 2 (Bartley, Valentin).
*Returned with no signature from the Mayor. (Charter Changes require Mayor’s Signature)


VACON Ordered, that the registered  voter list be audited/updated for accuracy in accordance with the census results.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the City Clerk.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 32-35 as a package
VACON Ordered, that due to limited funding for the full approved project to close both Ashley & Sunset Rd, that Sunset Road be closed first as soon as possible.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.
*Received back without signature from Mayor.

VACON Ordered, that a “do no block” box be painted across from the driveway of the plaza containing Twin Mart and Dino’s on Homestead Ave.  This is a constituent request.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

VACON Ordered, that DPW evaluate the overflow sewer drain at 42 Knollwood Circle for any needed repairs to the drain and erosion of the land around the drain and have any needed repairs or land improvements completed.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

VACON Ordered, that the intersection of Farnum Drive and Whiting Farms Road be evaluated and recommendations made to improve safety for drivers and those using bus service.
—> Received and referred to the DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

VACON Ordered, that the Health Department and the Building Commissioner cause illegal temporary housing/tents anywhere in our city, piles of possessions on the street, any outdoor structures used as a bathroom on the street to be removed as soon as possible. This is a health and safety hazard throughout our city.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the Board of Health and Building Commissioner.
Approved by the Mayor.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 37-38 as package
VACON Ordered, that a permanent speed feedback sign be placed near 300 Westfield Road to reduce speeding by drivers in the area.  This is a persistent safety issue in the area.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

VACON Ordered, that No Parking signs be replaced on Homestead Ave between Kane and Pynchon roads on the school side of Homestead Ave and added as a city ordinance.
—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

BARTLEY Ordered, that The DPW please resurface Argyle Ave and Merrick Ave.  Both roads are in poor condition.  If funds are not available to fully resurface then please at least fill the double-digit potholes and make the road smoother.  Refer to DPW.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 41 & 42 as a package
BARTLEY Ordered, that The City Council pass a resolution in support of the work of expanding natural gas capacity to the City of Holyoke.  The resolution should keep in mind the importance of protecting the environment but should recognize the reality that expanding business and building new schools can only be done when there is available energy and power.  Refer to DGR.
—> Received and referred to the Development and Governmental Relations Committee.

BARTLEY Ordered, that That the Honorable City Council, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30B and the Holyoke Procurement Ordinance, vote to accept an offer of $1,000 from Eureka Enterprises, LLC to purchase and redevelop the City owned building at 144 High Street. The property is identified in the Holyoke Assessors records as Map 013, Block 02, Parcel 004 and described as two story 5,460 square foot building situated on 3,354 square feet of land.  The property is zoned as Downtown Business (BC) and has an assessed value of $82,400.  Additional information is attached.
—> Received and referred to the Development and Governmental Relations Committee.

BRESNAHAN Ordered, that the DPW install/Paint a Do Not Block the Box at the intersection of Northampton St. and Shawmut Ave.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

BRESNAHAN Ordered, that A request that any monies spent for Roca services are presented to the City Council
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee. Copy to Auditor and DPW.

LEBRON-MARTINEZ Ordered, that in order to allow for development and redevelopment of properties in the area in alignment with existing City plans; provide cohesiveness to the area and bring those parcels further into conformity, the following parcels be zone changed as shown in the following table:

PARCEL ID        OWNER                 PROPOSED        CURRENT USE
011-07-008         N.E. Telephone         RO to BC            parking lot

011-07-009         N.E. Telephone         RO to BC            parking lot

011-07-010         N.E. Telephone         RO to BC            telephone exchange station

011-10-002         2nd Cong. Church     RO to BC            religious

011-10-003         Foley Property           RO to BC            educational property

011-10-005         Foley Property           RO to DR            parking lot

011-10-006         Alecto Realty Trust    RO to DR            Two-Family

011-10-007         LC2 Holyoke LLC      RO to DR            developable land

011-10-008         LC2 Holyoke LLC      RO to DR            developable land
—> Received and referred to the Development and Governmental Relations Committee.

LISI Ordered, that the City Council invite in a representative from Soldier On as well as our Veterans Services Director to discuss support services for Veterans who fail to meet the requirements of Solider On programs
—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee. Copy to Veterans Services to assist with Ryan in contacting Solider On.

LISI Ordered, that the City Council invite in the CPAC to discuss their reflections on their first round of fund disbursement; reflections could include thoughts on their process and some of the reasoning that went to this year’s award selections.
—> Received and referred to the Public Service Committee.

LISI Ordered, that That the Assessor and/or Tax Collector inform the council of how many tax-exempt properties exist within the City and provide us with a list of those businesses/entities. Please submit report within 3 weeks.
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee. Copy to Assessor and Tac Collector.

LISI Ordered, that That the Assessor, Tax Collector, and Auditor develop a document that details the history of tax revenue and growth since the 5 years prior to the closing of the Mt. Tom Power Plant. Please submit report within 3 weeks.
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee. Copy to Assessor, Tax Collector and Auditor.

