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Hello residents of Holyoke.
The Department of Public Works is pleased to inform you that the parking ban will be lifted Monday February 10, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. You will be free to park on the streets without any restrictions by then.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hola residentes de Holyoke.
El Departamento de Obras Publicas se complace en informarles que la prohibición de estacionamiento sera levantada hoy Lunes 10 de Febrero del 2025 a las 7:00 p.m. Desde esa hora en adelante pueden estacionarse en las calles sin restricciones.
Gracias por su cooperación.

COVID-19 Report Holyoke 11-15-20

Posted on November 15, 2020


WALK UP COVID-19 Testing Site in Holyoke

A walk-up COVID testing site opened in Holyoke at 323 Appleton St.  Testing hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2pm to 6pm. Testing will run until 12/31/20.

DRIVE UP COVID-19 Testing Site in Holyoke

A Stop the Spread test has opened at Holyoke Community College. Testing will run until 12/31/20.

As of Friday 11/6/2020, the location of testing at Holyoke Community College has changed. The change was to prepare for the cold weather months.


A map with the new traffic pattern and testing site location is posted on the Holyoke Board of Health website.


The testing will remain at HCC, but now take place at Lot H.


The test site will still be drive-through.


Hours and days of operation will not change.


Holyoke Community College will have parking attendants onsite to manage the flow of traffic.


– The site will operate Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 7am – 11am. Tuesday and Thursday 2pm -7pm.
– Turnaround time for results is typically 4 days or fewer.


– This test site is first come, first serve. There are no appointments. Please do not call the Health Department or Holyoke Community College to make an appointment.

– The test site at Holyoke Community College is a drive-through only test site. Please do not get out of your vehicle. Signage and Campus Police will be readily apparent to help you access the site easily.

– To help speed up the process, please have your information ready. They will ask for your full name, address (you must be a Massachusetts resident), phone number and email address.

– There is no cost for the testing. You do not need a referral, nor do you need to be symptomatic.

– The test style will be the less invasive swab in the lower nostril. The older style that required further insertion of the swab will not be used.

– If you have previously tested positive, DPH and CDC guidelines do not recommend getting retested at this time.

– If you are acutely symptomatic, particularly if you have a high fever, consider scheduling a test with your Primary Care Physician.

– Information on all of the Stop the Spread test sites across the State can be found at:


US tops 11 million COVID cases less than a week after hitting 10 million milestone

By Benjamin Kail

More than 11 million Americans have contracted COVID-19 as of Sunday, a milestone coming less than a week after the nation surpassed 10 million cases.

According to Johns Hopkins University, at least 11,003,469 people in the U.S. have been infected, with new cases and deaths surging across the country. Several states are consistently topping new daily records of positive coronavirus tests.

The death toll of the virus, which has hit the U.S. harder than any other nation, exceeded 246,000 as of Sunday, according to Johns Hopkins. Read the full story here:


Charlie Baker, other governors to hold ‘emergency summit’ to discuss more possible COVID-19 restrictions

Gov. Charlie Baker and five other governors of northeastern states will meet this weekend to discuss possibly coordinating new restrictions to help curb COVID-19 spread as as a second wave of the coronavirus grips the region.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the “emergency summit” on Friday.

The summit will also include the governors of Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Vermont.

Cuomo said the group will discuss possibly coordinating more regulations on bars, restaurants, bars, and gyms, as well as limits on gatherings and interstate travel.

“The reality is the virus is mobile and we’re in the holiday season and people will travel more,” the New York governor said. “These are all elements that conspire to increase the spread. We believe we’re going to have to be taking additional steps, and to the degree we can share information and align action with other regional states, we’ll do that.”

It’s unclear what the steps may be, but Cuomo said he does not expect any major changes announced over the weekend.

Many states have issued their own guidelines in recent days. In Massachusetts, Baker has ordered restaurants to end on-site dining by 9:30 p.m. nightly and implemented a stay-at-home advisory. Read the full story here:



As of today there are1717 positive COVID cases in Holyoke ~4% increase from 2 days ago.


Weekly Public Health Report (Updated Wednesday) Contains town-by-town numbers, long-term care facility information, and more:

Massachusetts comprehensive daily “dashboard” illustrating the spread of this virus across regions and demographics:

Testing has a turnaround time of 1-5 days and many cases are being clinically diagnosed (no testing or reporting involved). All are advised to behave as though they are carriers of Covid-19.

The curve we need to flatten: County numbers graphed over time can be found here:

The Massachusetts Daily Dashboard is now updated to provide a more granular look into the daily positivity rates.  As of today are were 30,374 active cases in MA with 2,076 new cases.  There are 33 new deaths today with an average age of 80 years old.  The age range with the highest number of current positive cases is 20-29 year olds, followed by 0-19 year olds, followed by 30-39 year olds.  All together the state has a 7-day average positivity rate of 3.06%.

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