Holyoke Police Relief Association 1st Annual Golf Tournament

1st Annual HPRA Golf Tournament
Monday, June 6th, 2022
Wyckoff Country Club
Proceeds to support the death benefit provided through the Holyoke Police Relief Association
Cost: $500 per foursome or $125 per golfer.
Price includes the following: Green Fees, Cart, Gifts, and Lunch – Dinner
Format: Scramble (Best Ball)
Check-In: 12:00 PM with Shot Gun Start @ 1:00 PM
- Please complete registration form and return with check to:
- P.R.A. P.O. Box 511, Holyoke, MA 01040
- Make checks payable to: P.R.A.
All registration forms and checks must be received no later than May 20, 2022.