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The City of Holyoke, Department of Public Works, has issued a regular Winter Parking Ban to be in effect starting tomorrow Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 3:00 pm until further notice. There will be no parking on the ODD side of the street unless otherwise posted, and no parking on CUL-DE-SACS. Thank you for your cooperation.

La Ciudad de Holyoke, Departamento de Obras Públicas, está emitiendo un anuncio sobre la prohibición de estacionamiento que comenzará mañana sábado 15 de Febrero del 2025 a las 3:00 pm, y durará hasta nuevo aviso. No se permitirá estacionar en el lado IMPAR de la calle, a menos que se indique lo contrario, y tampoco se permitirá estacionar en calles sin salida. Gracias por su cooperación.

City Council Orders March 2, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
2. Mayor Morse - Communication from Providence Behavioral Health Hospital Received Received 3-2-21
3. City Clerk & Admin Asst. - City Council Minutes 2-16-21 Received Received 3-2-21
4. City Auditor - General Fund and Sewer Enterprise Budget Reports Referred Finance
5. City Auditor - Grant Fund Report Referred Finance
6. President of City Council - Residency Requirement Referred Ordinance 3-23-21 Received
7. Councilor Bartley - Puerto Rican diaspora community in Connecticut Received Received 3-2-21
8. OPED Director - reviewing updated grant procedures Received Received 3-2-21
9. Community Development - FY2021 CDBG Proposal Materials Referred DGR 3-29-21 Received
10. Memorandum of Understanding Between The Holyoke Public Schools and The Holyoke Police Department. Referred Finance 3-11-21 Approved Adopted 3-16-21
11. Neighborhood Hub Project. Referred Finance
12. Cinder McNerney - Bonding of Trucks. Referred Finance
13. EMB Natural Ventures LLC - 2020 Annual Report. Referred Ordinance
14. Sergey Troshchiy - withdrawal for a Zone Change at 405 Ingleside St. Referred Ordinance 3-9-21 Received
15. Sean R. Cronin, Sr. Deputy Commissioner of Local Services - BAN. Referred Finance Copied to Joint Committee
16. Community Outreach Meeting for a proposed Marijuana Establishment at 12 Crescent St. Referred Ordinance
17. Community Outreach Meeting for Hybrid House LLC located at 55 Jackson St. Referred Ordinance
18. Virtual Community Outreach Meeting for a Marijuana Delivery Operator at 620 Beaulieu St. Referred Ordinance
19. Mayor William C. Reichelt of Town of West Springfield - Town of West Springfield Conservation Restriction. Referred DGR 3-29-21 Received
20. Whiting Street Reservoir Committee - 2-2-21 and 2-16-21 meeting minutes minutes Referred DGR 3-29-21 Complied with Complied with 4-6-21
21. Board of Fire Commission - 1-21-21 meeting minutes Received Received 3-2-21
22. Harold and Lois Darcy - concerned citizens Referred Ordinance Copied to Building Commissioner, Engineer
23. Petition of Anthony Dominguez - non-conforming structures, other than single and two family structures for 50 Upland Rd. Referred DGR 3-29-21 Approved, with condition Adopted 4-6-21
24. Petition of Massbiology Technology LLC - Cannabis Cultivation & Manufacturing Establishment at 6 Appleton St. Referred Ordinance 4-13-21 Approved, with conditions Adopted 4-20-21
25. Petition of Green Highland LLC - new Marijuana Retail and Manufacturing Establishment at 26 Hadley Mills Rd. Referred Ordinance a. 4-13-21, b. 5-11-21 a. Continued to 5-11-21, b. Continued to 5-25-21 a. 5-25-21
b. 6-8-21
a. Continued to 6-8-21
b. Approved, with conditions
Adopted 6-15-21
Late FIle A. Holyoke Media - Expenses related to meeting interpretation Received Received 3-2-21
Late File B. Petition for pole and wire locations: G&E request for 1 40’ Class 2 pole between 340 and 346 Pleasant St Tabled Adopted 3-16-21
Late File C. Petition for pole and wire locations: G&E request for 1 40’ pole in front of 12 Pleasant St Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw w/o prejudice 3-16-21 Withdrawn to correct address and resubmit
Late File D. Petition for pole and wire locations: G&E request for 1 40’ pole in front of 20 Pleasant St Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw w/o prejudice 3-16-21 Withdrawn to correct address and resubmit
Late File E. Petition for pole and wire locations: G&E request to relocate 1 40" pole on dead end of Pleasant St Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw w/o prejudice 3-16-21 Withdrawn to correct address and resubmit
Late File F. Mayor Morse - Appointment of Katherine Jackowski to serve as Acting Treasurer Referred Public Service
Late File G. Mayor Morse - Appointment of Debra Haslam as Acting Tax Collector Referred Public Service
Late File H. Mayor Morse - Appointment of Crystal Barnes to serve as Acting City Solicitor Referred Finance 3-11-21 Received
Late File J. Conservation & Sustainability - Update on 2018 grant award detailing funds not reimbursed to the city and efforts to address the issue Referred Public Service

New Orders

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
33. MURPHY -- An order for the city to pursue rebates and grants for the purchase of electric vehicles Referred Finance a. 5-10-21
b. 6-7-21
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
1-17-24 Tabled Complied with 1-22-24 Pulled from committee 1-22-24
34. SULLIVAN -- An order to approve and ratify a PILOT agreement with Holyoke BESS, LLC for the property located across from 50 Water Street. Referred Finance 3-11-21 Approved Adopted 4-6-21 Tabled 3-16-21 to verify information
35. SULLIVAN -- An order to amend section 4.3(A)(8) and 9.3 and any other ordinance to require a special permit for residential care or rehabilitation (also known as group homes). Referred Ordinance 2-22-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 3-1-22
36. SULLIVAN -- An order for Holyoke to petition the Massachusetts General Court to enact legislation to amend the requirement for special election upon mayoral vacancy for 2021 Referred Charter & Rules 3-15-21 36, 37, 39. and 55 approved as a package. Petition to Mass General Court adopted 3-16-21
37. SULLIVAN -- Resolution for Home Rule Petition

