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The City of Holyoke, Department of Public Works, has issued a regular Winter Parking Ban to be in effect starting tomorrow Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 3:00 pm until further notice. There will be no parking on the ODD side of the street unless otherwise posted, and no parking on CUL-DE-SACS. Thank you for your cooperation.

La Ciudad de Holyoke, Departamento de Obras Públicas, está emitiendo un anuncio sobre la prohibición de estacionamiento que comenzará mañana sábado 15 de Febrero del 2025 a las 3:00 pm, y durará hasta nuevo aviso. No se permitirá estacionar en el lado IMPAR de la calle, a menos que se indique lo contrario, y tampoco se permitirá estacionar en calles sin salida. Gracias por su cooperación.

City Council Orders June 7, 2022

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
2. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - reappointment letter for Francis Hoey to serve as a commissioner of the Gas & Electric Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 6-7-22
3. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - appointment letter for Nathan Chung to serve as a Commissioner of the Planning Board Referred Public Service 6-16-22 Recommend appointment Appointment confirmed 6-21-22
4. Mayor Joshua A. Garcia - appointment letter for Lisa Ball to serve as City Solicitor Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 6-7-22
5. From Brenna Murphy McGee, MMC and Jeffery Anderson-Burgos, Admin. Ass't. to City Council - 5-17-22 City Council meeting minutes Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
6. Councilor Maldonado Velez - communication regarding legislation for 988 Behavioral Health Emergency Line Referred Public Safety 9-19-22 Complied with Complied with 10-4-22
7. Law Department - MOA from local 1459 Received Finance 7-25-22 Complied with Complied with 8-2-22 Referred to June 13th meeting
8. School Committee Member Rebecca Birks - resignation letter effective July 29, 2022 Received Received 6-7-22 Referred to the Mayor
9. Jose Bayron Chairman Parks & Rec and Helene Busby Vice Chairman - appointment letter for Tom Reynolds to serve as Director of Parks and Rec Dept Referred Public Service 6-16-22 Recommend appointment Appointment confirmed 6-21-22
10. Resolution to file and accept a conservation grant for the Anniversary Hill Park aka Crafts Hill/Scott Tower project Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
11. Mackenzie Stadium lease dated May 9. 2022 Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
12. Holyoke Redevelopment Authority - 8-21-19, 10-21-20, 1-20-21, 3-2-21, 4-21-21, 5-26-21, 6-9-21, 8-18-21, 9-29-21, 3-16-22, 3-30-22 Meeting minutes Received Received 6-7-22
13. Holyoke Board of Health - 2-3-22, 3-1-22 meeting minutes Received Received 6-7-22
14. Board of Fire Commission - 3-17-22, 4-21-22 meeting minutes Received Received 6-7-22
15. Second hand license renewal - 250 Westfield Rd. (Dollar general) Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
16. Second hand license renewal - ECOATM, LLC at 50 Holyoke St. (Holyoke Mall) Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
17. Second hand license renewal - ECOATM. LLC at 2261 Northampton St. (inside Dollar General) Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
18. Special Permit Application - Petition of Ahava, LLC at 333 Canal St Referred Ordinance 7-26-22 Approved with conditions Adopted with conditions 8-2-22
A. Street Vendor License Application - Jesùs Feliciano at 130 Race St Referred Ordinance 7-26-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 8-2-22
G. Robert Peirent, City Engineer - Speed hump report for Bray Park Drive Referred Ordinance 6-8-22 Accept Engineer report to not proceed Recommendation Accepted 6-21-22

