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Please be advised that City offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday.

Winter Parking Ban
The City of Holyoke, Department of Public Works, has issued a regular Winter Parking Ban to be in effect from:Sunday January 19, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. until further notice.
There will be no parking on the ODD side of the street unless otherwise posted and no parking on CUL-DE-SACS.
Prohibición de estacionamiento en invierno
El Departamento de Obras Públicas de la ciudad de Holyoke ha emitido una prohibición de estacionamiento en invierno que estará vigente desde:El domingo 19 de enero de 2025 a las 2:00 p. m. hasta nuevo aviso.
No se permitirá estacionar en el lado impar de la calle a menos que se indique lo contrario y tampoco se permitirá estacionar en las calles sin salida.

School Committee Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee, October 9, 2024

OctOctober 9 2024

6:00pm - 7:00pm Holyoke Public School Department

57 Suffolk St, 1st Floor, Holyoke, MA 01040






TIME: 6:00 PM 

LOCATION: HPS Central Office, 57 Suffolk Street, first floor, Holyoke, MA

On March 29, 2023, Governor Healey signed into law a supplemental budget bill which, among other things, extends the temporary provisions pertaining to the Open Meeting Law to March 31, 2025. Specifically, this further extension allows public bodies to continue holding meetings remotely without a quorum of the public body physically present at a meeting location, and to provide “adequate, alternative” access to remote meetings. The language does not make any substantive changes to the Open Meeting Law other than extending the expiration date of the temporary provisions regarding remote meetings from March 31, 2023 to March 31, 2025.

Members of the public can access the meeting here:


Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, s. 20, I am hereby informing all attendees that a video and audio recording is being made of the meeting and the meeting is being live-streamed via zoom. 


Item #1 – Updates about district’s equity taskforce 

Item #2 – Review the data from the new middle school naming survey (presentation)

Item #3 – Recommend 3-5 options for school name, mascots and colors for a second survey.    

The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.* The Holyoke Public Schools makes available a public discussion period for persons in the audience to address the Committee on specific agenda items. In order to hear as many speakers as possible, the Committee asks individuals to continue their remarks for two (2) minutes. Any person wishing to submit longer testimony should give copies to the Committee Secretary before the meeting so that they may be distributed to Committee members. The speaker can then summarize this testimony at the meeting within the two (2) minute time period. Persons wishing to speak should register with the Committee Secretary immediately before the meeting begins. Individuals who request specific items to be included on the Committee’s agenda should mail a written request fifteen (15) days in advance of a Committee meeting date to Irene Feliciano 


Goal: Collaborate with external organizations, governmental agencies, and community partners to leverage resources and support DEI initiatives within the school district. The sub-committee will help identify potential funding opportunities, grants, and partnerships to enhance the implementation of DEI programs and ensure equitable resource allocation across schools.

Disclaimer: The DEI sub-committee will continue to carefully consider and customize the charge and goals based on the specific needs and priorities of their district and community.


The Holyoke School Committee believes naming or renaming a facility is a matter of great importance, one that deserves the most thoughtful attention.  In selecting a name, the Committee will give higher preference to names of deceased persons, preferably local people who have made a significant contribution to education.

When the need arises, the School Committee may develop an orderly, announced procedure which will lessen community or factional pressures when naming a new facility.  A prompt decision will reduce disappointments and advance community solidarity.

A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the School Committee is needed to change the name of a facility.

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