(Text of the resolution)

Referred Charter & Rules 3-15-21 36, 37, 39. and 55 approved as a package. Petition to Mass General Court adopted 3-16-21
38. VACON -- An order for department heads to post days and hours they will be in City Hall, until normal opening resumes Adopted Adopted 3-2-21 Copied to Dept Heads, directed to post on website
39. VACON -- A reference to the city charter, section 6, which calls for a special election due to mayoral vacancy Referred Charter & Rules 3-15-21 36, 37, 39. and 55 approved as a package. Petition to Mass General Court adopted 3-16-21
40. BARTLEY -- An order for a DPW communication providing updates on road work including paving, patching, and striping Copied Public Safety 3-30-21 Complied with Complied with 4-6-21 Referred to DPW
41. BARTLEY -- An order for DPW and/or ROCA to coordinate cleanup behind Fitzpatrick Ice Rink. Copied Public Safety 3-30-21 Complied with Complied with 4-6-21 Referred to DPW
42. LISI -- An order for resident only/permit parking area in front on 45-52 Canal St. (from Center St. to North East St.) Referred Ordinance 2-22-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 3-1-22 Petition submitted 4-6-21
43. LISI -- An order for a binding referendum to consider changing City Treasurer from elected position to appointed position, combined with the Tax Collector Referred Charter & Rules 4-12-21 Tabled, referred to legal 2-23-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 3-1-22
44. MCGEE -- An order for a handicap in front of 6 Highland Ave. for Victor Goulding. Referred Ordinance 4-13-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21 Copied to Disabilities Commission
45. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate and bond  $1,216,500 to pay the costs of Department of Public Works and Fire Department vehicles Adopted Adopted 3-2-21
46. MCGIVERIN -- An order to appropriate and bond  $140,000 to pay the costs of Holyoke Police Department vehicles Referred Finance 3-11-21 Approved Adopted 3-16-21
47. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $4,186.36 from FIREFIGHTER to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 3-2-21
48. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $13,792.49 from LIEUTENANTS and PATROLMEN to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 3-2-21
49. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $70,000) from PATROLMEN to MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES and R&M MOTOR VEHICLES Adopted Adopted 3-2-21
50. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $200,000 from PATROLMEN, TRAINING, COURT, and INCENTIVE to OVERTIME Referred Finance 4-26-21 Return to Auditor Returned to Auditor 5-4-21
51. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $35,000 from PARKING CONTROL OFFICER and WASTE RECYCLE COORDINATOR to REFUSE R&M VEHICLES and PARKS R&M VEHICLES Referred Finance 3-11-21 Approved Adopted 3-16-21
52. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $815 from OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL SUPPLIES to OVERTIME Referred Finance 3-11-21 Approved Adopted 3-16-21
53. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $10,000 from REFUSE to OTHER SERVICES-TEMPORARY/SEASONAL Referred Finance 3-11-21 Approved Adopted 3-16-21
54. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $37,750 from CONTRACT FORESTRY SERVICES and SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES to SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES Referred Finance 3-11-21 Approved Referred to Auditor Replaced with corrected order 3-16-21
55. MCGIVERIN -- An order for Holyoke to petition the Massachusetts General Court to enact legislation to amend the requirement for special election upon mayoral vacancy for 2021 Referred Charter & Rules 3-15-21 36, 37, 39. and 55 approved as a package. Petition to Mass General Court adopted 3-16-21
56. MCGIVERIN -- An order to authorize appropriation of $3,825 from COMPUTER SYSTEMS Department's SYSTEMS-SOFTWARE LICENSE/USAGE FEES for services rendered in FY '20. Referred Finance 3-11-21 Approved Adopted 3-16-21
57. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $11,750 from HIGHWAYS & BRIDGES DEMO WORKER to AUTO EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE OVERTIME Referred Finance 3-11-21 Approved Adopted 3-16-21
Late File K. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,957 from SPECIAL COUNSEL to CITY SOLICITOR Referred Finance 3-11-21 Referred back w/o recommendation Adopted 4-6-21 Tabled 3-16-21
Late File L. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,196 from SPECIAL COUNSEL to CITY SOLICITOR Referred Finance 3-11-21 Referred back w/o recommendation Adopted 4-6-21 Tabled 3-16-21
Late File M. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,733 from SPECIAL COUNSEL to CITY SOLICITOR Referred Finance 3-11-21 Referred back w/o recommendation Adopted 3-16-21
Late File N. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $4,682 from HIGHWAY 7 BRIDGES DEMO WORKER to ENGINEERING VACATION BUYBACK and REFUSE/RECYCLING LONGEVITY Referred Finance 3-11-21 Approved Adopted 3-16-21
Late File O. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $19,755 from ASSISTANT SOLICITOR to CITY SOLICITOR Referred Finance 3-11-21 Approved Adopted 3-16-21
Late File P. An order to invite Jim Welch in to discuss Providence Behavioral Health Hospital Referred DGR 3-29-21 Complied with Complied with 4-6-21
Late File Q. MCGEE, LISI -- An order to review residency requirements of city personnel Referred Ordinance 3-23-21 Approved Adopted 4-6-21
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