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

19A. An order for the City Solicitor to research how other law departments are set up in Western Massachusetts 19B. An order to place a handicap sign at 439 Beech St 19C. An order to no longer allow daycare services in R-1 or R-2 district by right but by special permit
19D. An order to establish a Capital Stabilization Account 19E. An order to establish a Sewer Enterprise Stabilization Account 20A. An order to accept DCR URBAN & COMMUNITY FORESTRY GRANT AWARD-PUBLIC TREE INVENTORY, $30,000, 25% IN KIND MATCH grant
20B. An order to accept LWCF ANNIVERSARY HILL PARK LAND ACQUISITION, $150,000 grant 20C. An order to transfer $8,600.00 from Laborer-Refuse to Overtime-Building Maintenance and Overtime Refuse 20D. An order to transfer $5,000.00 from Pay-Office Manager to Pay-Part Time Clerk
20E. An order to transfer $410.00 from Office Manager to Overtime-WWTP Clerks 20F. An order to transfer $4,195.00 from Pay-HMEO to Pay-Senior Building Custodian, Pay-Building Custodian, Pay-Overtime, and Pay-Principal Clerk/Steno 20G. An order to transfer $1,050.00 from Office Manager to Superintendent of Outdoor Works
20H. An order to transfer $784.00 from Pay-Motor Equipment Repairman to Pay-EVT Mechanic and Pay-Police Fleet Mechanic 20I. An order to transfer $17,500.00 from Parking Control Officer to Snow Removal Services 20J. An order to transfer $70,000 from Veterans Benefits - Direct to Special Counsel
20K. An order to transfer $31,000.00 from HMEO-Parks and Park Maintenance Man to R&M Police Station 20L. An order to transfer $12,001.00 from Pay-HMEO to Pay-Overtime, Pay-Forester, and Pay-Overtime 20M. An order to transfer $12,338.00 from Pay-Safety Inspector and Pay-Laborer to Pay-Waste Recycling Coordinator
20N. An order to transfer $21,720.00 from Pay-Power Shovel Operator to Pay-PW Foreman, Pay-Overtime, and Pay-Snow Removal Overtime 20O. An order to transfer $20,000 from Sanitarian I to Permitting Software 20P. An order to transfer $22,500.00 from Vacation Buyback-Building Maint, Vacation Buyback-Highway, Clothing Allowance, Vacation Buyback-Auto, and Vacation Buyback-Parking to Snow Removal Services
20Q. An order to transfer $231,000.00 from Senior Service Engineer, General Superintendent, Office Manager, HMEO-Refuse, Laborer-Refuse, HMEO-Highway, Power Shovel Operator-Highway, Prop Maint & Demo Worker, Laborer-Highway, and Motor Equipment Repairman to Snow Removal Services 20R. An order to transfer $2,575.00 from Laborer-Building Maintenance to Building Custodian 20S. An order to transfer $170,000 from FY2022 Free cash to Professional Services - Outside Counsel
20T. An order to transfer $130,000 from FY2022 Free cash to Mayor's Contracted Services 20U. An order to transfer $68,000 from FY2022 Free cash to Professional Engineering Services 20V. An order to transfer $10,000 from from FY2022 Free cash to Systems Hardware - City Council
20W. An order to transfer $25,500 from FY2022 Free cash to Computer Professional Services 20X. An order to transfer $240,000 from FY2022 Free cash to Mayor's Contracted Services 20Y. An order to transfer $300,000 from FY2022 Sewer Enterprise Free cash to Sewer - Professional & Technical Services
20Z. An order to transfer $45,000 from Cannabis Stabilization to Cannabis Planner II 20[.  An order to transfer $1,591,291 from FY2022 Free Cash to FUND 8815 CANNABIS IMPACT & INNOVATION STABILIZATION 20. An order agree to use model school project for new middle school is there are financial benefits
20]. An order to use previously selected consultants for middle school unless model school is selected 20^. An order to use prior feasibility study conclusion to construct new Peck Middle School 20_. An order to establish a Capital Stabilization Account
20`. An order to establish a Sewer Enterprise Stabilization Account 20a. An order for mayor to provide funds from Sewer Stabilization Funds for review of Suez agreement 20b. Atty Kathleen Degnan, Assistant City Solicitor - opinion on legal expenditure of CPA funds
20c. David Conti, Holyoke Water Works Manager - letter informing of water rate increase 20d. Atty Lisa Ball - Fire Chief's Contract 20e. An order for Council on Aging to provide reports on senior tax work off program
23A. A resolution in Support of a Fair Share Amendment 23B. Damian J. Cote, Building Commissioner - Property Preservation Group 5 year report 23C. An order to consider adding two conditions to RFP process for city properties
23D. An order to discuss the RFP process for city properties 23E. Special Permit Application - Michael Morin at 938 Main Street for 6.4 Signs 25A. An order for HPS to present 3rd grade literacy outcomes of the past 5 years
25B. An order for school officials to develop a formal financial literacy curriculum for the schools

