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WINTER PARKING BAN The city of Holyoke, Department of Public Works, has issued two Winter Parking Bans as follows: Winter Parking Ban - Starting February 6th at 7:00 a.m. No parking on the ODD side of the street, unless otherwise posted, and no parking on CUL-DE-SACS. This will continue through Friday, February 7th at 6:00 a.m. Reverse Parking - Starting February 7th at 8:00 a.m. No parking on the EVEN side of the street, unless otherwise posted, and no parking on CUL-DE-SACS. This will continue through Friday, February 7th at 7:00 p.m.
El Departmento de Obras Públicas de la Ciudad de Holyoke ha emitido dos prohibiciones de estacionamiento en invierno, de la siguiente manera Prohibición de estacionamiento en invierno: a partis del 6 febrero a las 7:00 a.m. No se permite estacionar en el lado ODD de la calle, a menos que se indique lo contrario, ni en las calles sin salida. Esto continuará hasta el viernes 7 febrero a las 6:00 a.m. Prohibición de estacionamiento en reversa: a partis del 7 de febrero a las 8:00 a.m. No se permite estacionar en el lado PAR de la calle, a menos que se indique lo contrario, ni en las calles sin salida. Esta prohibición se extenderá hsta el viernes 7 de febrero a las 7:00 p.m.

Board of Appeals


Sharon Konstantinidis
Head Administrative Clerk

City Hall Annex
Room 406
20 Korean Veterans Plaza
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


There shall be established a Board of Appeals in accordance with the provisions of section 811 of chapter 211 of the Acts of 1936, to consist of three members and three associate members, to be appointed and confirmed in accordance with the provisions of such chapter.

The Board of Appeals shall also act as a Board of Appeals under both the building and zoning ordinances of the City.


Jeffrey Burkott, Principal Planner – 413-322-5575
Sharon Konstantinidis, Head Administrative Clerk - 322-5575
Board of Appeals Members
Josh Knox, Chairman – Term expires July 1, 2025
 Vice-Chairman- Term expires July 1, 2024 (Vacancy)
Morriss Partee, Member – Term expires July 1, 2026
 Associate – Term expires July 1, 2023 (Vacancy)

Board of Appeals Application to Appeal

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