City of Holyoke Cable Television License Renewal Proceeding June 27, 2023
The City of Holyoke Mayor Joshua A. Garcia, as cable television licensing authority under MGL 166A, will hold public cable license renewal ascertainment hearings on June 26, 2023, at 10 a.m. at the Senior Center, 291 Pine Street, Holyoke, and June 27, 2023, at 6 p.m. at Holyoke Media, 1 Court Plaza, Holyoke, as part of the City’s license renewal proceedings pertaining to Comcast. Holyoke’s Comcast cable license expires on March 11, 2024.
The Federal Cable Act, 47 USC 546, requires a public proceeding to ascertain the community’s cable-related needs and interests as part of the license renewal process applicable to expiring cable licenses. Public comment is invited regarding the City’s Comcast license renewal needs going forward and regarding cable operator past performance.
Interested persons may attend and directly participate in person or, for the June 27 session, remotely through an electronic platform by desktop, laptop, tablet or phone via the following link or number(s).
Click the link below to join the public hearing:
Meeting ID: 857 1361 7361
Passcode: 321289
The hearing may be viewed without remote participation for viewing only on Comcast Channel 12 in Holyoke. For further information and copies of renewal records, please contact the Holyoke Mayor’s Office, Mayor Joshua A. Garcia, City Hall, 536 Dwight Street, Holyoke, Massachusetts.