New Orders

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
26. JOURDAIN -- An order to require department heads to report any loss in their department over $250 to City Council and Mayor Referred Ordinance a. 8-23-22
b. 9-27-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 10-25-22
b. (following veto) 11-29-22
a. Approved, amended to $500
b. Tabled
a. Adopted 11-1-22 Vetoed 11-15-22, Referred back to Ordinance
27. JOURDAIN, MCGIVERIN, MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order to require abutter notices include nearby addresses when lot has no address Referred Ordinance a. 11-29-22
b. 2-28-23
a. Tabled for legal
b. Tabled for legal
3-28-23 Approved Adopted 4-4-23
28. JOURDAIN, RIVERA_I -- An order that user fees through departments be established through ordinance Referred Ordinance
29. JOURDAIN -- An order that City Clerk enforce Ordinance 30-1(g) relative to broker of record semi-annual disclosure reports Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to the City Clerk
30. JOURDAIN -- An order to be provided current police car leasing agreement Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to Purchasing, Auditor, Police Chief, Finance Committee
31. JOURDAIN -- An order for a financial summary on revenue generated by each department Adopted Finance 2-1-23 Complied with Adopted 6-7-22

Complied with 2-7-23

Copied to Auditor, Finance Committee
32. MALDONADO-VELEZ, RIVERA_I -- An order for a handicap sign in front of 563 So. Canal St. for William Vazquez Referred Ordinance 7-26-22 Approved Adopted 8-2-22 Copied to Disabilities Commission
33. MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order that Council seat becomes open if a councilor misses three consecutive meetings Referred Charter and Rules a. 6-14-22
b. 1-9-23
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
34. MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order for special election with Council vacancy having more than 6 months left in term Referred Charter and Rules 6-14-22 Tabled 1-9-23 :Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 1-17-23
35. MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order to create "Public Hearing" section on website Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to Admin Asst
36. MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order to establish Public Safety account and create Dept of Public Care and Safety Referred Public Safety 6-28-22 Complied with Complied with 8-2-22
37. MALDONADO-VELEZ -- An order to create Director of Public Care and Safety Referred Public Safety 6-28-22 Complied with Complied with 8-2-22
38. MCGEE -- A resolution confirming Council votes of authorization for MSBA middle school project process Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
39. MCGEE, ALL COUNCILORS -- An order to issue proclamation for Jose Garcia for 26 year service as Commissioner of DPW, Sewer, and Stormwater Authority Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
40. MCGEE, JOURDAIN, RIVERA_I, TALLMAN -- An order to declare West Cherry an official street Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to Public Works
41. MCGEE, JOURDAIN, RIVERA_I, TALLMAN -- An order to repave West Cherry Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to Public Works
42. MCGEE -- An order to hold a joint City Council and School Committee meeting to appoint new Ward 3 School Committee member Received Received 6-7-22 Referred to Mayor, Personnel
43. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $15,527.32 from Lieutenant, Sergeants, and Patrolmen, to Injured on Duty Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
44. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $4,480.12 from Firefighters to Injured on Duty Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
45. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $4,480.12 from Firefighters to Injured on Duty Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
46. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $207.64 from Temp/Seasonal to Overtime Referred Finance 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
47. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $11,350.66 from Firefighters to Pay-Assistant Supervisor - Alarms Referred Finance 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
48. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $304.71 from Education & Training to Overtime Referred Finance 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
49. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $50,000 from Veterans Benefits-Direct to Claims & Damages Referred Finance 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
50. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept "REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION GRANT PROGRAM, $25,000, NO MATCH " grant Referred Finance 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
51. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept "FY23 SHARED STREETS AND SPACES, $200,000, NO MATCH, " grant Referred Finance 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
52. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept "DIVERTING JUVENILES AND EMERGING ADULTS FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM INVOLVEMENT, $50,000, NO MATCH " grant Referred Finance 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
53. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $1,000,000 from School-Other Expenses to Stabilization Referred Finance 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
54. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI -- An order to establish rule requiring 50 signatures to for residents seeking vacant Council seat Referred Charter and Rules a. 6-14-22
b. 1-9-23
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
Copied to the Law Department
55. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI -- An order to create Vice President position Referred Charter and Rules a. 6-14-22
b. 10-24-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
Copied to the Law Department
56. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI -- An order to create rule requiring candidates and elected officials to disclose pending litigation Referred Charter and Rules Copied to the Law Department
57. MURPHY-ROMBOLETTI -- An order to accept sale of 525 Pleasant Street for $20,111.00 to Indra Harris Referred DGR 7-20-22 Approved Adopted 8-2-22
58. RIVERA_J -- An order for temporary speed humps on Ely Street Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to Public Works
59. RIVERA_J -- An order for temporary speed humps on Samosett Street Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to Public Works
60. RIVERA_J, RIVERA_I -- An order for new bleachers at McNally Field Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to Public Works
61. RIVERA_I -- An order to approve FY 2023 CPA budget Referred Finance 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
62. RIVERA_I, RIVERA_J -- An order to address tall grass and illegal dumping at Lyman and North Summer St properties Referred Public Safety 6-27-22 Complied with Complied with 8-2-22 Copied to Board of Health, Public Works, Law Department
63. RIVERA_J -- An order for Resident Only parking at Lyman Terrace Referred Ordinance 2-28-23 Refer to Holyoke Housing Authority Referred to Housing Authority 3-7-23
64. VACON, TALLMAN -- An order for Engineer to suggest traffic calming measures on Whiting Farms and Tokeneke Roads Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to City Engineer, Public Safety Committee
65. VACON, ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to secure parks at closing time to prevent vandalism Adopted 6-27-22 Complied with Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to Parks and Recreation Commission, Public Safety Committee
66. VACON -- An order to exempt Solicitor's office from 8:30-4:30 business hours Referred Ordinance 6-8-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
67. VACON -- An order to update speed hump ordinance to clarify evaluation process Referred Ordinance
68. ANDERSON-BURGOS, MCGEE, JOURDAIN -- An order to add cameras to Community Field Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to Parks and Recreation Commission, Public Safety Committee
69. GIVNER -- An order to remove tree stump damaging sidewalk at 10 O'Connor Ave Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to Public Works, Forestry
70. GIVNER -- An order for speed humps on O'Connor Ave and Clinton Ave Adopted Adopted 6-7-22 Copied to Public Works
71. GIVNER -- An order to compel resignation letter from Councilor Wilmer Puello Received Received 6-7-22 Referred to the Law Department, Personnel
72. GIVNER -- An order to add PVTA bus stop on Appleton St Referred Ordinance Copied to PVTA
73. GIVNER -- An order that Pouliot Pool passes be free to Holyoke residents Referred Ordinance
74. GIVNER -- An order to remove handicap spot ordinance entry on Pleasant St near Lincoln St Referred Ordinance 6-8-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
B. JOURDAIN -- An order for School Receiver and Police Chief to review school safety and active shooter protocols Referred Public Safety 6-27-22 Complied with Complied with 8-2-22
C. MCGEE -- An order to present proclamation to Barbara Bernard celebrating her 95th birthday Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
D. MCGEE -- An order to amend ordinances to credit new employees with vacation time for prior experience Referred Ordinance a. 8-23-22
b. 9-27-22
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
2-7-23 Removed from Committee by full Council, referred to Law Dept Adopted 3-21-23
E. MCGEE -- An order to invite in HHS Purple Knights volleyball team to celebrate division title Adopted Adopted 6-7-22
F. RIVERA_I -- An order to remove handicap sign at 326 Elm St Referred Ordinance 8-23-22 Approved Adopted 9-1-22
H. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $2,865.00 from Veterans Benefits - Direct to Admin Asst to City Council Referred Finance 6-15-22 Approved Adopted 6-21-22
I. BARTLEY -- An order to suspend the second September meeting for Holyoke Day at the Big E Adopted Adopted 6-7-22


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