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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude today Sunday, February 9, 2025, at 6:00 pm. Please be advised that starting at 6:00am on Monday February 10, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice.


Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá hoy Domingo 9 de febrero de 2025, a las 6:00 pm. Les informamos que a partir de las 6:00 am del Lunes 10 de febrero del 2025, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso.


City Council Orders February 21, 2023

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
2. Mayor Garcia - Progress on Middle School Building Project Referred Finance
3. Mayor Joshua Garcia - Reappointment letter for Nelson Lopez to serve as a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 2-21-23
4. Mayor Joshua Garcia - Reappointment letter for Terry Gibson to serve as a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee Appointment confirmed Appointment confirmed 2-21-23
5. City Clerk Brenna Murphy McGee and Admin. Assistant Jeffery Anderson-Burgos - 2-7-23 City Council Meeting Minutes Adopted Adopted 2-21-23
6. City Solicitor Lisa A. Ball - Red-Lined Agreement with Municipal Employees Union NAGE Local R1-180 Referred Finance
7. City Solicitor Lisa A. Ball - Red-Lined Agreement with International Brotherhood of Police Officers, Local 409 Police Supervisors Referred Finance
8. Assistant City Solicitor, Kathleen Degnan - legal forms from Ordinances passed at the February 7, 2023 meeting Laid on the table Tabled 3-7-23
9. Grant Completion Form - Safe FY22 Fund Referred Finance
10. Soldiers' Memorial Commission - Communication to City Council regarding legislation Referred to Law Dept
11. Canna Provisions - Annual Report Received Received 2-21-23
12. Community Outreach Meeting Notice - Euphorium LLC at 414 Race Street Referred Ordinance
13. Special Permit Extension Application - Four Tree’s Holyoke LLC at 1 Cabot Street Referred Ordinance 3-28-23 Extension approved Extension adopted 4-4-23
14. Zone Change Application - Steven P. Glaude from BG to BH at 2203 Northampton Street Laid on the Table Tabled 3-7-23
A. James Bartolomei-IBPO 409 Financials Referred Finance
B. Atty Russell Dupere - Legal opinion on retroactive pay for prior fiscal year Referred Finance
C. Holyoke Police Audit Summary and reports Referred Public Safety 3-6-23 Complied with Complied with 3-7-23

Committee Reports

Laid on the Table
1. An order to draft ordinance for Puerto Rican Cultural District
16A. Release and settlement agreement with Travelers Insurance 16B. Settlement agreement International Brotherhood of Police Officers, Local #409 16C. Settlement Agreement with NAGE R1-180, Clerical Union
16D. An order to accept FY2023 Senator Charles E. Shannon, Jr., Community Safety Initiative $566,355.26 No Match grant 16E. An order to accept Marcotte Ford Holyoke Police Department Equipment Donation, Est. Value $10,000 16F. An order to accept State Historical Records Advisory Board FY2023 Veteran's Heritage Grant, $26,238, 50% Match, $13,268, $3K Cash & In Kind grant
16G. An order to approve increased funding request of $3,000 to Wistariahurst museum for painting restoration project 16H. An order to transfer $8,788 from TNC Rideshare to Other Contracted Services 16I. An order to transfer $51,952 from Sick Buyback and HPD Supervisors MOA to Captains, Lieutenants, and Sergeants
16J. An order to transfer $50,000 from Highway-HMEO to Trash-Recycling Contract 16K. An order to transfer $432,000 from Insurance Claims/Settlements > $150K to Contract Serv - Claims/Settlements 16L. An order to transfer $150,000 from Cannabis Stabilization to OPED Municipal Support/Master Plan
16M. An order to transfer $100,000 from Cannabis Stabilization to OPED Public Art/Community Benefit 16N. An order to transfer $70,000 from Cannabis Stabilization to OPED Contracted Legal Services 16O. An order to transfer $399,000 from Cannabis Stabilization to DPW Race Street Improvement
16P. An order to transfer $3,000 from Veterans Benefits-Direct to FY2023 Veterans Heritage Grant 16Q. An order to transfer $26,000 from Capital Stabilization to Equipment R&M - Recreation 16R. An order to transfer $202,000 from Cannabis Stabilization to DPW Main Street Safety Project
16S. An order for HG&E to pursue ending gas moratorium


New orders

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
22. PUELLO -- An order to create ordinance vacating ward council seat if councilor moves out of ward Referred Ordinance a. 5-23-23
b. 6-27-23
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 8-22-23
b. 9-12-23
a. Tabled
b. Complied with
Complied with 10-3-23
23. PUELLO -- An order to create ordinance restricting councilors from serving on city boards and commissions Referred Ordinance a. 11-28-23
a. Refer to Law Dept
b. Tabled for opinion
24. PUELLO -- An order to move legal opinion on ward council seats from Charter and Rules to Public Service Adopted Adopted 2-21-23 Legal opinion referred to Public Service
25. TALLMAN -- An order to amend Soldiers' Memorial Commission membership requirements to remove reference to World war 2 veterans Referred to Law Dept
26. VACON -- An order to remove trees from cul-de-sac on Sequoia Drive Adopted Adopted 2-21-23 Copy to City Forester
27. ANDERSON-BURGOS -- An order to address traffic safety concerns at intersection of Linden, Anderson, and MacKenzie Referred Public Safety 5-22-23 Tabled
28. BARTLEY -- An order to install signage near 249 Huron Avenue alerting motorists to autistic person in neighborhood Adopted Adopted 2-21-23
29. BARTLEY, TALLMAN -- An order to present proclamations to Ancient Order of Hibernians award winners, Mary Kate O’Connor and Jay Whelihan Adopted Adopted 2-21-23
30. GIVNER, ALL COUNCILORS -- An order that City Forester present on department obligations and plans for addressing concerns Referred Public Safety 6-21-23 Complied with Complied with 9-5-23 Copy to City Forester, DPW, Conservation, Law Dept

City Council tabled 8-1-23

31. JOURDAIN -- An order to review lifeguard pay to assure competitiveness Referred Ordinance
32. JOURDAIN -- An order that bargaining agreements provided to City Council include changes from prior agreement and Auditor provide analysis on financial impacts Referred Ordinance 4-25-23 Tabled 5-23-23 Approved Adopted 6-6-23
33. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $2,293.90 from Firefighter to Injured on Duty Adopted Adopted 2-21-23
34. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $23,234.11 from Lieutenant, Sergeant, and Patrolmen to Injured on Duty Adopted Adopted 2-21-23
35. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $200 from Clothing Allowance to Education & Training Referred Finance 3-1-23 Approved Adopted 3-7-23
36. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept FY2023 State 911 Department Emergency Medical Dispatch Grant Program $18,375, No Match grant Referred Finance 3-1-23 Approved Adopted 3-7-23
37. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $15,000 from Pay-Sealer of Weights & Measures to In State Travel, Equipment, and Office Supplies Referred Finance 3-1-23 Approved Adopted 3-7-23
38. MCGEE, ALL COUNCILORS -- An order to present proclamation to Helen Rogers for being oldest Holyoke resident at 107 Adopted Adopted 2-21-23
D. JOURDAIN, BARTLEY -- An order requesting legal opinion on citizens serving on more than one city board or commission Referred to Law Dept





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