LISI Ordered, that That the DPW work with the city Council to develop a process for residents to request tree pits on city sidewalks near their home.. There may also be a fee associated with this process.
—> Received and referred to the Public Safety Committee.

MCGEE Ordered, that DPW repave West Cherry Street.
—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.
Approved by the Mayor.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66
MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETEEN AND 33 /100 Dollars ($1,219.33) as follows:

15432-53190 EDUCATION & TRAINING – VET SERV. 32.13
TOTAL: $1,219.33
19202-57200 OUT OF STATE TRAVEL $1,219.33
TOTAL: $1,219.33

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, TWENTY SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTEEN AND 00/100 Dollars ($26,815.00) as follows:

14261-51106 POLICE FLEET MECHANIC $26,815.00
TOTAL: $26,815.00
12102-52410 R & M MOTOR VEHICLES $26,815.00
TOTAL: $26,815.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, THIRTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($30,000.00) as follows:

12941-51104 TREE CLIMBER $30,000.00
TOTAL: $30,000.00
TOTAL: $30,000.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, SIX THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($6,000.00) as follows:

12942-52410 R & M VEHICLES $5,000.00
12942-52420 R & M OTHER 500.00
TOTAL: $6,000.00
16502-52410 R & M VEHICLES $6,000.00
TOTAL: $6,000.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, TEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($10,000.00) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTERS $10,000.00
TOTAL: $10,000.00
12201-51104 LIEUTENANTS $10,000.00
TOTAL: $10,000.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, EIGHT THOUSAND NINETY SIX AND 00/100 Dollars ($8,096.00) as follows:

12101-51117 E911 DISPATCHER $6,530.00
12101-51204 PT CLERKS 1,566.00
TOTAL: $8,096.00
12101-51203 PT DISPATCHER $6,530.00
12101-51120 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,566.00
TOTAL: $8,096.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, FIFTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY SIX AND 00/100 Dollars ($15,896.00) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $15,896.00
TOTAL: $15,896.00
12201-51101 FIRE CHIEF $15,896.00
TOTAL: $15,896.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that That the Council order for traffic signal replacement approved on September 5, 2018 be modified to include purchasing and installing school zone traffic signals at the Metcalf School on Northampton Street and Dean School on Main Street.  School zone signals at other schools may be included subject to funding being available within the original $1,400,000 appropriation.

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, TWENTY NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY FOUR AND 00/100 Dollars ($29,324.00) as follows:

11511-51101 SOLICITOR $29,324.00
TOTAL: $29,324.00
11511-51102 ASST. SOLICITOR $29,324.00
TOTAL: $29,324.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY EIGHT AND 00/100 Dollars ($9,988.00) as follows:
12401-51105 PLUMBING & GAS INSPECTOR $2,488.00
12401-51106 WIRE INSPECTOR 7,500.00
TOTAL: $9,988.00
TOTAL: $9,988.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETEEN AND 72/100 Dollars ($6,819.72) as follows:

12101-51107 PATROLMEN $6,819.72
TOTAL: $6,819.72
12101-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $6,819.72
TOTAL: $6,819.72

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 11–Nays 0–Absent 2 (Bartley, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY AND 00/100 Dollars ($6,330.00) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTERS $6,330.00
TOTAL: $6,330.00
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $6,330.00
TOTAL: $6,330.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 11–Nays 0–Absent 2 (Bartley, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2019, THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY THREE AND 00/100 Dollars ($3,623.00) as follows:

TOTAL: $3,623.00
11572-53430 ADVERTISING $3,623.00
TOTAL: $3,623.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, May 7, 2019.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 11–Nays 0–Absent 2 (Bartley, Valentin).
Approved by the Mayor.

MURPHY Ordered, that Ordered that the DG&R committee meet with representatives from the building department, the board of health, the planning and development office to review the conditions of buildings and the alleyways off Main Street from Sargeant to Hamilton Streets.  This is a situation which needs both immediate and long term actions to correct a dangerous situation.
—> Received and referred to the Development and Governmental Relations Committee.

MURPHY Ordered, that Ordered that the public safety committee meet with the superintendent of the DPW to review the city’s capacity regarding the problem of potholes.  What would the city need to do to accelerate the pace of filling these sometimes dangerous situations?
—> Received and referred to the Public Safety Committee.

MURPHY Ordered, that Ordered that the public safety committee meet with the city engineer, the superintendent of the DPW, and representatives from Hazen Paper and Sonoco Products to resolve the issue of unsafe roads on South Water Street both to and from those respective businesses.
—> Received and referred to the Public Safety Committee. Copy to Engineer and DPW.

MURPHY Ordered, that the Mayor, the Director of Planning and Development, and the Director of the Holyoke Housing Authority meet with the DG&R committee to seek ways to include the parking lot at the corner of Clemente and Hamilton Streets as part of the planned South Holyoke housing redevelopment around Carlos Vega Park.
—> Received and referred to the Development and Governmental Relations Committee. Copy to Mayor, Marcos Marrerro & Matt Mainville.

