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Hello residents of Holyoke.
The Department of Public Works is pleased to inform you that the parking ban will be lifted Monday February 10, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. You will be free to park on the streets without any restrictions by then.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hola residentes de Holyoke.
El Departamento de Obras Publicas se complace en informarles que la prohibición de estacionamiento sera levantada hoy Lunes 10 de Febrero del 2025 a las 7:00 p.m. Desde esa hora en adelante pueden estacionarse en las calles sin restricciones.
Gracias por su cooperación.

Downtown Facilities Parking Improvement

Posted on April 30, 2024

At the City of Holyoke in our downtown we have three parking garage facilities that require attention. These include: 1) Ernest Proulx Municipal Parking Facility located on Dwight Street; 2) Suffolk Street Municipal Parking located off of Suffolk Street, and 3) we have the parking deck directly behind City Hall.

Price quotes to address the three facilities have been submitted to the City Council along with a request to authorize bonding so we can go forward with the proper remediation work within the next fiscal year which begins July 1, 2024. All three locations have unique issues and are as follows:

  • Ernest Proulx Parking Facility – Click to review estimates for fixing issues at this garage. NOTE: we received a ‘first notice’ from the Division of Occupational Licensure regarding the inoperable elevator in the garage and its current condition in conflict with state law (click to review noticePROJECTED TOTAL COST = $749,840
  • Suffolk Street Municipal Parking Garage – Click to review the estimates for this garage. The issues at this garage are mostly basic maintenance issues and not as dire as the other two. PROJECTED TOTAL COST = $249,775.
  • City Hall parking deck – This one is a much heavier lift than the other two garages. This deck, we want to eliminate completely. The problem is that it’s a little more involved. We have procured Tighe and Bond to assist with a condition assessment. Click to review scope and price for this phaseCOST = $64,000

Once the City Council approves the bond authorization, the city plans to go forward with bidding for the work at Dwight Street and Suffolk street garages before actual work begins.

In addition to taking action at these parking garage facilities, the City looks forward to also improve downtown parking management, parking lot areas, and other recommendations that were highlighted in the recently completed downtown parking study. Click to review report.

The bond authorization in front of the City Council currently reads:

“That the amount of five million dollars ($5,000,000) is appropriated for the purpose of financing the demolition, remodeling, reconstruction, engineering, construction, and equipping or re-equipping of various city parking facilities, including the payment of costs incidental or related thereto. To meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 7 or any other enabling authority. 

FURTHER ORDERED: That the Mayor is authorized to contract for and expend any state aid available for the project; and that the Mayor is authorized to take any other action necessary or convenient to carry out these projects.

FURTHER ORDERED: That the Treasurer is authorized to file an application to qualify under Chapter 44A of the General Laws any and all of the bonds or notes authorized to be issued pursuant to this Order, and to provide such information and execute such documents as may be required for such purposes.

Further Ordered: That there shall be no change in the purpose of this bond authorization without prior vote of approval by the Holyoke City Council.”

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