Essential Services: Businesses that have operated during the closure because they offer “essential services” will continue to do so throughout the phased reopening. However, they will be required to meet new Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces by Monday, May 25th.
Additional Sectors: Upon implementing new COVID-19 safety standards and completing a self-attestation checklist, the following sectors are permitted to reopen on Monday, May 18: Construction, Manufacturing, Worship
Each business or House of Worship will be required to meet the Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces linked above before reopening. Additionally, each industry also has a series of sector-specific protocols, that detail the policies workplaces should enforce to maintain compliance.
Manufacturing & Construction Protocols
Other Sectors: On Monday, the Baker-Polito administration will announce any other sectors, industries, and activities that will be permitted to open at a later date in Phase 1. This announcement will include appropriate sector-specific protocols for those industries.
Enforcement: Enforcement of new safety standards is a joint responsibility between the MA Department of Labor Standards, the MA Department of Public Health, and local boards of health.
Before reopening, businesses must self-certify that they will operate in compliance with the new safety standards and protocols. The businesses must produce this self-certification, if requested by the local board of health, DLS, or DPH. In some cases, business will also be required to develop a written COVID-19 control plan. Enforcement will scale from verbal consultation and redirection, to written redirection, to fines, and finally to cease-and-desist letters.