MURPHY Ordered, that in order to allow for development and redevelopment of properties in South Holyoke in alignment with existing City plans; more properly define two gateways to the City; and to properly align the overlying zoning to what is presently in place, bringing those parcels further into conformity while in turn reducing the possibility of future incompatible uses, the following parcels be zone changed to BC – Downtown Business as shown in the following table:

MBP Number    Address
028-03-007    398 MAIN ST
028-03-009    370 MAIN ST
028-03-010    358 MAIN ST
028-03-011    MAIN ST
028-03-012    74 CABOT ST
028-04-009    MAIN ST
028-04-010    MAIN ST
028-04-011    454 MAIN ST
028-04-012    452 MAIN ST
028-04-013    416 MAIN ST
028-04-014    MAIN ST
028-04-015    412 MAIN ST
028-04-016    60 HAMILTON ST
028-06-001    MAIN ST
028-06-002    341 MAIN ST
028-06-003    345 MAIN ST
028-06-004    349 MAIN ST
028-06-005    MAIN ST
028-06-006    363 MAIN ST
028-06-007    365 MAIN ST
028-06-008    369 MAIN ST
028-06-009    MAIN ST
028-06-010    MAIN ST
028-06-011    MAIN ST
028-06-012    385 MAIN ST
028-06-013    389 MAIN ST
028-06-014    MAIN ST
028-06-015    393 MAIN ST
028-07-001    401 MAIN ST
028-07-002    405 MAIN ST
028-07-003    409 MAIN ST
028-07-004    415 MAIN ST
028-07-005    MAIN ST
028-07-006    427 MAIN ST
028-07-007    433 MAIN ST
028-07-008    435 MAIN ST
028-07-009    437 MAIN ST
028-07-010    447 MAIN ST
028-07-011    449 MAIN ST
028-07-012    71 SARGEANT ST
029-01-001    2 CABOT ST
029-01-007    16 CABOT ST
029-01-008    14 CABOT ST
029-04-001    20 CABOT ST
029-04-001.1    18 CABOT ST
029-04-002    525 SOUTH SUMMER ST
029-04-014    32 CABOT ST
029-04-015    28 CABOT ST
030-03-004    CABOT ST
030-03-005    CABOT ST
030-03-006    57 CABOT ST
030-03-007    CABOT ST
030-03-008    61 CABOT ST
030-03-009    84 CLEMENTE ST
030-04-001    200 MAIN ST
030-04-002    CRESCENT ST
030-04-003    CLEMENTE ST
030-04-004    15 CLEMENTE ST
030-04-005    CLEMENTE ST
030-04-006    23 CLEMENTE ST
030-04-007    268 MAIN ST
030-04-008    MAIN ST
030-04-009    254 MAIN ST
030-04-010    MAIN ST
030-05-006    330 MAIN ST
030-05-015    MAIN ST
030-07-001    166 APPLETON ST
030-07-002    MAIN ST
030-07-003    MAIN ST
030-07-005    MAIN ST
030-07-006    235 MAIN ST
030-07-007    241 MAIN ST
030-07-008    251 MAIN ST
030-07-009    MAIN ST
030-07-010    267 MAIN ST
030-08-001    273 MAIN ST
030-08-002    277 MAIN ST
030-08-003    281 MAIN ST
030-08-004    285 MAIN ST
030-08-005    289 MAIN ST
030-08-006    293 MAIN ST
030-08-007    305 MAIN ST
030-08-008    309 MAIN ST
030-08-009    317 MAIN ST
030-08-010    321 MAIN ST
030-08-011    325 MAIN ST
030-08-012    329 MAIN ST
031-01-014    510 SOUTH BRIDGE ST
031-01-017    SOUTH BRIDGE ST
031-01-018    31 CABOT ST
031-01-019    37 CABOT ST
031-01-020    41 CABOT ST
031-01-021    SOUTH EAST ST
032-01-015    13 CABOT ST
032-01-016    7 CABOT ST

—> Received and referred to the Ordinance Committee.

SULLIVAN Ordered, that That the Honorable City Council, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30B and the Holyoke Procurement Ordinance, vote to accept an offer from Jah Jan, LLC to purchase and redevelop the City owned land located at 689 Main Street for $40,000.  The property is identified in the Holyoke Assessors records as Map 055, Block 00, Parcel 009 and described as a vacant lot approximately 20,343 square feet (.47 acre) in size.  The property is zoned General Industry (IG) and has an assessed value of $24,600. Additional information is attached.
—> Received and referred to the Development and Governmental Relations Committee.




Adjourn at 10:01 PM.
A true record

City Clerk

Jeffery Anderson-Burgos
Administrative Assistant to the City Council

Holyoke City Hall
536 Dwight St, Room 10
Holyoke, MA 01040
Regular hours 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Meeting days 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Close window