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Please be advised that City offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday.

Winter Parking Ban
The City of Holyoke, Department of Public Works, has issued a regular Winter Parking Ban to be in effect from:Sunday January 19, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. until further notice.
There will be no parking on the ODD side of the street unless otherwise posted and no parking on CUL-DE-SACS.
Prohibición de estacionamiento en invierno
El Departamento de Obras Públicas de la ciudad de Holyoke ha emitido una prohibición de estacionamiento en invierno que estará vigente desde:El domingo 19 de enero de 2025 a las 2:00 p. m. hasta nuevo aviso.
No se permitirá estacionar en el lado impar de la calle a menos que se indique lo contrario y tampoco se permitirá estacionar en las calles sin salida.

Holyoke City Council Meeting April 7, 2020

Apr 7 2020

7:00 pm Remote by Zoom


April 7,2020




1. From Anthony Dulude, Assessor, letter and order from City Council for release of 100k for new voting machines.

2. From Jesus Pereira, Director of Holyoke Veterans Affairs, request for financial transfer.

3. From MMA, communication regarding Budgeting during COVID


4. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FIFTY SIX THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($56,000.00) as follows:

8810-10400 STABILIZATION $56,000.00
TOTAL: $56,000.00
15432-57700 VETERANS BENEFITS $56,000.00
TOTAL: $56,000.00

5. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE AND 32/100 Dollars ($2,121,32) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $2,121.32
TOTAL: $2,121,32
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $2,121.32
TOTAL: $2,121,32

6. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY TWO AND 08/100 Dollars ($4,742.08) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $2,121.32
12201-51104 LIEUTENANT 2,620.76
TOTAL: $4,742.08
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $4,742.08
TOTAL: $4,742.08

7. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY TWO AND 08/100 Dollars ($4,742.08) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $2,121.32
12201-51104 LIEUTENANT 2,620.76
TOTAL: $4,742.08
122 01-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $4,742.08
TOTAL: $4,742.08

8. MCGIVERIN — that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, ELEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY TWO AND 14/100 Dollars ($11,542.14) as follows:

12101-51107 PATROLMEN $11,542.14
TOTAL: $11,542.14
12101-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $11,542.14
TOTAL: $11,542.14

9. MCGIVERIN — that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FFY2020 CHILD PASSENGER SAFETY SEAT DISTRIBUTION – CAR SEATS ONLY” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.

10. MCGIVERIN — Order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “PIONEER VALLEY PLANNING COMMISION EMERGENCY COVID-19 FUNDING” and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said funding.

11. MCGIVERIN — Order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “PIONEER VALLEY PLANNING COMMISION EMERGENCY COVID-19 FUNDING” and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said funding.

12. MCGIVERIN — Order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “THE COVID-19 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT” and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said funding.

13. LEAHY — Order that the potholes on Dartmouth Street near Pleasant Street be filled.

14. LEAHY — Order that Lenox Street Be repaved

15. LEAHY — Order that the Water Department remove the blue spray paint on the telephone pole in front of 20 Lenox St. The pole is numbered 3.

16. LEAHY — Order that the board of health gives the City Council weekly briefings (e-mailed reports) on the Corona Virus.

17. MCGEE — Order that the city council support the request for
MCGIVERIN a resolution to Governor Baker with regard to the
Holyoke Mall, similar to that adopted in NY.



The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting.
Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law

City Clerk

May 4, 2020
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April 7,2020

The meeting was called to order by President McGee at 07:10 PM.

The Clerk called the roll. Absent members: 0 Present Members 13 (Anderson-Burgos, Bartley, Greaney, Hernandez, Leahy, Lebron-Martinez, Lisi, McGee, McGiverin, Murphy, Sullivan, Tallman, Vacon).

The name of Councilor Anderson-Burgos was drawn to head the roll call voting.

This meeting was held through ZOOM.

Public comment was not available for this meeting,

Councilor McGee called for a moment of silence for the veterans who lost their lives in the Holyoke Soldiers Home due to the COVID-19 virus.

Councilor McGee thanked Admin. Assistant Ryan Allen, Scott MacPherson, and Mike Bloomberg for helping to set up the City Council on zoom and setting up the teleconference meeting. Councilor McGee thanked all the first responders in the City of Holyoke for all of their tireless work in keeping the residents of the City safe and putting themselves at risk to help others. Councilor McGee thanked the City Councilors for cooperating and getting the zoom technology and being available for the meeting. Councilor McGee announced to viewers and residents that the City Council is still available and still working for the City and doing its best to be responsive to constituents in the City.


From Anthony Dulude, Assessor, letter and order from City Council for release of 100k for new voting machines.
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.

Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 2 and 4 as a package
From Jesus Pereira, Director of Holyoke Veterans Affairs, request for financial transfer.
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin stated that the $56,000 would be going into line item veterans benefits and it was noted that the Dept. Head request was cut during the budget process. It was noted that the Dept. head stated that he feels this transfer would be enough to get his office through the fiscal year. It was noted that these benefits go to veterans that qualify. Councilor Greaney spoke and encouraged Councilors to vote in favor of the order. Councilor Bartley spoke and noted that the funds were coming out of stabilization in this transfer. Councilor Bartley noted that there are reimbursements that come from the state and wanted to clarify what budget line item the funds would be reimbursed into. Councilor Bartley noted that his hope would be that the funds get reimbursed to the Stabilization Fund. Councilor Murphy spoke and stated that he had some questions as to why there was an increase in the funding to Veterans Benefits from last Fiscal Year to this Fiscal Year. Veterans Affairs Director Mr. Jesus Pereira was present and stated that the money being reimbursed would go to the City cherry sheet and that from there it is returned to the General Fund. Mr. Periera stated that Veterans Affairs services as many veterans as come in to seek services. It was noted that burials were up this year from the last which accounts for some of the cost increase. Mr. Periera stated that burial rates increased and noted that there is always change from year to year on how many Veteran’s seek and retain the services provided by his Dept. Mr. Pereira spoke on some of the residency requirements and other criteria that veterans need to meet in order to qualify for the services rendered. Councilor Lisi spoke and stated that the process of dumping the Free Cash money into Stabilization was not ideal and asked if it would be possible to make this financial transfer out of the free cash account instead of stabilization. Councilor Tallman spoke on the importance of these transfers to the City’s veterans and stated that because there is a 75 %reimbursement that goes back into the general fund he is okay with the transfer proceeding as is. Councilor Bartley mentioned that he does not believe that the reimbursed funds from the state will end up going back to the stabilization fund. Councilor Bartley also stated that the City Council did not cut any money from this fund in the budget and stated that it was the Mayor who cut $50,000 from this line item in the budget process.
—> Received.
MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FIFTY SIX THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars ($56,000.00) as follows:

8810-10400 STABILIZATION $56,000.00
TOTAL: $56,000.00
15432-57700 VETERANS BENEFITS $56,000.00
TOTAL: $56,000.00

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

From MMA, communication regarding Budgeting during COVID
—> Received and referred to the Finance Committee.


Motion was made and seconded to suspend the necessary rules and take items 5, 6, and 8 as a package
MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE AND 32/100 Dollars ($2,121,32) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $2,121.32
TOTAL: $2,121,32
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $2,121.32
TOTAL: $2,121,32

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin gave overview of each financial transfer request and noted that each order represented public safety officials in the Fire Dept. or Police Dept. that have been injured on duty. Councilor McGiverin stated that this money is contractually obliged to the recipients but that the Council has these transfers come through this way as a tracking mechanism and so that the City Council can be more aware of funds being allocated to injured on duty for the Fire and Police dept.
—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY TWO AND 08/100 Dollars ($4,742.08) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $2,121.32
12201-51104 LIEUTENANT 2,620.76
TOTAL: $4,742.08
12201-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $4,742.08
TOTAL: $4,742.08

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, ELEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY TWO AND 14/100 Dollars ($11,542.14) as follows:

12101-51107 PATROLMEN $11,542.14
TOTAL: $11,542.14
12101-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $11,542.14
TOTAL: $11,542.14

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, ELEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY TWO AND 14/100 Dollars ($11,542.14) as follows:

12101-51107 PATROLMEN $11,542.14
TOTAL: $11,542.14
12101-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $11,542.14
TOTAL: $11,542.14

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that there be and is hereby appropriated by transfer in the fiscal year 2020, FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY TWO AND 08/100 Dollars ($4,742.08) as follows:

12201-51105 FIREFIGHTER $2,121.32
12201-51104 LIEUTENANT 2,620.76
TOTAL: $4,742.08
122 01-51180 INJURED ON DUTY $4,742.08
TOTAL: $4,742.08

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Received and referred to the Auditor-Duplicate Order.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “FFY2020 CHILD PASSENGER SAFETY SEAT DISTRIBUTION – CAR SEATS ONLY” grant and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said grant.

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin stated that he spoke with Fire Chief Jeff Przekepowski and that the grant requires no exchange of money and that the dollar amount is just under 5,000 dollars. It was noted that in executing this grant the Fire Dept. takes requests for car seats and gets applications and screens them and then send the approved requests to the state who then provides the car seats to the applicants. It was noted that the program would provide approximately 69 car seats to Holyoke residents.
—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that Order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “PIONEER VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION EMERGENCY COVID-19 FUNDING” and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said funding.

