The Baker-Polito Administration today announced a second round of funding up to $130 million for nursing facilities to support COVID-19 response efforts over the next two months, as well as increased funding of $44 million for residential congregate care service providers. This funding will support staffing costs, infection control and personal protective equipment (PPE). In addition to increased financial support, the administration has implemented required testing for staff and residents of nursing facilities.
Massachusetts now is releasing a comprehensive “dashboard” to illustrate the spread of this virus across regions and demographics. You can view today’s here: https://www.mass.gov/doc/ covid-19-dashboard-april-27- 2020/download
Holyoke: Until the conclusion of this emergency, all consumers and employees must wear face coverings (mask, bandana, scarf) at all times when social distancing cannot be maintained, at any businesses providing essential services within the City of Holyoke. Read full order: https://www.holyoke.org/ covid19-masks/
Testing has a turnaround time of 1 – 4 days and many cases are being clinically diagnosed (no testing or reporting involved). All are advised to behave as though they are carriers of Covid-19.
567 Holyoke residents have been confirmed positive by testing.
3,381 confirmed cases in Hampden County (10.5% increase)
443 in Hampshire (12% increase)
231 in Franklin (2% increase)
428 in Berkshire county (1% increase)
The curve we need to flatten: County numbers graphed over time can be found here: https://www.wmasscovid.com/
Massachusetts has experienced a total of 3,003 deaths connected to Covid-19