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin stated that the grant would be for $20,000 dollars that would be distributed to municipalities but that he was not sure exactly how money would be allocated. Sean Gonsalves stated that the money was distributed through the Dept. of Public Health and that the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission would be where the money would go and was distributed from. Mr. Gonsalves stated that application for the funds was put out on March 20th and that the check was delivered to the City in late March. It was noted that a fund has been set up by the Auditor and that the emergency funding would be limited to contact tracing, supplemental nurse help, emergency action, quarantine and isolation, emergency responders etc. It was noted that the City would not need to make any contribution on the grant. Councilor Bartley spoke on the transient population and pan handlers throughout the City not respecting the social distancing measures put in place by the State and local government. Mr. Gonsalves stated that he feels that enforcement of these measures would be more in the purview of the City Police. Mr. Gonsalves stated that from what he has read and heard, the pan handlers have a 1st amendment right to be out doing what they are doing. Councilor Bartley stated that he would like Mr. Gonsalves to just be cognizant that there are ordinances on the books that do put certain limitations on pan handlers that are breaking the CDC guidelines for social distancing. Councilor Leahy spoke on phone calls from constituents where pan handlers are aggressively pan handling and standing in the middle of the road. Councilor Leahy state that he feels something should be done about pan handlers that are behaving this way. Mr. Gonsalves stated that it seems that the pan handler in question seems to be breaking the law and probably should be reported to the HPD who has better enforcement protocol than the Board of Health to curtail this behavior. Councilor Vacon stated that she feels it is important for the public listening at home to know that this is not the time to let up on social distancing an stated that people should not be rolling down there window and having close contact with people at this time.
—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that Order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “PIONEER VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION EMERGENCY COVID-19 FUNDING” and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said funding.

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor

—> Received and referred to the Auditor-Duplicate Order.

MCGIVERIN Ordered, that Order that in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44 Sec. 53A, the City Council hereby accepts the provisions of the “THE COVID-19 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT” and authorizes the establishment of a Fund or other method appropriate for the accounting of the receipts and expenditures of all resources associated with the administration of said funding.

To the City Council:
I hereby recommend the passage of the above order at the meeting of your Council to be held Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

Alex B Morse, Mayor
Under discussion:
Councilor McGiverin spoke and noted that 744,000 dollars that would be an extension of the Community Development Block Fund. Community Development representative Alicia Zoeller spoke and described the grant. It was noted that these funds came through the CARES act stimulus package filed to help municipalities deal with the COVID-19 virus. It was noted that this money can be used for anything related to the effects of the virus on the City. Alicia Zoeller stated that a plan is being developed as to how best expend these funds but that approving the order would allow the City to have the funds on hand and ready for implementation. It was noted that there would be guidance given from the Govt. that would make clear the way the moneys could be spent by the City. It was noted that this is one of those cases where the government has moved quickly to get the money approved and ready for distribution and that the City is in a position to implement this grant. Councilor Bartley commended Congressman Neil for shepherding this legislation through and making these funds a reality. Alicia Zoeller gave wide overview of potential uses for the money and noted CDBG guidelines that would need to be complied with and stated that allocations would fit the mold of assisting in housing and shelter, economic development, and food access. It was noted that funds would likely be allocated with recommendations from the Chamber of Commerce and OPED.
—> Passed two readings and Adopted on a call of the roll of the yeas and nays –Yeas 13–Nays 0–Absent 0.

LEAHY, McGee Ordered, that Order that the potholes on Dartmouth Street near Pleasant Street be filled.

—> Received and referred to the DPW.

LEAHY Ordered, that Order that Lenox Street Be repaved

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the DPW.

LEAHY Ordered, that Order that the Water Department remove the blue spray paint on the telephone pole in front of 20 Lenox St. The pole is numbered 3.

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the Water Department.

LEAHY Ordered, that Order that the board of health gives the City Council weekly briefings (e-mailed reports) on the Corona Virus.
Amended-The Mayor’s Office include the City Council on the weekly call ins.

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the Ryan, Mike Bloomberg.

MCGEE, McGiverin Ordered, that Order that the city council support the request for a resolution to Governor Baker with regard to the Holyoke Mall, similar to that adopted in NY.
(See attached)

—> Received and adopted.


LISI Ordered, that That in light of the CDC new recommendations that all individuals wear a mask out in public and most members of the public are not familiar with proper mask and glove usage or disposal, the Emergency Management Advisory Council along with the BOH, Holyoke Media, and any other relevant parties create an informative video ad to circulate on social media and other local media outlets.

—> Received and adopted. Referred to the Board of Health, Holyoke Media, Mayor’s Office.


Adjourn at 08:52 PM.
A true record

City Clerk

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Jeffery Anderson-Burgos
Administrative Assistant to the City Council

Holyoke City Hall
536 Dwight St, Room 10
Holyoke, MA 01040
Regular hours 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Meeting days 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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